Sunday 28 July 2024

Deadpool & Wolverine

So, guys, we've officially reached the most anticipated M.C.U movie since Spider-Man: No Way Home, Deadpool & Wolverine. Even though I've personally enjoyed some of the other movies to certain degrees, this is the one that was being built up to be the one to pull the M.C.U back to the way it was and I mean that from the advertising and other rumours, not to mention this was the first time we'd properly see Ryan Reynolds's Deadpool and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine were gonna appear on screen together with Logan finally wearing his comic accurate suit. With that, me and a bunch of other people were so excited for this. And so, I've actually seen it twice now, and that right there should tell you exactly how I felt about this because I thought this movie was absolutely incredible. There's so much I want to talk about this movie and I am so excited to. Also, like always, this'll have no spoilers for the first part, and then I'll talk about all the spoilers afterwards. So, what's the story? Wade has given up being Deadpool and is now trying to get a normal job like everyone else while still trying to spend time with everyone, but, after the TVA comes and warns him about his universe being in danger, he starts a journey with a new version of Logan to try to save it while being hunted by a new villain named Cassandra Nova, played by Emma Corrin. So, before I get into the review of the film there's something I want to say. This movie was directed by Shawn Levy, who made a movie called The Adam Project back in 2022, which also starred Ryan Reynolds, and I've sorta believed that ever since the first Deadpool movie came out, a lot of movies have tried to capture the feel of that movie and replicate it. The reason I say that is because since Shawn Levy made The Adam Project and it felt sorta similar to the first Deadpool movie, that was gonna carry over greatly into this movie because it feels just like the others, but this is also the first time we're seeing Deadpool in the M.C.U, which is super awesome, but it's done in a very respectful way as well. Like I said, there's so much to talk about with this film, it's hard to know where to even begin. For starters, as with any Deadpool movie, this film is hilarious and this might be the funniest of the movies. Not only does it break the fourth wall a lot and make comments on different things in the world, but they also make fun of the M.C.U and recent events too, which was super funny and refreshing in a weird way. The action as well is phenomenal in this and this honestly has my favourite action in all these movies. Sure, the action in the other Deadpool movies were great too, but this movie really takes it to another level and even pretty adrenaline pumping. We've only seen pieces of it in the trailers, but the R rating makes these scenes so fun and satisfying to watch.  Another aspect that made those scenes so incredible was the songs and music. The songs and music were great in the last two as well, but the songs they chose for this film and how they edited the scenes with them just enhanced those so fantastic. But, of course, the main reason everyone wants to see this movie is to see Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine and see the two of them interact and I can say, it's everything we've wanted to see and more. The chemistry Ryan and Hugh have is on full display and we see it for so much of the time, and seeing Logan in the costume is just as amazing as you'd hope for. Not only that, but I think this might be the best performances both these actors have given for these characters as well, and it's not just them, everyone involved is great as well, Morena Baccarin, Rob Delaney, Karan Soni and everyone else does a great job too. On that too, I also feel like Emma Corrin did a great job as Cassandra and that she could go on to be one of the best M.C.U villains, or at least one of its most underrated. The other thing everyone wanted to see in this was the whole Multiverse concept, which meant a ton of cameos were going to appear and all of them are funny, all are likeable and all are just as mind blowing as the ones in No Way Home and Multiverse Of Madness. There are some that are kinda obvious, but there's some that I just didn't see coming and some were the result of taking advantage of a lot of Marvel movies in the past in clever ways, it was just a dream come true. But even beyond the awesome action scenes and hilarious jokes, the film does also take the time for some serious moments when it needs to. Obviously the stuff for that for Wade himself is done in his level and his standards, but the other serious stuff with Logan is also handled well when it needs to be there. Really, this whole film just felt like the ultimate love letter for this character. While I said I've enjoyed a lot of the other M.C.U movies to various degrees over the last few years, this one is the first one in a while that felt like you could feel the love and passion every single person involved put into this and you could that in every frame and it really does leap off the screen, and a big help with that is that Disney allowed them to do whatever they wanted and that's exactly what we wanted to see. And given how it's not only the first Deadpool movie set in the M.C.U, but also the first R rated one that Disney allowed them to do for the first time ever, that again just helps them deliver what they wanted and what we wanted to see and it just made me so happy to see so much of this on screen. It's also just great to see this continue on Hugh Jackman's work as Wolverine since he's been with this character for over 24 years so having him back as the most accurate version of this character makes his return even crazier. If there was one thing I didn't necessarily like about the film, the first few minutes of the film are kinda slow. After the opening credits with that incredible action scene, there's then a whole sequence that goes on for a few minutes and, it wasn't bad, it had some really funny moments and I could definitely tell what it was doing and what it was setting up, but I felt like it went on for a bit too long and it was the one part of the movie where I wanted the pacing to go a bit faster. The movie itself is extremely fast paced, but that's the one part where I wish they didn't stick with it for too long. However, after that part the rest of the film delivers exactly what we're looking for, so it's not a big deal, especially since it's not like it was bad at all, it still gave us some nice moments. Overall, I really don't know what to say about this film, it's just exactly what everyone wanted and so much more. I was super vague here, but I really do want to talk about it properly in the spoiler section because of how much there is to talk about. So, yeah, this is absolutely a film I would highly recommend, it was just amazing and I can't wait to see it again. It just feels great to see an M.C.U movie that the entire world is excited for again and getting super hyped about. And so, everyone, those were my thoughts on Deadpool & Wolverine. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think. Okay, now we're gonna get into the spoilers, if you don't want anything spoiled, go see the film and then come back and read the rest of this.
