Some of the best parts about anime is the fact that so many of them can create so many emotional scenes. Some of which may even cause people to cry and get emotionally invested in them. A lot of that can be due to brilliant writing and fantastic investment. These characters can be ones that we've gotten to know so well and gotten to love for so long that when they die, it makes it all the more tragic and heart-breaking to see them go. And given how there are so many deaths in anime, a lot of them have caused so many people to be saddened, I decided to count down my top 10 saddest deaths in anime. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
10. Minato and Kushina (Naruto Shippuden):

Starting us off at number 10 are Naruto's parents. Probably the most famous death in the series. When Obito attacked the village with Kurama, Minato managed to get them away. And when they get far enough, Minato attempts to use the Reaper Death Seal Jutsu to seal half of Kurama inside Naruto, who had just been born. But when Kurama realises what going on, he tries to kill Naruto so Kushina and Minato jump in front of him to save him from his claw. After saying they're last goodbyes and last words to him, they both die as soon as Kurama is absorbed into both Naruto and Minato. And given how they're both likeable characters and they get even more likeable when they meet Naruto again, yeah, it just makes that all the more tragic.
9. Spike (Cowboy Bebop):

This is a bit of confusing one. If you've seen the show, you know what I mean, but in case you don't the last scene of the last episode from Cowboy Bebop is Spike falling on some stairs after his fight with Vicious. But it's never official confirmed 100% that he's actually dead. He could have done that out of exhaustion or loss of too much blood. Either way, we just know that he might be dead and it's kinda sad in that way.
8. Nina (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood):

While a small appearance on the show, the death of this little girl is still tragic and kinda terrifying. After Ed and Al make friends with Nina and her dad, they come over to their house again a third time, but this time to discover that Shou Tucker had used alchemy to fuse her and her dog Alexander together into a chimera. Once Ed figures it out, he becomes enraged and pounds Tucker's face in hard with automail arm. When Al stops him and Ed is horrified of seeing the new chimera, Tucker and Nina are under house arrest for a night until Scar comes and kills Tucker. He then sees Nina and knows that there's nothing that can be done to separate them, so he kills her too. The last we see of them are both Tucker and Nina's dead bodies on the ground surrounded by blood.
7. Neji (Naruto: Shippuden):

Another Naruto death on this list is when Neji, one of the biggest characters in the whole series, was murdered in an attempt to save Naruto and Hinata from the Ten Tails. When it begins to shoot out spikes, Hinata tries her best to save Naruto, but when three are about to hit them, Neji jumps in front of them to save them. This was a ginormous shock considering how much of a major player Neji really was. Seeing Naruto, Hinata and everyone else's reaction to it is terrifying and it ends with Obito taunting Naruto in a way, but all of this helps as Hinata gives Naruto a motivational speech, and just the one he needed to get back on his feet and keep charging ahead to save everyone.
6. Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood):

Another one of the saddest deaths in the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise is the death of Ed and Al's dad. After the defeat of Father, Hohenheim goes to visit Trish's grave knowing that he's about to die. He says his last bit of respects talking about Ed and Al before dying with a smile on his face in front of Trish's grave. Pinoko then discovers him there and can't help but feel sorrow. And given how Hohenheim had been made as this incredibly caring and loving father character before, it just made the scene all the more saddening.
5. L (Death Note):

Probably the most controversial death in anime, given how death is practically the main staple of this series, considering the word "death" is even in the title of the series, L's death is probably the most hated death ever created for an anime. After Light and Rem make a deal, or when Light blackmails Rem in a way, Rem decides to use her Death Note to kill L and Watari as a means to protect Misa allowing Light to win. As L is about to die, he looks at Light smiling now knowing 100% that Light was Kira. While that may have been a twist, I think we can all agree that that was a huge mistake considering L was the best character in the series with being incredibly fun, smart and interesting, so eliminating him just made way for, well, less impressive characters like Near and Mello.
4. Jiraiya (Naruto Shippuden):

Probably the saddest death in Naruto, Jiraiya left one humongous impression when he died. After fighting Pain and discovering his real identity, he tried to relay the message with Lord Fukusaku and had him bring the message to Tsunade via a burnt message on his back. And all of this was happening while the six different Pains were all attacking him and trying to kill him. They even managed to cut off his arm and it ended with him sinking to the bottom of the sea while thinking about Naruto.
3. Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood):

Probably the most well known and saddest death in anime history, this being the death of Cornal Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. After Hughes begins to figure out more about the Homunculus' plans, Lust and Envy are sent to kill him before he can tell anyone. First Lust tries to kill him in the library and then Envy finds him at a phone booth. He then disguises himself as Maria Ross and then his wife and using a gun to shoot him. Considering Hughes had been built up as this incredibly likeable character beforehand and was one of the funniest in the series, this was especially heart-breaking for those reasons and seeing Ed and Al's reactions when they found was even worse.
2. Igneel (Fairy Tail):

Coming in close to number 1 is the death of Natsu's adopted dragon dad, Igneel. After Igneel finally emerges from inside Natsu, he begins to fight Acnologia when Acnologia and him charge at each other with Igneel losing an arm and part of the lefrt side of his body. All this is happening right in front of Natsu's eye and it ends with Igneel getting blasted over and over. And it especially gets sadder when Natsu breaks down into tears and says his last words to him and promising to take down Acnologia himself. Again, Igneel himself, I know I've said this a lot on this list, but he was just so loveable and so nice that when he dies, it almost kinda made me tear up. And seeing Natsu's reaction to it all just gave me even more punches to my gut.
And the number 1 saddest death in anime is... Ace (One Piece):

And finally at number 1 is the most iconic death from the series of One Piece, the death of Ace. This might actually be the most iconic death in anime history, especially given how incredibly loveable Ace was before this happened. After being defeated by Blackbeard, Ace is captured by the World Government and is sent to execution. When Luffy finds out, he rallies all the help he can get to go and try to rescue him. When they get to Marineford, they have all the admirals and other members of the marines after them trying to stop them. After a huge fight with so many people, Luffy eventually manages to free Ace and it looks like they're about to escape until Akainu appears and starts taunting about Whitebeard which gets Ace angry. When it looks like Akainu has beaten him, he then goes to kill Luffy with his lava powers, but Ace jumps in the way saving Luffy, but getting stabbed in the process. Even after doing everything he could Luffy was forced to watch in horror as his adoptive brother is murdered right in front of him and Ace says ones last goodbye to him before dropping to the ground dead. Having all this happen in front of Luffy left him heartbroken and terrified that his body shut down resulting in everyone on his side trying to save him. Given the horrific way it's all executed, we can't help but feel the same way Luffy feels as his brother slowly dies in his arms and he's put in a state of absolute trauma. And all that is why I think Ace's death is the saddest death in anime. And so, everyone, those are my picks for the top 10 saddest deaths in anime. Thank you all for reading, please comment to tell me what you think, or if you like anime, please tell me who you think had the saddest death.