So, along with me starting One-Punch Man a few weeks ago, I decided to do this painting entry for some of the characters. I didn't do a whole bunch of characters, just the ones I felt were right. And I'm pretty happy with the way a lot of these turned out. And, yeah, if you saw my review for the first season of the anime recently, you know my overall thoughts on it and I would really like to see a lot more. And so, here they are and I hope you all like these.
Silver Fang:
Mumen Rider:
So, along with completing all of Avatar: The Last Airbender last October, I also finished its sequel series, The Legend Of Korra just a couple of weeks ago. I'd heard different things about the series before I started. A few months ago, I heard my brother listening to a review of it on YouTube and the guy said he didn't like it but some of the YouTubers I watched said they liked and enjoyed it. So, I was definitely excited to see it and I was curious to know what it was about. I knew the basic premise. It was the next generation of the Avatar with the next reincarnation, but that's it. I didn't know anything else outside of that. So, I actually watched the whole series on the DVDs that my brother had and I watched the whole thing within about ten days. And, as a whole, I think I actually enjoyed the series a bit more than some people. I really, really liked a lot about the series and there were some aspects about it I absolutely loved. That being said, it's not perfect and it's nowhere near as good as Last Airbender, but I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed this. All right, so, like I said, the series is about the next Avatar after Aang, a girl from the Water Tribe named Korra. She's already mastered Waterbending, Firebending and Earthbending, but is now going off to learn Airbending. And she's hoping to learn it from Tenzin, Aang's son. So, she heads to a place called "Republic City", a place that Aang and Zuko created for benders and nonbenders. And, while there, she comes across new characters like two brothers, Mako and Bolin along with another friend, Asami. She even meets Lin Beifong, Toph's daughter. And from there, a lot happens. So, I guess I'll get the negatives from the beginning out of the way. First off, the show didn't open as amazingly as Last Airbender did. I know it's probably unfair to compare this to the Last Airbender, but given how this is a sequel series from that show and given how amazing and popular it is, I figured I might as well. And so, the first few episodes can sorta feel like some parts go on a bit too long and some characters makes some questionable decisions. It also felt like some characters were mostly just complaining a lot and that got really repetitive. I get that it helps make these characters more unique and they don't want them to be a repeat of the characters from the last series and show that this is a new generation, but, at times, their attitudes just didn't sit well with me. I was still enjoying everything and I was still liking the characters, I just didn't like everything that was happening and everything they were doing. But, thankfully, that got out of the way really quickly and got a lot of really amazing moments after that. And we got some really amazing villains. One of the best villains of the whole Avatar franchise is actually the main villain of Book 1, Amon. A masked guy with the ability to take people's bending away, just like what Aang did to Ozai at the end of the Last Airbender. Not only was he cool, but also very interesting when we hear about his backstory with his brother and father. Speaking of his brother, it's exactly like what I was saying for the last series, the fact that this show still continues to have some really hateable and detestable characters. And Amon's brother, Tarrlok, is one of those. Though he does get somewhat redeemed towards the end. I will say, his redemption does feel a tiny bit forced, but I was really happy when it happened anyway. And Amon was a really cool villain, not only with having the mask on for almost the whole time he was on screen, but his power of taking away a person's bending was pretty chilling, especially when we saw him take away Lin's bending. And I was really surprised when Amon died. I thought he was gonna stick around for a while, but, no, Tarrlok kills him and himself in the last episode of Book 1. But not before Amon took away Korra's other bending. Just as she fought Amon, she was learning Airbending and just as she fought him, she finally got the hang of it. But all the rest were taken from her. But then, and this comes to another point, one of the best things about this show is when the characters from the last series appear in this. We have Katara who was in the Water Tribe who's known Korra for a long time, but we also see Aang. Not just in flashbacks, but also with Korra seeing him due to her being the Avatar herself.
And all of Book 1 had a lot of moments that I really loved. I really liked Korra's dynamic with Mako, Bolin and Asami and I liked seeing them together. Seeing them become the new Team Avatar was great. I will say though, the one character I didn't like that much was Bolin. He wasn't bad, but he's clearly supposed to be the comic relief of the show and, I didn't really find a lot of his scenes funny. He was mostly just some idiot with some annoying scenes. He does get some really good moments here and there, but, overall, he was probably the main character I enjoyed the least. That being said, I still enjoyed his interactions with others and I liked the whole thing with him, Korra and Mako with Korra having a crush on Mako despite him being in a relationship with Asami. I know it's weird and some people don't like that part, but, and I don't know why, but I enjoyed it. And, something else I really love in this series is the voice acting. The voices here are so perfect and spot on that I can't imagine any other voices for these characters. I'd say my favourite is Janet Varney as Korra herself. I'd say a good part of why I like Korra so much is due to her design and Janet's performance. And obviously how she's written, but the performance is so good in my opinion. I also really liked Tenzin's kids, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo. They get more time to shine in later seasons, but they're all really good and really funny. I'd say my favourite is Jinora. She's really likeable and gets a lot of really great moments in later seasons and is the most interesting of the three. But, yeah, overall, a lot of Book One, I really liked. Then, moving onto Book Two, this season was apparently one that people really disliked according to my brother. But, again, I really enjoyed it. Although, it did prove something to me that I was thinking in the last one and that is that the show never really surprised me that much. I mean, some things definitely did, but, whenever the show tried to have some big plot twist or something like that, it was always really predictable. Especially whenever it came to a villain reveal. They tried that in Book Two and none of it was surprising. I obviously didn't know the story behind the villain, but in terms of when it was revealed, it didn't surprise me. Anyway, with Book Two, we get a lot of different information about the world. For one thing, we're introduced to Unalaq, Korra's uncle. And he presents a different kinda bending with being able to stop bad