Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Toy Story 4 Trailer

So, everyone, today we got an official full-length trailer for Toy Story 4. Like I said for the last trailer, I personally think I'm still 100% on board for a fourth Toy Story movie, and I have a few worries when it comes to this film. The content to the trailer itself reminds me a lot of Toy Story 2, in the sense of Woody goes to save a toy who's been separated from the group and now the others have to save them, with some other similarities in there too. But, to be fair, the Toy Story magic has already worked once this year with there being a Toy Story world in Kingdom Hearts 3, so I'm sure they'll be able to make this work too, but I'm still a little curious. Still though, in terms of the look to the movie, it looks beautiful. Pixar has practically perfected C.G animation at this point and there's quite a lot of interesting ideas they're presenting here. And so, here it is and I hope you all like this.

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