And now we come to the worst X-Men movie ever, one of the worst superhero movies ever and one of my least favourite movies of all time. I've recently watched reviews of this movie and they all said it sucks and I agree 100%. I could not believe how horrible this movie was when I first saw it. Nothing in this movie is good. What's the story? It starts off with James Howlet, A.K.A Logan as a boy who is sick and who's father has just been murdered and he then realises he has retractable bone claws and he murders the man who killed his dad, but it turns out that man was his real dad, I'm sure they stole that from Star Wars. He then runs off with his brother named Victor played by
Liev Schreiber and as they grow-up they fight in both World Wars and are soon recruited by William Stryker played by Danny Huston to be part of his group to get something. While going they meet Chris Bradley/Bolt, Fred Dukes/Blob, John Wraith, Weapon XI and Wade Wilson/Deadpool played by Ryan Reynolds, who is portrayed his worst here. They go to a camp and steal a meteor with Adamantium. When they leave they fight more people Logan tries to stop them from killing anyone. He then decides to leave. Years later he falls in love with a woman named Kayla and while they're together we see some of the most boring stuff I've ever seen in a superhero movie. Then one day Victor kills Kayla and Logan finds her body and swears to avenge her. He finds Victor at a bar and they fight. Victor wins and breaks his bone claws by standing on them. The next day Stryker finds Logan at a hospital and offers to fuse his bone with the Adamantium in order to help him defeat Victor. So later he takes him someplace that is not Alkali Lake which is stupid and he gives him new Dog tags with "Wolverine" on them and they start the processor. As it's going the heart monitor that Logan is attached to flat lines but eventually it starts up again and gets angry when Stryker says to one of his workers to erase his memory and he gets out and it looks absolutely nothing like it did in X-Men 2. He even cuts his way out instead of going out the door. He then goes into a shed belonging to a man and woman who give him the jacket from the other movies but he leaves it behind at the end so how did he get it back? And on top of that, we have to watch even more boring scenes with them. And we see horrible C.G.I scenes with Logan checking out his Adamantium claws. And the rest, I won't say. So I'm going to say the 10000 problems I have with the film. The special effects look horrible, the acting is horrendous, the story is all over the place, the pacing is really bad, they don't even try to connect it to the other films, Wolverine is so out of character and they make look like a baby, Gambit is only in it for 5 minutes, the fighting looks really weird, none of the actors, even Hugh Jackman, barely try to make the characters charismatic, the story is told really bad, nothing works, nothing adds up, it's really weird to look at it at it and you all know my biggest complaint is the way they portray Deadpool. They sew his mouth shut. What idiot thought of that idea. He supposed to look like this...

... but instead he looks like this ugly thing.

And even then, he's defeated way too fast. And you all know I love Deadpool and so here I hate it. There's going to be a Gambit spinoff movie and I hope they portray him better there and make him look like he did in the comics and cartoon and hopefully we see him again in X-Men Apocalypse. And the continuity was all off. We even see a horrifying C.G.I looking Patrick Stewart as Charles. So yeah, this movie is rubbish. There was absolutely nothing good in this movie. And coming from me, that's saying a lot. I'd say definitely skip this horrible movie.
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