spirits, which is something else in this franchise. There being spirits and there being a Spirit World. I liked the concept of that and Book Two did a lot of cool things with that. And this introduces a kinda bending to control the spirits, which is what Unalaq is able to do. But then, it's revealed that he's the villain and even betrayed his own brother, Korra's dad and did everything he could to disgrace him. And he even has a plan that involves Korra and her Avatar power. This is also the first season where it puts more focus on Jinora, Ikki and Meelo, especially Jinora, which I loved. I like these characters and it was fun to watch them get more time on screen. And we even get a really fun character, Varrick. He's this business guy who's working with Asami who's kinda annoying but he does also have some of the funniest lines in the show. Anyway, Book Two is also where we learn the origin of the Avatar. We learn that the first Avatar was a guy named Wan who began to learn all the elements along side the spirit of good, Raava, who was in conflict with the spirit of evil, Vatuu. And it was interesting to learn that. And we learn that Unalaq's plan was to merge with Vatuu just like how Raava was fused with every Avatar, and, when Unalaq and Vaatu merged, they became the Dark Avatar, which was really cool and showed again the example of this show having really hateable villains. And then there's a big fight with Unalaq becoming huge and with so much power and he begins to attack Republic City but then Korra does the same with Raava. And the whole fight with them being huge with their powers and glowing with colours reminded me a lot of the final fight between Naruto and Sasuke. And it was awesome. Though I was surprised when Unalaq didn't survive. I was expecting him to still be alive and thrown in jail, but, no. He just dies then and there. And Korra then decides to leave the portal to the Spirit World open believing it's best. And then Book Two ends with that. And, I'm not gonna lie, a part of me wishes the whole series ended there because we got a lot of answers to different things like finding out how the Avatar began and the world was open to the Spirit World. But the rest of me is happy that it didn't because we got more afterwards that was pretty tense. We then get Book Three where more Airbenders are appearing due to Harmonic Convergence and everyone thinks they should begin to rebuild the Air nation. And we get a lot of really great moments and some more really hateable characters like the queen of the Earth Kingdom. And we get more of Jinora with this boy named Kai who's one of the people who's gotten Airbending. And I like their scenes and I liked how we got more of Jinora with the Spirit World because we get to see her able to go to the Spirit World, especially one part in particular where she goes with Korra. Speaking of which, we even see Iroh back. He's in the Spirit World and he and Korra know each other and I liked their scenes together. It was touching, it was sweet and they were really good together. And we got another new villain, the Red Lotus, which is supposed to be like the White Lotus, except, this time, they're villains who're trying to destroy the Avatar Cycle forever, the head of the group being Zaheer. We even get Zuko back and he's still awesome. We even see him and his son, who he also named Iroh. And so, the whole thing with Zaheer and Korra was cool because, he's not as hateable as the other villains in the series but he still does a huge amount of damage to the heroes. He even comes close to killing Korra, and, while he doesn't, he does manage to cripple her and render her completely emotionally destroyed. We even hear more about Lin here where we see her sister, Su. I think most people don't like Su, but I did and, while you can definitely see why Lin doesn't get along with her, but I did like her. And, I was also surprised by this too because I thought Su was gonna be a villain, but she isn't, which pleasantly surprised me. And we get a really cool fight with all of them against the Red Lotus. But the season ends with Korra feeling completely defeated and the Air Nation being rebuilt. And, finally, we get to the final one, Book Four, which I must say, has probably the most hateable and detestable villain I've seen in a long time, but I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, this season opens up with the rest of the world being protected by a new government but it's also taking over the places it rescues. All under the demands of its leader, Kuvira. This is the character I just mentioned. All the things she does in this season are some of the most despicable things I've seen a villain do and say in ages. I haven't hated a character this much in a long time. Anyway, she's trying to take control of everything and believes the Earth Kingdom is supreme. Her, along with her almost as hateable husband, Baatar Jr, are trying to rule over everything and have the whole world submit due to subjugation. And her specialty is Metalbending, the bending that Toph invented. Speaking of, we even see Toph here and she's still awesome and hilarious.
And we watch Korra have to deal with a lot here, not only with the weight of everything that's happening, but she's also experiencing P.T.S.D and is dealing with depression because of what happened at the end of the last season. And I liked that, it felt new to see for a cartoon character, for me at least. And we even see her going to Zaheer in jail and he even helps her overcome her P.T.S.D. And there's a long plot with everyone just trying to stop Kuvira and trying to take her down because, not only is she a powerful Metalbender, but she also has a huge colossus robot that can fire a powerful canon. And she's kinda terrifying in that sense. I wasn't scared of her, but I can imagine other people being scared of what she's doing with her merciless and cold-hearted nature. I will say, I feel like this story goes on for a little bit too long. I never found it boring, but I felt like a bit of it was dragging for a bit too long. But there were a lot of great moments. I'd say the best part was the final fight with Korra and Kuvira. That whole action scene inside the colossus was awesome. And, yeah, the series then ends with Kuvira getting arrested after she admits defeat and regrets everything she's done and we see them having a celebration in Republic City. And then we actually see Korra and Asami getting together, which was nice because I like their interactions and just the two of them together. And, yeah, overall, from beginning to end, there was almost nothing I disliked, there are definitely problems with the series and it's nowhere near as good as Last Airbender, but, like I said, I'm genuinely surprised by how much I really liked the series. In fact, I loved it. There was just something about watching these characters and watching this series play out that just made me love the series. I'd say I definitely liked the series a bit more than most people and I honestly can't wait to watch it again. And, everything that was great in Last Airbender on the technical side of things is still amazing here. The animation is still some of the best American made animation I've ever seen and the fact that it's an American creation is still super cool to me. Also, and this is something I didn't expect, but I really love the music. Especially the end credits theme.
