Flapjack is a show about a boy actually named Flapjack...
and a sea captain named Captain K'nuckles.
They're always obsessing over candy and they're hoping to one day reach an island called Candied Island where they're endless amounts of candy. Each episode is them doing some weird thing or adventure that they either cause or they happen to run into something. They live at some docks and there's a bar there where they normally hang out at called the Candy Barrel where they order candy in a glass. The other characters are a whale named Bubby, who, I almost think might be Flapjack's mother because she always acts like she is and both of them live inside her.
There's also Peppermint Larry. The owner of the Candy Barrel with his Candy Wife, who never moves or talks.
And I've liked this show for a few years. It's not one of my favourites and I don't like it as much as something like SpongeBob or Chowder, but it's still good. And now I'm going to count down my top 10 favourite episodes. Let's start.
10. Snarked: Man, what a great episode. After Flapjack and K'nuckles think that Bubby has been kidnapped, they go to save her. It's not that long a plot and yet this is a great episode. In my opinion, the best part of this whole episode is this one small scene where they go inside this place where they think Bubby is and they find these fish guts in the shape of a whale and they think the people killed her. And then at the end it's obviously revealed she's not dead and what's really going on is perfect. I won't give away what happens but watch the episode to see for yourself. Just a great episode.
9. That's a Wrap: After Peppermint Larry promises Flapjack and K'nuckles candy if they bring him wrappers, they start collecting all over the place but in actuality, Peppermint Larry is planning something. What that something is, I won't spoil. But once you see the episode yourself, you'll know what it is. So in my opinion, the best part of this whole episode is are the part where they're finding the wrappers and K'nuckles keeps taking them to give to Peppermint Larry and keeps taking the candy for himself. And it's really funny at the end when he finds out what Peppermint Larry is up to. It's pretty clever and the actual ending is so funny they trick him into thinking something and what happens to him is so hysterical. It's pretty rewarding to say the least. And I like the part at the beginning and when he asks them to find the wrappers, it's great stuff. Give the episode a watch to find out what happens because I don't want to spoil it.
8. Low Tidings: This is basically this show's Christmas special. And it's a good one. In this episode, K'nuckles is trying to hide because when he was a boy, he did a lot of bad things and ever since then, whenever Low Tidings comes, he hides because if you've been bad, again, like Christmas, you get a punishment and this one is that a bunch of mermen come and beat you up and if you're good, get something in your boot. Watch the episode and you'll know what I mean. So firstly, the things in this episode that are good, I think are really good. Especially the scene where K'nuckles somehow convinces some giant merman thing to hold the tide back for a while. Watch the episode to know what I'm talking about. And the funniest part of it to me is the scene where K'nuckles is trying to hide somewhere but where he usually hides has been taken by some guy and so have all the other hiding places. And whole part where it looks like he's about to do something good is hilarious because he's so close to doing something good to help himself but then something happens that ruins it all. And he and Flapjack are both good counterpoints in this because Flapjack is an innocent kind and good kid whereas K'nuckles isn't and so the scenes where Flapjack is trying to help him are so much funniest than you might think. And the actual resolve is fantastic to me.
7. Wishing Not So Well: After K'nuckles wishes to be left alone at a wishing well, everyone vanishes and at first he's really happy about it and starts taking candy from all over the place but then he begins to miss everyone. Now, this is a plot I've seen a bunch. We've all obviously seen a plot like this a lot of times already but the way it's presented here makes it seem really original. At first K'nuckles is glad and it's a lot of fun to see him go nuts and run all over the place and taking a bunch stuff like candy from the Candy Barrel. But at the same time, it's kinda relatable because if someone is gone for so long and you had no idea where they are, you'd get kind worried too and seeing K'nuckles trying to bring everyone back is great stuff. Especially seeing what he does when he accidently falls down the well again. Though, there is one weird and confusing thing that happens at the end that always confused me. When things are back to normal, there's two of him. How? I don't get that. Watch it to see what I mean. But besides that, this is a great episode and seeing him go nuts is the best part to me.
6. Just One Kiss: After K'nuckles falls in love with Candy Wife, he thinks that having a ton of stuff will make her love him. And apparently Flapjack is amazing at snooker so he uses Flapjack to play against a ton of people and win their stuff. Now this is surprising because I've seen this kind of story a ton of times before again like in Drake & Josh or the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but it's still so much fun to watch and so entertaining despite that. It's a lot of fun to see Flapjack beat all these guys at snooker and at the end we see him be nice to Peppermint Larry by letting him win their match because he can tell he'll be sad if he loses and loses Candy Wife. That's what Flapjack is supposed to be a nice, giving and good-hearted person and so having him do that is exactly what he should do. And seeing K'nucles's reaction to all these games is hilarious. Just another great episode.
