5. Seeing Ant-Man again: I actually haven't seen the Ant-Man movie yet but when I do I'll review it, and he's also supposed to be in Civil War and from what I've seen I'm looking forward to seeing him here and seeing the Ant-Man movie when I get it for my brother, who also loves Marvel as well, this Christmas.
4. Seeing Black Panther: We haven't seen Black Panther get his own solo movie yet, but he's going to get one. And in the new trailer, we see him and he looks awesome. Look.
I can't wait to see what's he's going to do in this new movie. He wants to bring Bucky in because Bucky apparently killed his dad.
3. Seeing Spider-Man: Yeah, the character I'm looking the most forward to see. The fact that I always wanted to see Spider-Man in an M.C.U movies with all these other incredible heroes. And I actually heard that after the last Wolverine movie is made in 2017, Marvel studios might get the rights to X-Men back and we might see the new casted Wolverine fight Hulk. Maybe though I don't know. They actually got the right back to Daredevil and that's how they managed to make the Daredevil T-V show on Netflix and Jessica Jones. I wish Fox would also give the rights to the Fantastic 4 back because there has never been a good Fantastic 4 movie. I actually don't mind the 2003 Daredevil movie, and I heard that it's actually not as bad as everyone says when I heard it on Listed when they ranked all 12 Fox movies. O.K, back to the point. I'm excited to see Spider-Man in Captain America Civil War.
2. The fight between Iron Man vs. Captain America and the Winter Soldier: This is going to be the most heart-breaking scene in the whole film with 2 friends having to fight each other because Tony wants to bring Bucky in but Steve won't let him so they end up fighting in this sort were-house and in the trailer, it looks awesome. I don't know who to support for because Tony is angry at Bucky and wants revenge for maybe killing his dad and hurting Rhodey, but on the other hand, Steve knows that Bucky has changed and they're both friends in this and Bucky is the only friend he has who still exists from his time and is still his best friend. So it's hard to tell.
And the number 1 thing I'm looking to seeing in Captain America Civil War is... Barren Zemo and Cross Bones: These 2 are going to be the villains of the movie and even though we haven't seen Barren Zemo and we've barely seen Cross Bones but from what we've seen of him so far, he looks pretty cool. And they fact that a lot of people thought there wasn't going to be a villain here and they thought it was just going to be the Avengers against each other, is a little funny. And that's all why Cross Bones and Barren Zemo are the things I'm looking the most forward to seeing in Captain America Civil War. And I still can't wait to see the film next year.
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