7. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days: The reason this is the lowest on the list is because, I do think there are problems with it. Actually I only finished it this year because I had trouble with something but recently I managed to do it and I eventually finished the game. And it was actually better than I thought. But, yeah, there are problems. Like some of the bosses are really terrible, the plot, at times is all over the place and some characters aren't that likeable. They all are likeable, just not as likable as most of the other Kingdom Hearts characters, who are beyond lovable. Also some missions took forever to finish and you really had to think to finish some. But what I do like is the action, a lot of the characters and the plot when it's not all over the place and I like when they talk about Sora.
6. Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded: Yeah, I don't hate this game as much as everyone does, but I do see the problems with this game. I don't know that the platforming isn't very good and some of the graphics are kinda odd. But what I do like is the story, characters, action, worlds, the things you do while in the worlds and the different Keyblades you get at the end of every world. And I especially like the ending with King Mickey, Data Sora and Data Naminé with Naminé talking about the people still in Sora heart who are still asleep who need to be awakened.
5. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories: This game is probably the game I've spent on more than any other game in my life. The fight with Marluxia is the longest boss I've ever struggled with. The fact that it took me 6 years to beat him means that it's beyond hard. But what I don't like in the game is the card play and it all counts on whether or not you can beat your enemies with using cards with numbers on them and use your head to use better cards to best theirs. So there's a lot of strategy. And I don't like that. I'd prefer if it was just the regular command deck. And the last thing I don't like is how Sora was a little out of character when he yelled at Donald and Goofy. But what I did like is the story. I thought it was pretty interesting. And also the fact that there was 2 Rikus was clever given the fact that we never find out that the second is just a fake until the end of the middle of Sora's story. And I did like the ending.
4. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: This was the prequel that connected everything together like who was Ansem and Xemnas' original self and that is Master Xeanort. The main villain in the whole game franchise, and he's an amazing villain. He's one of my favourite villains ever. But also, we once again have amazing like Ventus (Ven), Aqua and Terra. My favourite is Ven. And when you get down to it, Terra only did everything he did because he wanted to help his friends like when he helped kill Eraqus, he wanted to protect Ven. The best part of it all in my opinion is once again the ending with the 3 of them fighting Master Xeanort and Vanitas. It's especially sad when we see what happens to the 3 of them. And we also understand why Roxas looks like Ven and why we saw him for a second in 358/2 days. And that's all why Birth by Sleep is my 4th favourite Kingdom Hearts game
3. Kingdom Hearts: This game was the one that started everything about this series. And when it came out, I adored it. It has fantastic characters, probably the easiest story to follow out of them all, an inventive premise and it has my favourite weapon ever, the Keyblade.
It has amazing scenes in it like when Sora is giving his speech about friendship and it taught me to die for my friends if something happened and me dying would help them. It also inspired me to write stories of Daniel Danger and I'd have friends be my strength as well. But also, it has perfect game play and, for the most part, fantastic bosses. The worlds also really inventive and nice to look at. And I could praise this game forever, but for now it's only at number 3.
2. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance: This is the most recent Kingdom Hearts game that isn't a .5 or .8 game. What I love is the game play, the characters, the Flow Motion (which is my favourite mechanic in the whole series), the story and the fact that this is the 3rd portable Kingdom Hearts game. So you didn't have to wait until you were home to play it. You could play it whenever you wanted to. And that was amazing because I didn't want to stop when I first played this. What I don't get though is that Sora isn't that smart here. He actually reminds me a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog in all the games where he does mess around and does some stupid things at times but does know when to be serious when needed. I mean, he's never been that smart, but here, he does do some stupid, unlike some of his other stupid scene before, here, he does more. But that's not a problem, just a question, and I still love him in this game. But on top of that, you get to play as Sora and Riku and you can change character whenever you wanted. And, again, I love the ending when we find out a lot of things from Xeanort who's come back. And it's also cool seeing Lea, A.K.A Axel, with a Keyblade. And that's all why Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is my second favourite Kingdom Hearts, but it's not as good as my number 1 choice.
1. Kingdom Hearts 2: Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favourite game of all time. I was originally going to put to Dream Drop Distance as number 1 but what I think this one did better is that this Kingdom Hearts games is the one that felt epic and huge. Literally the worlds looked absolutely massive, like how the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer was like. But on top of that the, each world (except Atlantica) was amazing and the best part was always the boss fights. My favourite world was Hollow Bastian or the World That Never Was. At Hollow Bastian we get phenomenal fights like the 1000 Heartless fight or the one with the M.C.P inside Space Paranoids. And with the World That Never Was we get the end with some of the best video game fight scenes ever. The best one being the fight with Xemnas. And we also get the feeling that this game has matured from the first game. And of course the characters are absolutely fantastic. I think Sora is at his best here. This is the guy I've always looked up to and this gam has taught me so much just like the first one with valuing friend and friendship is most important and because of these, my friends are my power too. Also, the music is some of my favourite. And that's all why Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favourite Kingdom Hearts game and my favourite video game of all time.
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