Here I'm going to review the original 2 Fantastic 4 movies. I'm not going to be talking about the one that came out last year because everyone's said it sucks and was the second worst film of 2015 and I agree. It sucked so hard. I already talked about these two movies before in my top 10 movies I like but everyone else hates list. I also acknowledge that there are lots of problems but, for some reason, I kinda enjoy them. Especially the second one. And apparently when Stan Lee wrote the Fantastic 4 comics, they were supposed to be a failure. No, really. Apparently he was writing some kid friendly stories for comics and they weren't doing so good. So as it went on, Stan wanted to do something that would get him fired because at that point he wanted to retire but he sold them, they were turning out to be a big success and that's when he started writing other heroes like Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, the X-Men and the others. So yeah, the Fantastic 4 is the reason we got all the other great Marvel heroes. What's the story? It starts off with Reed Richards and Ben Grimm going to visit a man named Victor Von Doom. He tells them that he's going to be taking a ship up to space and they agree to go with them. Along with them is Sue Storm, Victor's girlfriend and her brother named Johnny Storm, played by Chris Evans. They do and when do, they get hit by a cosmic ray which gives them all powers. Reed can stretch his body like an elastic band, Sue can turn invisible and create force fields, Johnny turn on fire and shoot fire and Ben's body turned into rock and strength. So through most of the movie they're trying to fit into the real world with these powers and Reed is trying to make a machine to turn them back to normal. And that's it. Yeah that's the biggest problem everyone has wit this movie that I have to admit I have too. There's barely any action and we barely see Doctor Doom. And yeah Doctor Doom isn't played that good here. We mostly just watch them trying to fit in. That's the movie. And it is boring when we see that the only action is at the end and it's not that long. But everyone, whether they're doing a good job or not, look the part. Everyone looks great. This what you would imagine the Fantastic 4 would look like in a live action movie.

Yeah I do admit that the Doctor Doom mask does look a little lame and a little cartoony, but at least it's better looking than the one we saw in the new movie. That one looked terrible. See.

Absolutely horrendous. And yeah, like everyone, I really wish Fox would give the Fantastic 4 rights back to Marvel so they can include it in the M.C.U because we all know they'd be able to make the Fantastic 4 movies good. And because of the 2015 version, that makes 4 Fantastic 4 movies that were considered bad. I don't mind this one and the Rise of the Silver Surfer one but everyone else hates them. And when I say there's been 4 of them, there was another one that was made in the 90's that was also garbage. Even Stan Lee admits it was bad. And he said that, that means it's awful. So for this movie, I don't think it's as bad as everyone says but is bad. I'd say skip it.
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