13. Malekith (Thor: The Dark World):
Everyone has said it and now so am I. Malekith is the worst M.C.U villain ever because he's the most generic, forgettable villain ever. He's not horrible but he is boring and his plan is one that we've seen 10000 times before. It's not original, not interesting and the fact that it's him doing it is just even worse.
12. Yellowjacket (Ant-Man):
While not as bad as Malekith, Yellowjacket does have the same problem of being boring with a terrible goal. He wants to sell the Yellowjacket suit to people and make money. That's the only thing he's after. Money. And I've mentioned before how villains with the intention to only get money are some of the worst villains ever because it's so stupid to be evil because of that.
11. Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy):
I would say the biggest problem with Ronan is the fact that he's just a regular bad guy surrounded by funny characters. The only way he could have been improved is if they made him just as obvious and funny as all the other characters in the story. But no he just doesn't bring anything that would make him memorable.
10. Whiplash (Iron Man 2):
Despite the fact that Whiplash is supposed to be the villain in this movie, we barely see him and even the end fight with him and Tony and Rhodey is kinda underwhelming. Not horrible but with it being set-up through this whole movie and it's not very long, it's sorta disappointing. And even then, the whole thing with him and why he wants to kill Tony is some of the worst in the M.C.U. And he's even revealed in the movie at the very beginning. That is way too early.
9. Aldrich Killian (Iron Man 3):
In my opinion, this guy has the worst motivation out of all the M.C.U villains. The only reason he's doing what he's doing is because Tony just missed out on a meeting with him and because of that small thing, he then decides to try and kill him. How stupid is that? That small thing led to all of Iron Man 3, if you know what I mean. He's also not that intimidating and doesn't have anything that would make us feel for him as a good villain.
8. Alexander Pierce (Captain America: The Winter Soldier):
This is a guy who I really don't get. By that I mean I don't get his motivation. The only thing I can think of is maybe he just wants to finish what the Read Skull started but even still it's very unclear. And also, if he's supposed to be HYDRA agent, how was he able to get into S.H.E.I.L.D. and how come Tony Stark wasn't able to realise that HYDRA was growing inside S.H.E.I.L.D. in the first Avengers movies. And Pierce is the worst part for being boring.
7. Iron Monger (Iron Man):
This is one where you would kinda tell yourself that the actor playing him, Jeff Bridges, would be a good villain and even the fact that he does seem pretty cool before he puts on the Iron Monger suit. But when he does he looks really stupid and the things he has to say are so clichéd. And even when he has to be trying to manipulate everyone isn't that great either. Also I never understood why he had to go insane at the end for no reason.
6. Abomination (The Incredible Hulk):
With the Incredible Hulk being the least of all the M.C.U movies, at least one of the highlights of it is Abomination. However, there are a good amount of problems about him. The first is that the motivation he has for wanting to become Abomination is really weird. He gets injected with serum and it's making him crazy. Also because of the fact that it only happens at the end. And even though it is very cool to see him at the end, it's kinda underwhelming again. Not entirely but still. And the last is because of the fact that the build up to him isn't all that satisfying. I mean it kinda is but not that much. Even if the fight between him and Hulk is cool and was definitely the best part of that movie, it just didn't live up to all that much. The only way they can fix him is if they bring him back and him in a later movie like Infinity War and Hulk fight again. I don't know, that's just what I think.
5. Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger):
I would start him off by say that it's not just his motivation and goal that are boring, it's that the actual Skull is not that great. I don't know, is it just me or does it look really weird to you? It looks like the kind of thing you would see in a different movie like the ones from the early 2000's. While Hugo Weaving does do a performance that's fine, it can't help that the writing for him is not that creative or fun to watch. The villain himself is mostly a bore. That and the fact that he's not all that memorable either. Which, to m is a little weird. I mean the fact that Red Skull isn't that good. And by that I mean because he's Captain America's arch enemy. I find that really odd.
4. Baron Zemo (Captain America: Civil War):
So out of all the M.C.U villains so far, this is the one who I actually do understand. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying he's a good villain. To be fair he's not and he's not all that interesting and when I went to see Civil War and we saw the scenes of him when it cut away from the Avengers stuff, which I personally thought was a lot more interesting, it kinda made me want to go back to go back to the other stuff. But either way I did understand why he was doing what he was doing and his motivation, while a bit clichéd and weak, is pretty sympathetic. A little. And I do know the problems with him but at the same time, he's definitely not Marvel's worst villain.
3. Thanos (All of the M.C.U):
O.K. Stay with me on this one. While Thanos hasn't done anything in these movies and we have a couple of years to see him in action in Infinity War part 1, you can't take away the fact that he's really, really cool. And by that I mean his look and voice is cool. I cannot wait for it come out and we can see him, which I absolutely know will be amazing. And with us almost done seeing all of the Infinity Stones, it will be time to see him get them all and try to use them on the Avengers and Guardians.
2. Ultron (Avengers: Age of Ultron):
Just James Spader's voice is enough to get Ultron this high on the list. But it's not just that. It's also because he's funny, sarcastic and he's mostly just a lot of fun to watch. And even if his actual transformation is kinda rushed, it doesn't take away the fact that he is indeed a great villain. As well as the fact that he does do awesome stuff like when he's able to make things move or when he flying over Sokovia and he says that "inevitability" thing. It might just be me, but I personally think that that's a awesome scene. And unlike a lot of other Marvel villains, he's not boring.
1. Loki (Thor, the Avengers):
Was there any doubt? Of course the charismatic, funny, love to hate, mischievous and magical Loki is my number 1 spot. Not just because of Tom Hiddleston's brilliant performance, but also because he's written very well every single time and he absolutely steals the show any time he's on screen. Not once do you feel bored when seeing him nor do you feel like you want to move on to another scene. And given the fact that we'll be seeing him again in next year's Thor: Ragnarok is even better because we all want to see more of him. And it will have been 4 years since we last saw him in Thor: The Dark World and the world is definitely ready for more Loki. And everyone those were all the current M.C.U movie villain ranked. Please comment and thanks for reading.
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