And, yeah, overall, I don't entirely know why exactly, but I absolutely loved the series and I'm so glad I watched it. And so, yeah, everyone, that's my review for The Legend Of Korra. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
All right, so now that I'm done with my new anime reviews, I decided to do reviews for Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend Of Korra. I always like Avatar in the pieces I saw of it when I was younger, but it wasn't until October of last year that I decided I wanted to really get into it, so I found that the whole series was on Netflix and I watched all three seasons. And, I'm so glad I did because it made me respect the series a lot more than I remembered. My brother has been a fan of the series for so long and a whole lot longer than me, but I remember liking the parts I saw when I was younger quite a bit. But a few months ago, I watched the whole series from beginning to end. Like I said in my paintings post of some of the characters, one of the things I love most about it is that it's American made, but it's supposed to be like an anime. You can tell from the look of the animation and the storytelling that it's clearly taking inspiration from anime but it's not and it's all American made, which is something I really love about it. And not just from America, but Nickelodeon of all places, which is awesome. All right, so the story is based in this world where there are these four nations are based on the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. And there's a power that people can learn called "Bending", where people can control any of those elements as well. However, the world is currently at war with the Fire Nation who are trying to take control of the whole world. And, one day, a girl and boy from the Water tribe, Katara and Sokka, are out and find a boy named Aang who's the Avatar, the person who can master all four elements and can bring peace to the world. The problem is that Aang is a kid who's been inside ice for a hundred years and now is the only airbender left in the whole world. So it's now up to the three of them to get Aang to master all the elements and stop the Fire Nation, all while being hunted by the Fire Nation, especially Zuko, the prince of the Fire Nation hoping to capture Aang and bring him back to his father to regain his honour. So, like everyone else, what I love the most about the show is its story and characters and the way the story is told. For one, there's a lot of backstory behind the plot with the whole world being plunged in a hundred year war along with Aang being a person who was missing all that time because of him running away. As well as backstories for all these other characters as well. And the world and teachings of everything about it is also really fascinating. And the progression of the story as we're going with these character is a lot of fun. Not just because the characters themselves are a lot of fun, but the journey itself and exploring the world is all great to see. Something else I'm honestly surprised to be in this is that it does show some pretty scary things about war and all those things. Not as much as anime like Fullmetal Alchemist or something, obviously with it being aimed at kids and being made by Nickelodeon, but it still does that really well. The animation is also some of the best American made animation I've ever seen with it clearly taking inspiration from Japanese animation and the story is really well paced and well structured that I'm never bored when watching it. As I said before, Aang is my favourite character because of how likeable he is and how much fun he is as well as having a fun and happy personality but still being mature and responsible when he needs to be. But the rest like Zuko, Sokka, Katara and Toph are all amazing characters too. The voice acting is also all perfect. Zach Tyler as Aang, Dante Basco as Zuko, Jack De Sena as Sokka, Mae Whitman as Katara. All of them and all the rest are amazing. And either Sokka or Toph are the funniest character for me. Plus, not only are the characters fun and likeable, but they're also interesting and feel like real people, and I really have to commend the writers for doing an amazing job with each of them. And while some of these characters may seem familiar to other characters like Zuko being a bit like Vegeta, all of them are done so well that they feel like their own creations and they're so well written and interesting in their own right that you don't notice because you're so interested in them. So much so that when character moments do happen, like Zuko joining Team Avatar, it feels so satisfying and epic in its own way and it's amazing to watch his interactions with the other characters afterwards too. You also feel sorry for a lot of these characters. Like when Aang finds out about the other Airbenders or when we learn about his and Zuko's pasts or with Katara and Sokka with their parents or with Iroh and when we find out about his son. And it's interesting to find out the ways of the world too like how we watch the characters learn how to do different bending. It's cool and fun and interesting to hear it. It's made even cooler when we even see new bending being introduced like when Toph invented Metal Bending. I also love how even though this is technically a kid's show, it's still got things that adults could respect just as much and does its adult messages in a way that kids could understand and think about. I love it when shows like this treats kids like they're smart and feels like they could take something out of all this. And the backstories of each thing is interesting to watch like how the war began or how the cycle of the Avatar works and all that. I was surprised and fascinated to watch all of this and know how this world functions. And, along with other similarities this shares with anime, it does have some really hateable villains. The most obvious is Azula, but there's others as well like Long Feng and a lot of the others from the Fire Nation. And I like the different story turning points. Yes, there're episodes that might feel episodic like every TV show, but, like the best anime as well, the best parts come from when the characters discover new things and they gain more knowledge that could help them or that changes the story is some way. I think the best example is after Book 2 when we go into Book 3 after it looks like Azula killed Aang and the Fire Nation have taken the Earth Kingdom. The action scenes are also just amazing. They actually had real people perform moves so they could model the characters when they do bending and it really helps this a lot. A lot of them are really creative, cool and enjoyable to watch. I'd say my favourite is Aang's final fight against Ozai. Not only is it the fight that the whole series was building up to since the beginning, but it also delivered with it being really fun to watch and having some amazing moments.
