10. Pinako:
Starting us off is the small old automail mechanic, Pinako. Knowing Ed and Al since they were really small kids and serving as a granny figure to them, she's also very funny, clever and fun to watch. Especially the arguments between her and Ed. Also equipping Ed with his automail arm and leg with the assistance of Winry. Taking care of Ed and Al for a long time, she's grown quite an attitude and a grudge with Ed for them always calling each other small.
9. Mei:
Next on the list is the princess of Xing and the possible love interest of Al, Mei. Leaving Xing and going to Central to find a way to get a Philosopher's Stone to save her people, she found herself in the middle of this huge fight between everyone at Central and their opponents. Also coming to meet Ed, when she found out he was just a puny shrimp, she turned to fall in love with Al instead and, with her Panda, Xiao Mei, she's determined to get together with Al and save her people. I think I mainly like Mei for her innocence and even really good comedy every once in a while. She's also really cool and good fighter for a small girl. Especially with her specialty with using alkahestry.
8. Mustang:
Being one of the most famous anime heroes ever, Mustang has gained tons of popularity. Although, for me, he's only at number 8. But still he's still a cool and great character. Also being entitled "The Flame Alchemist" Mustang has a long history with being in the military. He was in the Ishbalan Civil War where he was forced to kill people he didn't want to, his best friend was murdered, he served people he thought were good but actually weren't and he's been losing innocent people left and right, both his team and the people he's trying to protect. And I like him for his cool attitude and even funny moments at times.
7. Hohenheim:
The father to the two main characters, Hohenheim is the one responsible for creating Father and letting him go. After realising what he had done and realising he was now immortal, he walked the Earth not knowing what to do until he met Trisha Elric who he then had Ed and Al with. After leaving them, he set out to the world to find a way to stop Father and put an end to his plan. While he starts off as maybe acting like a bit of a jerk, we understand why and he's also a really nice guy too and he does care about his friends and family. And seeing him interacting and bonding with Ed and Al again actually does have a lot of heart warming and heart breaking moments too.
6. Izumi:
Next up is Ed and Al's alchemy teacher, Izumi. Going through the same thing as them, Izumi attempted to use human transmutation to bring her baby back to life. When it failed and backfired, her intestines were damaged and now she's just a simple housewife trying to just live her life away from anything like that again. When she meets Ed and Al, she teaches them everything they know about how to use alchemy. When they see her again, they're terrified because they know she can be pretty scary sometimes. And it's funny and seeing what happened to her is what I think makes her so likeable and her wanting to help them in the end.
5. Ling:
At number 5 is the fun but also serious prince of Xing, Ling. While acting like just another comic relief at the start when we first see him, Ling quickly becomes a serious and more likeable character. On a similar mission as Mei, he originally set on a mission to find a Philosopher's Stone to save his people. But when he accepted to have one put inside him, he shared his body with the Homunculus, Greed. As I said, I like Ling more when he becomes more serious and he and Ed become friends. And seeing the first few moments with him, it's really hilarious.
4. Armstrong:
Coming up next is Major Alex Louis Armstrong. This guy actually reminds me a lot of Jiraiya from Naruto in the sense that he's a big strong character who's like a mentor to the main character and he can be silly and serious as well. Something else they have in common is that I prefer when they're serious. But he's also a really likeable and enjoyable with great interactions throughout the show and being pretty funny at a lot of parts. But the serious moments with him, I think are really powerful and I really, really like the way the actor sounds when he pulls them off.
3. Scar:
2. Al:
Coming close to number 1 is Alphonse. After losing his entire body trying to bring his mother back, he and Ed have to try to get it back. But during that time, he's stuck inside a huge metal suit of armour. Being the nicer and friendlier brother, Al has a lot of innocence and purity to him. He's really caring, selfless and even really funny at points. I really like his connection to other people like Mei and his father. And even when he's with some villains, he tries to reason with them first before doing anything too rash. And his friendly attitude is the real the main reason I put him so close to number 1.
And my number 1 favourite Fullmetal Alchemist character is... Ed:
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