5. Carnage:

A Spider-Man villain never seen before on the big screen, even though he was teased in the Venom movie last year, having this serial killer in the M.C.U could make the stakes insanely high considering how violent Carnage always is. I would probably want to see a new version of the character and seeing whoever that would be in the M.C.U going up with Spider-Man, who may have to team up with Venom to stop him, opens the door to seeing a lot of awesome moments in live action.
4. Kingpin:

While Kingpin is established in the M.C.U already in the Netflix Daredevil show, I think now is the perfect time for the Netflix heroes to enter the movies after all this time. Now that all the Netflix shows have been cancelled, they could still live on in the movies and everything about that idea alone is amazing. And seeing Tom Holland's Spider-Man going up against Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin could make for one interesting contrast. Especially if we see him team up with Daredevil to take him down again.
3. Kraven:
Probably the most likely Spider-Man villain who's gonna be in the next movie due to rumors and even Jon Watts himself saying he wants Kraven to be the next villain, this could have a lot of potential to it. Now that Peter's secret is out, it seems most likely that someone will want to hire Kraven to kill him and he begins to but as Spider-Man keeps winning in fights against him, he could become more desperate and wants to try even harder to kill him. As I said in my Far From Home review, I think that if they got Hugh Jackman for the role, it would be a perfect fit. Especially if they take inspiration from the Kraven's Last Hunt story.
2. Venom:

Coming in close to number 1 is the Lethal Protector. While Sony may already have their own version of Venom in their Marvel universe, I think we'd all want to forget about that movie last year. But having this character finally join the M.C.U could make the Spider-Man films slightly more brutal and take an interesting turn. Especially considering Marvel could finally give Venom the live action treatment done right that he deserves. Venom has been around for years and has been one of the greatest Spider-Man villains ever created, especially having unique powers. Not just a lot of Spider-Man's powers, but also some of his own as well as the fact that he would already know who Spider-Man is. I know that now everyone knows who Spider-Man is after Mysterio revealed it in Far From Home, but Venom knowing it in particular, especially in a live action movie in the M.C.U could make him all the more threatening.
And the number 1 Spider-Man villain I want to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is... The Green Goblin:
And finally at number 1 is Norman Osborn's deranged and psychopathic Green Goblin. Easily Spider-Man's most famous villain, I think having this classic Spidey villain in the M.C.U could finally make him more comic accurate than he's ever been. Yes, he may have been done right in the 2002 Spider-Man films, but I think he could be more accurate here with technology at his disposal. And they might finally be able to give him a comic accurate look with using C.G.I for the mask. As for who I would imagine to play him, I'm not really sure, but seeing a great actor bring this villain to the M.C.U and fighting Spider-Man just makes me really giddy. Who knows, they may even get Willem Dafoe to come back. He was perfect in the original trilogy and they did get J.K Simmons to come back as J. Jonah Jameson, so it's not entirely impossible. I'd really love to see him again. But even if they can't get him back, just seeing some other actor to bring this guy to the big screen in the M.C.U would be really awesome. And all that is why the Green Goblin is the number 1 Spider-Man villain I want to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And so, everyone those are my picks for the 5 Spider-Man villains I want to see in the M.C.U. Thank you all for reading, please comment down below to tell me what you think or tell me what villain you want to see.