And, speaking of Ozai, he wasn't seen at all for the longest time. Before we first saw him, he was being built up so much that he was felt as a true threat by just hearing about him. And, when it came time for us to finally see him, he didn't disappoint. The show also does an amazing job with connecting these storylines so well that when there's a big and epic moment, it feels earned and really satisfying. A lot of these moments are when characters from different parts of the series meet each other or when we see that some already knew each other. The interactions with the characters is also a good example of that. I especially love Bumi's interactions with most of the others. He's really funny and has a lot of great moments. Him along with the other members of the White Lotus are also cool to watch towards the end. Now, I feel like it's impossible to talk about this show without talking about its one infamous element and that's the "Great Divide" episode. This has been talked about so much because of how bad it is with the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with the story and is just watching a whole bunch of people arguing for about twenty minutes. Yeah, that's all that episode is about until the end. I mean, this episode was hated so much that the creators made fun of it later on. But aside from that, the rest of the episodes all have some amazing aspect to them. I would also say that another big similarity this show has with anime is having a transformation for its protagonist. That being the Avatar State when Aang gains huge power and control over the elements, but while mainly being shown during angry moments and when in extreme sorrow and pain. But then his use of it in the final fight with Ozai shows how much he can do with it. And really, there's just so much in this show that proves that this story was being handled by capable and genius TV show creators and writers. And the series as a whole has been talked about so much and has so many fans that I'm so glad that I got into it properly last year. Again, I know I've said it a lot, but I love how this was made by Nickelodeon and is an American property that's clearly inspired by anime. Along with SpongeBob Squarepants, this is probably my favourite Nickelodeon TV show. Though, unlike SpongeBob, this series actually knew when to stop. I mean, I love SpongeBob, I really do, but this series is pretty much almost perfect from beginning to end and is exactly what a TV show should be. And yeah, in all honesty, this series just has everything that makes a TV show amazing and perfect to watch. I don't think I even need to tell ya to go see this. You either already have or this has given you the idea to already. But, yeah, I'm so glad I watched the full series when I did and became a bigger fan. I love this series so much and it's amazing. And so, yeah, that's my review of Avatar: The Last Airbender. And so, everyone, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
So, the other day, we got a Kingdom Hearts trailer for some new stuff that'll be released soon. And, today, we were shown the same trailer, but with English subtitles, so it's not just all in Japanese and it looks cool. It looks like Kairi has heard about the Master Of Masters and thinks he's responsible for all the stuff that's been happening. And, from the sound of it, that person we saw might have been her. The person from that point of view shot. That's what I was thinking of already, but I think it's more likely now. And I like what we're seeing from the others like that Melody Of Memory thing or what we'll be seeing in Dark Road in a few days. It all just looks cool and so, here's the trailer and I hope you all like this.
And so, everyone, we've come to the last of these anime reviews for this series of mine, The Seven Deadly Sins. Like Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter and My Hero Academia, I just got into this last year. I knew the whole thing was on Netflix with it being a Netflix original series and I wasn't all that curious to see it until June of last year and so I started watching it. And, as I said in my paintings of the characters entry, the story was so good that I felt it had some of the best writing I had seen in an anime in a long while. And the amount of episodes that're on Netflix right now definitely show that. The manga itself just finished this year a few months ago. And the creator, Nakaba Suzuki, has been doing the story since 2012 and the whole thing ended in March with 41 volumes. I haven't seen the ending, but, before we get to that, let's go over the rest. So, in a fantasy world, we have these knights called the Seven Deadly Sins who were wrongfully accused of a crime many years ago and a kingdom ruled by evil knights called the Holy Knights. One day, the princess of the kingdom, Elizabeth, is out to look for the Seven Deadly Sins to help stop them because she knows it's more than likely that they were framed. She comes across the leader of the group, Meliodas, and the two of them begin to search for the rest of the Sins, along with Meliodas's talking pig, Hawk. So, what I think I immediately liked a lot about the series when I started was the setup for it seemed really interesting and the execution of the whole story is really fascinating. The series is also really funny, easily one of the funniest anime I've seen in a long time. And I like the general story with going on a search with these guys to find the other Sins. It's fun to follow these characters. Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk are all likeable, funny and unique with how they're written. And Meliodas is one of funniest anime protagonists I've ever seen. And I like it when they reunite with the other Sins, especially Ban, who's tied with Meliodas with who my favourite character in the series is. They're both hilarious and I love it when they meet up again. Watch.
And I like most of of the other Sins too. Diane, King, Merlin. Not only do they each have something about them that's funny, but they're also so likeable. Anyway, I like the comradery they all have and the way the story continues from that point onward. And once the fight on the kingdom begins, it gets really awesome and really interesting. We get introduced to new characters, we get introduced to demons here and we learn more about the Sins themselves. And I love the way the story keeps going in the kingdom story and we're introduced to new villains like possessed Hendrickson and Dreyfus. And I love the way a lot of story pieces connect together and the way it keeps going like with the explanation when Meliodas saves Elizabeth and her dad. And we get a really awesome action scene with a lot of the characters against Hendrickson. The whole story leading up to that was really great and the buildup was totally worth it. I liked the stuff with the search for the Sins and then the festival was really fun. And then when we get to the kingdom, it's a blast to watch the whole story unfold. Something else the series does well is have some characters be bad and unlikable one moment and then making them really likeable the next. I think a good example is Gilthunder, Hendrickson and Dreyfus. Once they join the heroes, they become incredibly likeable. And I like everything in the first season a lot, some of the best anime writing I've seen in a long time. And it does have some surprising moments as well. Not only with the turns the story takes, but it even has surprises and stakes in the action scenes. Speaking of those action scenes, if you've heard anything about this series before, then you might have heard just how over the top they are. There's not a single bit of subtlety in these fights. And I mean that in a good way, these characters are insanely powerful and have devastating strength. Most of the time, they'll do a simple attack and they'll have so much power behind it. And, basically, the first part