Okay, so, like I said, there's a lot to talk about with this movie, so I'm just gonna go from the start to the end giving my thoughts on each thing. For one, like I said, that opening action scene was amazing with Deadpool using Logan's skeleton to kill all those TVA agents, and like I said, the music made that even more awesome with that Bye, Bye, Bye song, and like I said, a lot of those scenes were really adrenaline pumping. But, like I said, after that, everything sorta slows down for a few minutes. I did love seeing Happy though, that was incredible. Seeing Jon Favereau and Ryan Reyonds interacting was amazing. But then the next part with the job scene and the birthday section I felt went on for a few minutes too long and didn't hold my interest that much. Thankfully, again, it's not too long and we get back into it when the TVA agents arrive. As for that Paradox guy, I guess he was fine as a secondary villain, I mean, there's not really anything to him, but the actor did a good job anyway. Plus, that then leads us to Wade trying to find another variant of Logan and that was another insane thing to see, especially seeing as we got to see Henry Cavill as Logan too, which is something people have been talking about for a long time now. The one where we see another Logan fighting Hulk was another awesome moment, especially since they recreated that iconic Wolverine vs. Hulk comic cover. But then we meet the main Logan of the film and everything just keeps going up from there. For one, again, seeing the comic accurate suit was great to see, but then Paradox sends them to the Void and everything just gets crazier from there with seeing so many incredible and mind blowing cameos. For one, the part where we see Chris Evans again was amazing and it was an ingenious to have that fake out with us thinking it was a variant of Cap, only to find it was Chris's version of Johnny from the original Fantastic 4 movies and the eventually resolution of that scene was hilarious, especially since we got cameos from villains from the other X-Men movies. That then leads to the introduction of Cassandra and, again that whole scene was cool and funny at parts and also super gory like when she kills Johnny. This then leads to Wade and Logan on the road together for a while and this is where you can really feel Ryan Reyonds and Hugh Jackman's chemistry on the screen because of how well they interact with each other for the next while and how long it goes on. Seeing Nicepool and Dogpool was also hilarious and a great set up for later on. But that then leads to the fight in the car and that scene was awesome, the choreography was insane, the way it was shot was fantastic and I also found it to be super funny, but also kinda sad at the same time with the reason why Logan was angry and sad. But then, probably the most insane scene in the film happens where we see even more cameos like Jennifer Garner's Elektra, Wesley Snipes's Blade and Channing Tatum's Gambit. I can't even begin to explain how mind blowing this section was. I guess Elecktra was sorta obvious with her already being in a FOX movie like Johnny was, but them not only finally bringing in Channing Tatum as Gambit after that movie got delayed over and over and over until it was eventually cancelled and having that be a joke in the movie, and then them bringing in Wesley Snipes as Blade again after twenty years was another part that was absolutely insane, especially since his movies weren't even FOX movies to begin with. We then see Dafne Keen as Laura return after seven years and she was also great to see back as well. The eventual reveal of what happened to Logan is revealed here and it's a whole lot different than what I was expecting. I thought it was gonna be that he killed the X-Men by accident like in the Old Man Logan story, but what we got here was still good and made sense for his character. The reveal that Pyro was actually working for Paradox was something that I feel was sorta meant as a joke because, it wasn't bad by itself, but it was definitely one of the less interesting parts. But it then gets crazy again when we see Deadpool, Wolverine and the others begin their attack on Cassandra's hideout with some really brutal attacks being used over and over, and it made it even better seeing some of these abilities we haven't seen in a long while be done with modern technology. This then leads to Logan managing to convince Cassandra to take them back and I was sorta wondering if she was gonn have some sort of redemption, but I'm almost kinda glad she didn't because it led to a really awesome scene. For one, we get, maybe, my favourite scene in the whole movie next when all the Deadpool variants come out, Deadpool makes fun of the M.C.U not handling the Multiverse Saga properly and Nicepool is killed in a super gruesome and hilarious way, which leads to Wade and Logan teaming up to fight all variants and we finally get to see Wolverine with his mask on. I'm telling ya, when that happened, me and my entire theatre just went nuts, just seeing Hugh Jackman's Wolverine finally have the suit and mask on for the first time ever. I mean, yeah, you could absolutely tell it was 100% C.G.I, but it was still a really awesome moment, and, like I said, the music and songs really help enhance these scenes a great deal and made it super silly, but also incredibly epic at the same time. But then it kept going when Wade and Logan had to team up again to destroy that Time Ripper and that scene was definitely more awesome than funny, but it was super funny too. Then the last few minutes with Wade and Logan talking and then seeing more of the characters together was nice too. So, overall guys, this movie was just absolutely incredible to me and everything I could have asked for. Me and so many other people were super hyped for this and it absolutely lived up to it. Like I said, I've seen this movie twice already and I'm so excited to see it again. And so, yeah, everyone, that's my review of Deadpool & Wolverine. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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