It shows Iron Man's team at the airport and it's part of a trailer we got. And actually, do you see where Natasha and Rhodey are? In the actual movie, Peter is standing in the middle of them. Anyway, we then get the fight between team Captain America and team Iron Man, which, I have to say is probably better than the final fight in the first Avengers movie. I mean you have the scene where you have the picture above and this picture...
and then this amazing action scene between all 12 of them. And there's really funny scenes during the fight. Peter even mentions Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and even gets and idea from that. Scott has a new suit and it can make him small like I the last movie, but it can also make him bigger and Peter gets the idea to tie his legs with a web and then knock him over. Pretty clever, wouldn't you say? Anyway, Steve and Bucky manage to get on a plane to follow Zemo. When Rhodey and Tony try to catch them, Vision accidently hits Rhodey with his beam and knocks him out and causes his legs to not work anymore. After that everyone else is captured and placed in jail like Sam, Clint, Scott and Wanda. Peter also leaves because Tony tells him that he's done for now. Later Tony manages to get Sam to tell him where Steve and Bucky are going and he decides to follow them but T'Challa also follows them. When Steve and Bucky arrive, they try to find Zemo but then Tony finds them and he agrees to help them after something Sam says to him. However when they do find Zemo, he shows them a video of something Bucky did as the Winter soldier. Do you remember what I was saying at the beginning when Bucky assassinated some people in a car? Yeah, well, it turns out the people he killed were actually Tony's parents and he gets angry with both of them and we get our final fight between Tony vs. Steve and Bucky which is also fantastic. This was actually Zemo's plan all along to get the Avengers to fight and kill each other. When he tries to escape T'Challa finds him and he reveals why he's doing this. Apparently, his family was murdered in Sokovia so he wanted revenge. T'Challa then knocks him out and arrests him. Back with Tony, Steve and Bucky, Tony manages to destroy Bucky's metal arm and knock him out but then Steve beats him and knocks him down and then escapes with Bucky. Sometime later, Tony is helping Rhodey walk again and he also gets a message from Steve. And the movie ends with Steve helping Sam, Clint, Scott and Wanda escape from the prison and we get 2 mid and after credit scenes like every M.C.U movie. The first is Bucky being frozen so they can find a way to get the brainwash out of him and they're hiding in Wakanda thanks to T'Challa. And the second is Peter pushing a button on his web-shooters and we see his Spidy-symbol. And that's all what happens in the movie. Let me start by saying that I don't think I've ever been this excited for a movie before in my life. Now let's get to the 10000000 things I loved in this movie. First off this movie has some of the best action I've ever seen in my life. The Russo brothers, who directed this movie are probably the best Marvel directors ever in my opinion. They directed Winter Solider, this movie and they're going to be directing the 2 Infinity War movies. The action in this is unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. The best one either being the chase scene with Steve, Bucky and T'Challa or the airport fight. Probably the airport fight though. Also, obviously, this movie is hilarious. Some of the funniest stuff in the M.C.U happens here. Also the cast is once again phenomenal. Chris Evans is still amazing as Steve but of course Robert Downey Jr. is incredible. While we've seen him be funny and fast-talking in the other movies, this one has him be more dramatic which I like. This is the most dramatic part of Tony Stark I've ever seen. Chadwick Boseman is also fantastic as Black Panther. He was interesting, likable and sympathetic and you do care about him and understand why he's doing this. And his costume looked exacly how it should like if it was ever put on screen. Look.
Everyone else is fantastic especially Daniel Brühl as Helmut Zemo even though he's one of those kinda weak villains in the M.C.U if you remember me saying that. He isn't that bad and we do understand why he's doing these things but something about him didn't entirely click with me. But of course, let's get to what you all want me to talk about... Spider-Man. Oh, my God. This is 100% my favourite Spider-Man ever. Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man ever. I'm sorry Andrew Garfield. You were amazing but this guy is the best Spider-Man I've ever seen. I liked his voice, I liked his personality and I liked how he's exactly how he should be. A 15 year old high school student unlike the last 2 who were graduating from high school. He looked incredible. This is probably my favourite on-screen Spider-Man costume we've ever seen. Look.
And like I said, Tony recruiting Peter is one of my favourite scenes in the movie. As well as every other scene with him. And I can't wait 'til his solo movie "Homecoming" next year. And the new Ant-Man suit that Scott has looks 10000 times better than the first one. Especially seeing how it looks way cooler. Look.
And once again, I still could not choose a side because both Steve and Tony make really good points. So yeah. That's my review on Captain America: Civil War. Overall it's an amazing movie and one of my favourite comic book movies ever. I cannot wait until it comes out on DVD and I can watch it over and over. So yeah. Definitely see this movie because you'll love it just like me. It deserves every bit of money it gets and more and it should definitely get more money than Batman V Superman because it's 1000000 times better and it's 10000000 times better made. Everyone, thank-you for reading and, like I said, this is actually my 300th entry onto my blog and thank-you again for reading. Please comments and I'll hopefully do another entry tomorrow. =).