5. Candy Cruise Blues: This title kinda reminds me of the title of that episode in Sonic X called Cruise Blues, but whatever. Anyway, in this episode Flapjack and K'nuckles sneak on board a ship with candy being served all the time but they accidently destroy a statue and now they have to fix it before Neptune kills them all. While that may kinda dark, what really makes this episode for me is the part where K'nuckles has to pretend to be the statue. That's how they got on, they destroyed the statue and he pretended to be it so both of them could go on. And what Flapjack does while he's there is hilarious because he keeps meaning to bring candy to him but he keep eating it himself and the scene where their fixing the statue is great until the end when they just so happen to find the last one. I also like the scene where Flapjack is trying to fit in while also trying to get as much candy as he can while K'nuckles is waiting for him. I cannot stretch that part enough because it's so great to me. And all that is why Candy Cruise Blues is at number 5.
4. K'nuckles and his hilarious problem: After K'nuckles eats a ton of candy at once, he gets the Candy Rot, which is like this shows version of a Sugar Rush, only crazier. By far the best part about this episode are the parts when we see K'nuckles go nuts from the Candy Rot. Flapjack tries to keep him tied up to stop him because the doctor says the way to help him is to not make him eat any candy for 24 hours but K'nuckles keeps tricking him into letting him out. And every time he does, he goes berserk and starts running around eating tons of candy. It's so much fun to watch. And how he snaps out of the Candy Rot is incredible. And seeing Flapjack trying to do the right thing but also trying to help K'nuckles is so outrageously funny. And seeing K'nuckles shaking and making weird noises in the chair all tied up always makes me laugh even if I've seen it over and over. And Bubby's reaction to him like this is so memorable, especially watching the part where Flapjack tries to explain what happened to him and her idea of how to fix it. Overall, I can't help but put this episode at number 4. Mainly just watching K'nuckles's crazy moments.
3. Love Bugs: Flapjack has a crush on a girl named Sally and some heart things come out from his head. At first K'nuckles tells him it's a bad thing but then Peppermint Larry thinks they're sweets and gives K'nuckles more candy so he can sell them at the Candy Barrel. But doing this is making Flapjack feel bad. Not only is the comedy in this great, but also the premise and the ending. While I'm never into stories like this, they make it entertaining and funny. You do feel sorry for Flapjack because, like I said, this is making him feel bad. Not emotionally, although there is that, but also physically. But what these heart things are is something that is not candy like they think. Watch it to know what I'm talking about. Overall, Love Bugs is another fantastic episode and my pick for the number 3 spot.
2. Skooled: After Flapjack and K'nuckles attend a school where you get candy for doing things right. But there's something strange about the school and it's all revealed at the end of the episode. And what's so great about this episode to me is the part where K'nuckles finds out what is wrong with the school and he tries to tell Flapjack. I've always liked this episode and that is one of the reasons. I also find the scene where K'nuckles is just sorta going around the school talking and all that. And even the opening with the two of them inside that octopus called Eight Armed Willy is great and the lines are quotable. I don't know. I really don't know what else to say except, this a great episode and I highly recommend watching it. But it's not my absolute favourite so let's get to that.
And my number 1 favourite Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack episode is... Gone Wishin: This is a perfect episode. I've always liked this episode ever since it came out. After Flapjack and K'nuckles find a glass heart and small candies inside it, they find out it belongs to a mermaid and if you eat the candy and make a wish, it happens. While it may not sound like much, this episode is a lot more fantastic than you might expect. I remember always liking this episode like I just said and it's great to me. In my opinion, the best part of the whole episode is at the very end. You know what, I'm just gonna say it. They only have two pieces of candy left and Flapjack wants to use his one to help the mermaid because the more of the candies they use and eat, the mermaid dies a little. But K'nuckles doesn't want him to so he takes Flapjack's piece and says he's going to Candied Island by himself but before that, he says "I'm going to show you how a real wisher wishes a wish away." But then he accidently uses both at the same time to wish for two things and then they're all gone. That always makes me laugh. Watch the episode to see what really happens. And the whole parts where they're just wasting the wishes is also really funny. As in like all around the docks. It's all really good stuff to watch. And everyone, those are my top 10 favourite Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack episodes. Thank you all for reading and if you like this show please comment to tell me what your favourite is or comment to tell me what you think of this.
who could be bothered to write all of that????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good list
ReplyDeleteThanks! This is helpful. I'll start with #4!
ReplyDeleteInteresting to see what other fans and viewers like best from a cartoon show. This one has its gems and its duds, naturally. I agreed with a few choices here but personally my top list would have to include the episode Tee-Hee Tummy Tums. That one's super, and it won an Emmy Award that year. Plus I also enjoy Foot Burn, Something's Amiss, Ben Boozled, and Mind the Store/ Don't Look in the Drawer. Well, thanks for sharing your list. Best regards from Pennsylvania.