of the series is amazing in my opinion and I love a lot of things about it. And then, when we get to the next season, well the next part after that is just some filler, but when we get back into the real story again, it's all really good again, The Revival Of The Ten Commandments. For starters, it starts with the Sins being celebrated for saving the capital and we get introduced to a lot like how the broken sword Meliodas has had with him is actually a key that holds back a whole bunch of demons called the Ten Commandments, which is what he is too. He's also a demon, but one who's good and opposes the Commandments, while also having a bit of a dark side to him. Not only does he have a very traumatic past, but he's also got a power inside him that could obliterate a huge scale really quickly. And I like some of the relationships here. Obviously, there's the friendship they all form, but also some of the actual relationships were nice like Meliodas and Elizabeth. Anyway, I like the way the story is told in Season 2 with the with Ban, Jericho and King going to the Fairy Kingdom, Meliodas and the others going to druids to get stronger to fight the Ten Commandments and then all of them meeting during the Great Fight Festival. But then, rather than all of them fighting the Commandments there, Meliodas begins to fight them himself while the others watch and he gets destroyed. His arm is cut off, he's forced to wield his sword in his mouth, he's almost killed until Ban comes in and so on. But then, he really is killed when Estarossa begins to destroy his hearts. And this part is pretty violent with Estarossa just stabbing swords through his body and destroying his hearts one by one and eventually being able to kill Meliodas. But then it's revealed that his father is a bad guy inside him who's hoping to take over Meliodas's body so he brings him back to life, but it also makes Meliodas uncontrollably more violent. And the rest of the season is really great too. I like the story with Diane going back to the land of giants and we discover her past as well. And all that stuff in the first two seasons were amazing in my opinion. Fantastic writing, character progression, setting and setup. And that's all that's available on Netflix at the moment. However, after that, we get into a super infamous part of the series. The most recent season which has been talked so many times and that's the fact that it's really bad due to horrible animation. And, yeah, I haven't seen the full season, but I've seen bits from it, especially the Meliodas and Escanor fight, and it looks horrendously terrible. I was told that they might reanimate the season, which I'm hoping for and I'm hoping it'll be dubbed and released on Netflix soon because the first two seasons were so good with amazing animation that I would hate to just leave it where it is. So, yeah, that aspect to the series is very damaging to the entire show, but, like I said, I would love to see it reanimated and enjoy the whole season properly. Plus, those first two seasons were so good that I can't help but recommend them at least. And, even if you don't want to because of the new episodes, you can still read the manga, which is useful since it just finished this year as I said. I know it hasn't been translated yet, but still. And everything before those new episodes was all fantastic and I was loving so much of it. So yeah, it's kinda hard to necessarily say you should watch the whole season, but watch whatever you think is best for the series. And I am excited to at least get the manga and see what happens in it. And so, yeah, everyone, that's my review of the Seven Deadly Sins. And, not only that, but this is also my last of my new anime reviews series. I had a great time talking about all of these and I might do another series of anime reviews in the future when I watch more like more of Hunter X Hunter and Black Clover and so on. But, for now, this is the end of these new anime reviews. And so, yeah, everyone, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
So, out of all the animes I've watched, this is the most recent that I've started. The One-Punch Man manga is something that's been going since 2012 and one that I wasn't really interested in, especially after my brother said he didn't think it was all that great. But, recently, I got so interested in wanting to see it, especially given other people's thoughts on it and it was all the more helpful because the full first season is on Netflix right now, so almost two weeks ago, I watched the full first season on Netflix in just one day, and I'm really glad I did because it was great. I knew most of the series was comedy and I had already seen some clips of it on YouTube that made me laugh, and so, watching the whole thing from start to finish made the experience all the more enjoyable. And I already knew the basic premise of how it's about a bald guy named Saitama who has the strength to obliterate anything with a single punch, hence, the title of the series. And so, yeah, that right there is the basic plot. It's kinda like My Hero Academia, in the sense that this is a world where some people are heroes and they mostly stop monsters or aliens from other planets or who are being created by people there. But, the protagonist, Saitama, is presented as a bored guy due to not having much of a challenge with him being so strong that he can end a fight in a second. So he just kinda goes from day to day living his life and occasionally stops some monster threatening everyone but he treats it like nothing because he knows it's not a problem to him. And we get introduced to a lot of characters from that point onward, like his cyborg apprentice, Genos, and a bunch of the other heroes like Sonic, Mumen Rider, Silver Fang and so on. So what I really like about this series is, not only the great comedy, but also how it somehow doesn't have that much going on for the most part, but it still makes it really entertaining watching these characters going back and forth. I mean, there is definitely a lot of crazy stuff going on, but it's more watching the characters talking about a lot of comedy. And even discussing the different situations, which I found really fun. I gotta admit, I honestly thought most of the series, while I knew it was gonna have a lot of crazy action scenes and have Saitama do his signature punches, I almost kinda thought from seeing some of the stuff briefly in the manga, that it was gonna be mostly a lot of talks from the government and things like that. And I'm glad to say that I was really surprised. As I said, I wasn't that interested with the series for a while, but it gets a whole lot better as the series continues. We even get a whole journey early on. And what I mean is that we get a whole episode dedicated to Saitama and Genos going to some big villain's castle and trying to stop him in the first couple of episodes. Normally, we'd get to a story like that in an anime later on and it was really fun. I liked the crazy idea of the guy they're trying to stop being someone who cloned himself and was someone who creates huge monsters, but then it concludes with a really funny bit with Saitama remembering some deal at a supermarket and then he and Genos finish it quickly and run off to it. I know, it's nuts but it totally works and is really funny. Also, given how the story is presented and written, it's able to get away with being satisfying and cool when some characters meet and reappear again. For example, during the last few episodes, some characters from earlier on return and it was cool to see them again. I also like Saitama and Genos as characters and their interactions. Saitama just being a very simple and straight to the point and oblivious guy with sounding really bored all the time and Genos being super interested in him and wanting to prove himself while also wanting to do well in his life. The dub is also really