15. Kid Icarus

Starting us off is the Kid Icarus series. Something you're gonna see kinda often here is that while these game franchises are pretty huge, they may not have a ton of characters in them. Or at least, none that I think would be capable of being made into figures. And one of those is Kid Icarus. I do think that there's characters here that can be used like Pit, Palutena, Hades, Dark Pit, Viridi and Magnus, but there's not a lot of characters in itself. Still though, those characters alone would be awesome to see and some of them could be holding weapons like Pit and Dark Pit holding bows and Palutena and Viridi holding staffs.
14. EarthBound:
Another one where the option of making a ton of characters into figures is kinda limited because there's not a ton of huge names to this game series. There some pretty obvious ones like Ness, Lucas and Porky, which are the main ones I'd like to see, but there's not a lot of other ones, or at least the ones that aren't huge and even the creatures in it, would be cool to see, but maybe not because it would be hard to do them. At the same time, Funko has managed to do hard figures before, so who know? Maybe so, but I think Ness, Lucas and Porky are the main ones to choose.
13. Xenoblade Chronicles:

This list could be a little farfetched to some people, but I think it would be awesome to see some characters from the Xenoblade Chronicles games transferred to Pop figures such as Shulk himself, along with the others like Fiora, Alvis, Melia, Dunban, Riki, and, who knows, maybe Mayneth and Zanza. I'm sure some of them would be hard to do, but just seeing some of them, or maybe even just Shulk himself, would be cool to see.
12. Bayonetta:

I actually only really got into this one recently, mainly because my brother recommended it to me and because of Super Smash Bros. And I think Bayonetta, while it may not have a ton of options open for a lot characters to be used, there could be some main characters used like Bayonette herself, Jeanne, Balder, Rodin, Rosa Jubileus and Luka. Plus, I think they could do some unique stuff with the Bayonetta one. Meaning they could have her be in different poses and maybe be having her guns in different ways.
11. Metal Gear Solid:

This game's line up of characters to use as Pop figures could actually be pretty big. I'm not huge into the Metal Gear Solid games, but I think some of these would be cool like Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, Big Boss, Otacon, Venom Snake, Eva, Quiet and Sniper Wolf. Even if they are gonna make a set for Metal Gear Solid, I doubt all of them would be used. Raiden, I think, would also be pretty cool to see used too. Even just Solid Snake himself would be awesome enough on its own.
10. Star Fox:
This is one where the whole actual Star Fox crew would work. I think having a set alone with Fox and the crew would be awesome like Fox himself, Falco, Slippy, Peppy, Krystal, and maybe some of the villains too like Wolf, Leon and Pigma. Plus, who knows, maybe their ships as well with the characters in them. They've done ones like that before like with Harry Potter with the Hogwarts Express. So maybe they can do something similar with Fox and his ship.
9. Metroid:

This is one where I think the options would only be two, three or four. They could probably just do Samus, then Samus without her suit, Ridley, and maybe even an actual Metroid. They did something like that for Kingdom Hearts with the Shadow Heartless and they're doing something like that for the new set with a Soldier Heartless. So they could do it here and just seeing a Pop figure of Samus in her armoured power suit would be awesome because it's already a really cool design.
8. Fire Emblem:
I wouldn't say a ton of characters would be able to work here, though, and this is just kinda simplifying it, but I think just going with the characters they chose to be in Super Smash Bros. would be a great fit and it would make sense and it wouldn't have to be confusing. Just have Marth, Ike, Lucina, Robin, both boy and girl, and maybe have Corrin too. And they can all have their swords, and Robin can be unique with having a book in his hand.
7. Jak & Daxter:
Jak & Daxter I feel is a franchise with a fair amount of characters that would be good enough to make the cut of figures that could be made into a set. Kinda similar to another franchise you'll see next. But, the ones that would be obvious are Jak & Daxter themselves. Maybe they could do one of Jak by himself and Daxter in another box or make one where they're both together with Jak holding a weapon. The other candidates would be Keira, Samos and even Gol.
6. Ratchet & Clank:

Similar to Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank is a series with a ton of characters that would be similar to theirs in a way. For one, there's Ratchet and Clank themselves. And it could be similar with the two of them together or in two separate boxes. And they could have Ratchet wearing different things like he has in the games and maybe holding different weapons, though mainly just his wrench. The other characters that could be used would be Sasha, Captain Quark, Drek, Angela, Dr. Nefarious, Lawrence and maybe Alister.
5. Final Fantasy:

Now this one can sorta have a humongous roster of characters to turn into Pop figures considering there's so many characters in this franchise. But I think if they were to use the main characters from the different games would be a great start like Cloud, Leon, Tidus and all them for one set and then they could make another for the villains like Sephiroth, Ultimicia, Jecht. I would be amazed if they'd ever manage to get a lot of these characters detail onto the figures, but, at the same time, they've done stuff like that before in other set, so, it's not impossible in my opinion.
4. Kirby:
This one is pretty basic. And when I say basic, I mean the character designs. They could very easily do this one because the character's designs are simple and just having them be made would be cool looking. Especially Kirby himself. Not just him, but also Meta Knight, King Dedede and a Waddle Dee. There doesn't have to be a lot, or even all of them, but still, just those four are enough in my opinion.
3. The Legend Of Zelda:
Now I'm not all that sure about this one because I think I saw somewhere that this has already happened, but I don't really think so, but I really think the Legend Of Zelda should totally get a Pop figure set considering how popular it is. There can be the obvious characters like Link, Zelda and Ganondorf, but I think the other characters in it too like Zelda as Sheik, Kid Link, Ganon, Demise, Saria and so many others. There's a ton of opportunities to go with this and I'd like to see them take advantage of them. I know I'm not a huge fan of Zelda, but I do want to see these bigger know video game franchises turned into figures. I think seeing them would be cool and I'd like to see how they're able to make them.
2. Donkey Kong:
Coming in close to number 1 is another franchise with quite a lot of characters to use at its deposal. And given how huge and small these characters are, especially given their unique designs, I'd like to see a lot of them used. Obviously, there's Donkey Kong himself, then Diddy Kong, who they could do differently. And by that, I mean they could make one of just himself and then maybe another one with his jetpack and peanut guns. There can also be Dixie Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, King K. Rool, Cranky Kong, Tiny Kong, Funky Kong, and so many other characters that could be done in very amazing ways that could be used amazingly.
And the number 1 video game franchise I want to see get turned into Pop figures is... Mario:

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