So out of all the Fantastic 4 movies, this is the one that I actually do consider to be good. I do know the problems but I do still really like it. And even the people who don't like it even admit that there's good things in it and that it's better than the last one. What's the story? So Reed and Sue are getting married and while that's going on, a creature from outer space called the Silver Surfer comes to earth and starts making craters. At one point he flies over Dr. Doom's mansion where his dead body is placed in a crate. When he flies over, his energy causes Doom to come back to life. That's actually one of the things I like about this. It's that in the scenes where we cut back to him and see him doing his thing and trying to get the mask off and monitoring the Surfer and he's in the shadows, I think those scenes are cool. Anyway, so a general asks Reed to build a sensor to monitor the Surfer but he refuses because he's going to get married but behind everyone's back, he begins to build it. Ben and Johnny find out and promise to keep it secret. During the wedding, the Surfer flies by and crashes everything. Johnny follows him but the Surfer grabs him and somehow gives him the ability to swap powers with the others. Somewhere in Greenland, Doom tries to talk to him but the Surfer shoots him with a blast of energy which begins to make his skin go back to normal. The Fantastic 4 then go to London where the Surfer is and he makes another crater in the sea. The general yells at them for failing so he says that Doom will help them. They're all shocked seeing how he died in the last one and he tried to kill the 4 of them. And the rest, I won't spoil. So let me go over the flaws I have with it. Firstly even though I thought bringing Dr. Doom was a little pointless, even though I do think he's a tiny bit better here than the first one. Not perfect but still better than the first. And the biggest problem I have with this movie is Galactus. This is like the way they portrayed Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This is a huge problem. Galactus is one of the greatest Marvel villains ever and in fact, I should of put him on my top 5 Marvel villains list. Here though... he's just a cloud. I'm serious. One of the coolest Marvel characters ever who's supposed to look like this...

Instead looks like this...

But, now let's get to the stuff I liked. The action in this is way better. Not just because there's more but just from the fact that it looks really good. Another thing that's really good is the Surfer himself. He looks awesome.

And the actor they got to play him is really good. And something else I liked in this that the last one was, was that this movie wasn't boring like the last one. I was interested right from the start. Also, Chris Evans who played Johnny here also played Captain America in the M.C.U, and, yeah I think he does a good job here. Obviously his portrayal as Cap is a lot better, especially sense his Cap one is one of my favourite superhero portrayals ever, but he's fun to watch here too. So yeah, the film does have a lot of problems and in the end, probably doesn't really work. But I still like it and I think that out of all the Fantastic 4 movies, this is the best. Yeah, they are all bad, but I think this one is O.K. I do think it's good and if you don't want to watch it, that's fine I do understand. But me personally, I think you should watch it.
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