impressive here, I think I especially need to give credit to Max Mittelmen for doing really well as Saitama, cause he's intentionally having to sound really bored a lot of the time while still having to be really entertaining and he does that so well. The rest of the dub is really good too. I was even expecting some characters to be like some other anime characters out there like taking credit because of someone else or being ungrateful to the point where it's frustrating. And while there is something like that here, for the most part, the characters are done well enough to still feel unique. And, towards the end, the series gets really crazy. I mean, I know anime can get really insane with what they're doing, but the first season's ending is just crazy overload. But not to the point where it feels out of place or mindless nonsense or anything like that. It also has some really amazing animation as well. Some really gorgeous animation in every episode and it's a really nice show to look at despite a lot of the gruesome stuff. That being said, I'm obviously just talking about Season 1 because that's the one I saw because it's the only one on Netflix. I'm pretty sure Season 2 has been dubbed but it's not there yet. I hoping it will be. Although, I do know a lot of people didn't like Season 2 because most people are disappointed in the animation quality. I haven't seen any of those moments yet, thought if I started watching it, I'm sure I would. But I still do want to see it and it would be cool to see what came after Boros. With that all out of the way now, the first season of the show is still really good and has some really laugh out moments, especially one scene involving Saitama and a mole creature. I won't spoil it, but it's really hilarious. And the whole rest of the season is fun to watch too. The different things we see them do in each episode and seeing how Saitama just goes from one thing to another on a daily basis is a lot of fun and the fact that they keep acting like something big is coming and is really threatening until Saitama comes in and punches them is something that some people might find boring, but it's just consistently entertaining. But the rest of the characters are also really funny and have some really great moments too. I also like how this is very different kinda Shonen series with it having a protagonist who's not a lively and optimistic guy, not having him care about getting stronger and not following the story in the same way a lot of others do arcs. The mangas are also really nice to look at too, the artwork in the manga and the cover art done by Yusuke Murata is amazing and they definitely have some of the best cover art I've ever seen for a manga. And, yeah, really guys, the series is just a lot of fun to watch from start ti finish if we're talking about the first season of the anime, and the entirety of the manga. I just ordered the first volume of it the other day and I can't wait for it to arrive. And, yeah, really, if you're into fun anime with lots of comedy and fun characters, I would highly recommend watching this. If you've got Netflix, I would definitely say you should check this out. And so, yeah, everyone, that's my review for One-Punch Man. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
So, the other day, we were shown images of new characters that are gonna be introduced for Kingdom Hearts Union X Dark Road, which is gonna be an iPhone game like Union X is. And, apparently, it's gonna be a prequel game like Birth By Sleep was. But this one will go even further back to when Eraqus and Xehanort were kids and when they were Keyblade wielders in training, like when we saw them in Kingdom Hearts 3. And so, the other day, we were shown a photo we saw before but with the two of them and more characters. And I thought it would be cool to give my thoughts on these, especially after hearing some other people's opinions too. So, the new characters are gonna be called Bragi, Vor, Urd and Hermod.
So, for one, they certainly look cool and they're clearly other Keyblade wielders in training with them. And, I'm curious to know exactly who they are and what happened to them after all these years. Also, I want to know what the relationship between all of them is. Like, how did they all properly get there and were all of them a team and why are Eraqus and Xehanort the ones between all of them we've ever only heard of? First off, some people have thought that the Vor girl is Kairi's grandmother, but I doubt that because I have a feeling she's slightly older than the two of them and wouldn't be a Keyblade wielder to begin with. I admit, it would be cool if that were the case, but I doubt that's it anyway. And, in terms of the others, I'm not too sure how to think about them, but I feel like all of them were friends but then something happened that may have caused some kinda drift between all of them, a bit like the Masters in Union X. And so, that kinda story, while it may seem familiar, I imagine could be done well here. I mean, yeah, I would like to see something different like maybe all of them just decided to go their separate ways in the end due to something else, but there's still no guarantee for any of that yet. But even still, the direct they take these characters could be cool and I do want to see what they're all like. Like maybe one's a bit of jerk who thinks he's superior or one is more friendly and wants to help out more. And maybe Vor could have a crush on either Eraqus or Xehanort and we find out something happened to tear that apart. I don't know, but, whatever they do with them could turn out to be really cool and I'm excited to know who they are and see them added to the list of more Kingdom Hearts characters. And so, yeah, that may not have been as well detailed as other Kingdom Hearts posts, but I don't think I can talk about these characters properly without more info. I just wanted to give out my thoughts since a lot of people already have. And so, yeah, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
So, now we get into, what I imagine will be the longest with these anime reviews of mine, One Piece. I know I've spoken about One Piece a ton of times on this already, but I think this is the perfect chance for me to talk about all my thoughts more in-depth. So, I don't think I need to explain just how popular the whole series of One Piece actually is. Ever since the manga started back in 1997, it's been one of the most popular manga series of all time. Eiichiro Oda has been doing this story for over twenty years and his art is even better than when it began. I myself got into the series two years ago. I had heard about how popular it was for so long and I really wanted to check it out. So, in January of 2018, I got the first DVD for it and I immediately became interested. And as I got more DVDs and watched the rest, I began to understand exactly why the series was so popular and I became a fan of it really quickly. I even began to pick up the manga volumes as well. And so, let's go over a quick synopsis of the story. So, the series is set in a fictionalised version of Earth where pirate crews are basically everywhere and with a super corrupt government. There's also these things called Devil Fruits that can give a person some power if they eat them but at the cost losing their ability to swim for the rest of their lives. And, on an island in East Blue, there's a boy named Monkey D. Luffy who dreams to become the King Of The Pirates. He then begins to set off on a journey to find a crew and do that. The only way anyone can become the King Of The Pirates is by finding the treasure left by the previous King Of The Pirates, Gold Roger, known as the One Piece. So yeah, pretty simple story on first glance, but so much of greatness of the series is how much detail there is in the world the series is set in. The same goes for the characters as well, they're simplistic