So, my last entry was me counting down my top 10 favourite fire users in anime, and so, this'll be continuing that by counting my top 5 ice users. While I don't think this is as well used as these other moves like fire, lightning or healing, I still think ice is pretty cool attack for anime characters to have. They can do really creative things with it and it's just an awesome move to have anyway. Plus, while it's probably my least favourite out of all the ones I just mentioned there, it's still a great power. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Haku (Naruto):
Starting us off at number 5 is Zabuza's apprentice, Haku. While he's more known for helping Naruto with understanding more about how similar they are and Naruto learning more about growing up from him, he's also incredibly skilled with ice jutsus. His most common attack is using ice needles for attacks or using ice mirrors to move around his opponents really quickly like when he fought against Naruto and Sasuke. He can not only move really fast, but also use his needles to slash at others really fast.
4. Toshiro (Bleach):

Next up is the short wielder of the Hyorinmaru Zanpakuto, Toshiro. While his deadly skills with a sword are impressive, it's boosted even more with his Bankai, which encases him in ice to use as blasts to make chunks of ice or launch a huge long dragon made of ice. He can also use ice to form wings on his to fly like one too.
3. Gray (Fairy Tail):
At number 3 is the ice using mage from Fairy Tail. After learning ice magic from Ur, he mastered a whole bunch of different moves from it like making canons, cages, shields, swords, hammers, bow and arrows, keys and lances. He can also make his power stronger after he uses his Demon Slayer power. Him having ice also makes him the perfect contrast to Natsu with both being at each other throats and having opposite elemental magic.
2. Todoroki (My Hero Academia):
Coming in close to number 1 is Todoroki again. Like what I said in my last entry, Endeavor was hoping to use Todoroki to surpass All Might. And the ice powers he has is something he inherited from his mom. It's also the power he relied on the most before finally deciding to use his fire quirk. But he's incredibly skilled with his ice quirk. With it, he can freeze people's bodies, make the ground ice and slide on it, make huge pillars of ice and freeze his entire surroundings and even half of a whole stadium. And, thanks to his fire quirk, he's able to use it more intensively and not worry that much about freezing his own body.
And my number 1 favourite ice user in anime is... Aokiji (One Piece):
And finally at number 1 is the former admiral from the One Piece marines, Kuzan, A.K.A, Aokiji. After eating the Ice-Ice Fruit, Aokiji became a Logia Devil Fruit user. Like other Logia Devil Fruit users, his whole body is made of ice and has all the properties of it when he gets attacked. But his other abilties with it can be either miner or huge. Firstly, he can freeze people's bodies and shatter them, turn huge parts of the sea into ice and ride on them, freeze an entire tsunami and his powers are so strong, he can even go toe-to-toe against Akainu, who's Devil Fruit is stronger than his but he was able to hold his own for long enough. He may have lost and even lost a leg and left the marines, but that doesn't mean his powers are any less stronger. And all that is why Aokiji is my number 1 favourite ice user in anime. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 5 ice users in anime. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
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