Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Punisher: Season 2 Teaser Trailers

So, I'm honestly kinda surprised that the Netflix shows are still going considering Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Daredevil were recently cancelled. I woulda thought that would mean almost all of them would be cancelled, especially since the most acclaimed one, Daredevil, is gone. Also, yes, I know I still have reviews to make of Luke Cage: Season 2, Iron Fist: Season 2 and Daredevil: Season 3, I'll get to them eventually. But, this time around we're getting a second season for the Punisher. I think this could be good. The first season was pretty enjoyable and having it back could be good too. It also looks like we're gonna see Jigsaw properly this time considering that was confirmed in the last season. And I want to see more of Frank's story, although I'm hoping that it doesn't take forever to get into like the first season, which was really my main problem with that season. But it could be good and it's coming out on the 18th of January, which is surprisingly early. Anyway, here they are and I hope you all like this.

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