enough, but so much of their charm comes from how well written they are and their role in the world as well. The world building of the series is probably what this series does better than any other manga series. There's nothing in this that goes to waste to explain how the world functions and Oda has been doing an amazing job with that ever since the beginning. But, before we go any further with that, going back to the characters real quick, a lot of their roles help keep keep the series really interesting as well. Not only with how well detailed their pasts are, but also what they're doing in present times as well. The Straw Hats themselves are a good example of this. Each one has a past that clearly defines them, but their actions in the present helps with keeping them interesting and unique. This is one of, if not the most unique cast in any manga or anime. The Straw Hats themselves, as I was just saying, are all super unique and they're all so interesting and fun to watch that you could spend hours watching them. And then, in terms of the story itself, it opens up really well with introducing us to the world and then it just goes on with great character development. Though, in my opinion, the story really gets off the ground once the Straw Hats enter the Grand Line and we enter the Alabasta arc. As soon as that arc begins, the series becomes truly amazing. It was around this time that I realised how amazing the series is and understood why it was so popular. First off, I like the whole setup behind the Alabasta arc with it introducing Vivi and Igaram and the whole story with them, and Vivi herself may actually be one of my favourite characters in One Piece, I just love her character and I like what Oda did with her. And then the reveal of Crocodile and the Baroque Works being behind everything and the build up with the battle in Alabasta is really amazingly done. Like I said, Oda knows how to do this really well and the whole build up to the Alabasta fight feels really satisfying and feels like it's something that's paid off really well with so many amazing moments. And a lot of funny moments too. Remember how I said before about how I'm not really a big fan of Akira Toriyama's type of humour? Eiichiro Oda's humour is more what I look for in terms of comedy. And he does it really well. And the whole Alabasta story is amazing, maybe one of my favourite story arcs in all of anime. And, like I said, the world of One Piece is so well fleshed out that the whole layout of Alabasta alone is fantastic. You can point to different places in it and remember what's there, the world is just so well defined in that sense. And I love how this arc introduces Ace, he's always been one of my favourite characters and it was handled really well even if we didn't see him that much in this arc. And then the rest of the arcs before the time skip are almost all amazing. With Luffy gathering more crew members and making a name for himself as an infamous pirate. And another thing that Oda is a master of is fleshing out his characters by giving them pasts that're all super traumatic and done so well that we can really sympathise with them all, some of which are more than likely to break your heart. And I haven't even mentioned his amazing work with doing amazing villains. Not only with designing well, but also making so many hateable villains as well. A lot of the villains in this are some of the most hateable and despicable ones you'll ever see in an anime. And a lot of them don't have any any sad backstories or anything, they're just generally terrible people but they're written so well that you can feel the hate intended for them. And the series just keeps going with Luffy and the others travelling from island to island and each one just keeps showing why the series is so well regarded. The best of them all before the time skip is easily Water 7 when we learn of Robin's past and the rest of the Straw Hats along with the Galley-La company and the Franky Family go off to rescue her and take down Enies Lobby. I actually recently rewatched this arc along with the Alabasta arc and doing so helped refresh my mind about why the series is so amazing and I even caught some new details in both arcs that made it all the more enjoyable for me to watch them. And it has some of the best fights in the series, the best of them being the Luffy vs. Lucci fight. And, speaking of fights, Oda also does those really well. There are so many incredible action scenes here and he does really well with know what powers to give to characters and having them be fighting the right character. Luffy is probably the best example, but Zoro is also a good example. Each fight feels really unique and does something different to keep it interesting, even before Luffy uses the different Gears with his Devil Fruit. And with each story and arc before the time skip, almost everything before had been amazing and interesting that it was really surprising when the Straw Hats get separated. Before the time skip though, the one arc that I would say isn't as good as the others is probably the Thriller Bark arc. It's not bad, but I remember thinking it wasn't as good as everything that had come before it. That being said, it's still pretty good and it has some of the best moments in the series like the Nightmare Luffy vs. Oars or all the Straw Hats vs. Gecko Moria and Oars fight. The series also does really well with making even the background characters on the islands super likeable and interesting as well. Like I said, there's Vivi and the Galley-La company workers, but then there's also the other characters on Skypiea and a lot of the characters during the Paramount War like Jinbe or Ivankov. And I like the different setups for some other villains too. The biggest example of that I can think of is Blackbeard who we really haven't seen that much of, but he's been built up so much that it's more than likely that he's gonna be the final villain of the series, and, like I said before, the eventual fight between him and Luffy is the one I'm most excited for in terms of any fight in anime. But, then, with the separation of the Straw Hats, we then follow Luffy as he goes to Amazon Lily, which I think is a pretty underrated part of the story. I don't think a lot of people give it enough credit, I find it a lot of fun and I like the introduction of the Kuja Pirates with Hancock, who I really like as a character. She's really likeable after Luffy befriends her and she's really funny after she falls in love with him. And, unlike some other anime that try to do something like that but it's not really funny and it's kinda weird, this one is really funny and I do like both characters. But I like the backstory with Hancock and her sisters as well. Not to mention Luffy's fight with Sonia and Marigold was pretty cool and it was nice when they become friends afterwards. But, next to the Water 7 arc, the series is at the highest with the Impel Down and Marineford arcs. I will say, the Impel Down arc I feel goes on for tiny bit too long, but we still get a lot of great moments in it. Like Luffy reuniting with Bon Clay, them meeting Ivankov and Luffy telling him about Dragon being his dad and then them meeting up with Crocodile again. And we eventually meet Jinbe, who also might actually be another one of my favourite characters. And almost everything there was great. And the whole idea of Ace being captured and going to be executed is really tense because the whole fight at Marineford goes on and on and there's a lot of craziness happening, but it's all really cool to see. The only part about it I didn't like was Buggy's involvement in the whole thing. He just has a Mr. Satan like role with wanting to be like a hero and getting attention, so he pretends to be a strong character and take the credit of a lot of other characters. And I feel the same as I do with him, it's not really funny in my opinion and