Tuesday, 20 September 2022

My Franky collectible (Review)

So, recently, I was able to get another new anime collectible, and this new one was Franky from One Piece. So, I was able to add another Straw Hat Pirate to the collection. It's a pretty big one, and I'm not surprised given how that is pretty accurate for Franky. And, now that I have him, this means I have almost all the Straw Hat Pirates. The only one I need now is Brook, so, hopefully I'll be able to get one for him really soon. This one was also really fun to add to the case because it was cool to add him with the other Straw Hats. And it's just fun to imagine how cool it'll be once I have Brook and have all of them together. The only thing that could maybe contradict that is if there's another Straw Hat added to the crew before the series ends. And so, here it is and I hope you all like this.

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