it's just annoying. I've never liked that kinda character and it always gets on my nerves. But it's made all the better when we're introduced to Whitebeard. One of the coolest old men in all of anime. Basically everything to do with Whitebeard is awesome. And I like the whole story behind Ace and Whitebeard with him being like a father to Ace. Especially since Ace hates the fact that Gold Roger was his dad to begin with. But then, with all that had happened, it was made all the more tragic when Ace was killed by Akainu. I still stand by that I feel Ace's death is the saddest in all of anime. First off, the eventual death given the fact that Luffy had just rescued Ace from his execution is even more powerful. They were so close to winning but then the rug was pulled out from under them at the last minute. And then Ace's talk with Luffy just before he dies is even more devastating, but the biggest point is Luffy's reaction, not to mention the other character's reactions too which is downright heartbreaking. Given how likeable and awesome Ace was before this happened made it all the more tragic. It's kinda like with Jiraiya in Naruto or Maes Hughes in Fullmetal Alchemist, the fact that these characters don't get to continue on with the protagonists and the rest of the characters and don't get to see them become what they want to be or see them win in the end is soul crushing. But then it's not over with Whitebeard attacking Akainu is super brutal fight where it almost looks like Akainu is dead, but then Blackbeard arrives and kills Whitebeard with his crew. And then, somehow, Blackbeard absorbs Whitebeard's Devil Fruit power, the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. And this is the first time in the history of One Piece that a character has ever had two Devil Fruit abilities. If a person eats more than one Devil Fruit, they'll die. But somehow, Blackbeard is the one who's been able to do it. It's more than likely something to do with his Dark-Dark Fruit power. So I'm curious to know what that means. But then Shanks arrives with his crew to stop the war and even Trafalgar Law shows up to help save Luffy after he suffers grave injuries. And the rest after that is showing Luffy's past with Ace and Sabo. And we see everyone else's reaction to Ace's death like the rest of the Straw Hats and everyone from Luffy and Ace's island, especially Dadan. And I like how Jinbe helped snapped Luffy out of his state after being traumatised from the whole experience. And then we're shown Rayleigh again, who I spoke about before and I still think is a cool character with being a master at Haki and being Luffy's mentor in using Haki himself. And the whole two year time skip then begins with all the Straw Hats getting the memo to start training for when they reunite in two years. And, in terms of the anime, that's as far as I've gotten so far. The next 46 episodes will be released on DVD where I am really soon. Plus, there's the matter of the English Dub for the series stopping for a while, but it was revealed last year that they're starting it again this year and I'm pretty sure that's already begun. And, speaking of dubbing, that's something else that the series does amazingly. I've already mentioned before about how amazing and perfect I think Colleen Clinkenbeard is as Luffy, but the rest of the cast is also amazing and I don't think they get enough credit because the voices match a lot of these characters perfectly. And, back to story for a sec, that's also as far as I am with the manga too because I'm not that far into the manga too, but I do know the basics of what happens afterwards, the Straw Hats reunite and go to Fishman Island, then Punk Hazard where they meet up with Law again who has a past with Doflamingo. And then they go to Dressrosa and meet a whole bunch of characters there like meeting Bellamy again and Sabo and then we see Luffy using Gear Fourth there on Doflamingo. Then they go to Zou and then Luffy, Nami, Chopper and Brook go to Wholecake Island to get Sanji back who has a history with being part of the Vinsmoke family and there's the whole thing with Big Mom and then Luffy's fight with Katakuri and then they go to the most recently introduced island, Wano. So I do get the basics of what happens afterwards and I can't wait to experience all of it with reading the manga and hopefully watching the dub as well, which I hope is able to finish. But, honestly, just from everything I've said so far, that should give you a good idea as to why the series is so amazing and why it's so popular. It may be a really long series with it currently having 93 volumes out, and 96 if you count the ones released in Japan. And, really, ever since the beginning, Oda has continuously proven himself to be a storytelling master. He's a genius when it comes to connecting so many storylines and making it feel so satisfying when a lot of them do connect and it's made all the cooler when characters we already met meet other characters we've met. And there's still even more like the different pasts of even more characters I haven't even addressed yet because their backstories are just so well told and you sympathise with so many of them and, like I said, a lot of their pasts will tear your hearts to pieces. And there's a lot of questions that have been answered for stuff that was brought up before but there's still so many others that I can't wait to get answers for like what is the One Piece, how did Blackbeard steal Whitebeard's powers, what's Shanks's powers and so on. And given how huge the series, I can't wait to see how the series ends. It's definitely the manga and anime series I'm most excited to seeing the ending to. But the more time spent with these characters, the better because so many of them are my favourite in anime history. Luffy is still my favourite with how amazing he is, plus Zoro, Ace, Law and so many others are just incredible and interesting characters in their own right. Something else that this series has is something that I know will be weird for me to say, but the point still stands, is that it has some of the best, most epic and most satisfying punches in all of anime like Luffy's punch to Bellamy, his Jet Gatling against Lucci, his punch to the Celestial Dragon or Whitebeard squishing Akainu's head into the ground. Trust me, if you've seen the series, you'll know what I mean. There's just so much I could talk about with the series and so much I haven't touched on yet because this series is just so huge that I could go on for hours about it. Not just with how interesting the story itself is, but also little things like Oda's amazing artwork with his manga or how I still think the covers for One Piece are the best out of any anime or even talk even more about how well detailed and defined the world of One Piece is. There's just no limit to how much a person could discuss how many incredible things there are in this. But, yeah, as I stand now, I'm in love with the series and I always sorta have this weird thing where when I watch specific anime series, I always think it's my absolute favourite, and One Piece is one of them. The other participants are Naruto/Naruto Shippuden and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. And, every time I watch some part of One Piece, it keeps reminding me why I love it so much. In all honesty guys, I obviously do recommend the series, though, like a lot of people, I do have to warn you about the length because the series is insanely long and there is a lot about it that might be confusing, but if you keep with it, especially if you make it to the Alabasta arc, it should be able to convince you to keep going. I've known some people who've said they couldn't get into it because they couldn't get that far, but if you keep going, you should be hooked after that. And so, yeah, everyone, that' my review of One Piece. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.