So, given how Dragon Ball Super was a huge sequel series for Dragon Ball Z, it, like all sequel series of a show, introduced a lot of new characters. And, some of which I think are kinda underrated and some are already beloved by so many fans of the franchise. And, seeing I personally enjoyed Super a tiny bit more than some people and enjoy it a bit more than Z, I came to like so many of it's new characters. I'm also not including Beerus and Whis on here because they were technically introduced in the Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Gods and Resurrection F movies, so I'm not including them. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Caulifla:
Starting us off at number 5 is one of the female Saiyans from Universe 6, Caulifla. While, yes, in my review of Dragon Ball Super, I mentioned how she was kinda annoying because of her arrogance, I recently rewatched the Tournament Of Power and she kinda grew on me a bit more. She was still a little annoying, but I came to like her more. Not only does she have a really nice relationship with Kale, but she's also an awesome warrior with being full of confidence and holding her own well enough in the Tournament. Especially against Goku. Plus, she's just a fun character anyway and one that I hope we'll see again soon. I did also like other characters from Universe 6 like Kale, Cabba and Hit, but Caulifla was just my favourite from it.
4. Zamasu:
In terms of just straight up evil characters, Zamasu might have been my favourite new addition to the series. Which is strange since he was probably the only new one to the series. Anyway, I believe that Zamasu being introduced was the true start to the series because as soon as we began the Zamasu and Goku Black arc, this is when the series really became fantastic in my opinion. As one of the Kais, Zamasu saw human as meaningless beings who were destined to destroy themselves. So in order to correct whatever he saw fit, he hatched a plan to take over Goku's body and team up with another version of himself from another timeline. And everything with him was amazing. Especially since he was pretty much immortal which made it impossible to actually kill him. Taking over Goku's body also led to him destroying Trunk's timeline and killing all life on it.
3. Jiren:

At number 3 is probably the most underrated character in the entire Dragon Ball franchise in my opinion. Like I said in my review of Dragon Ball Super, a lot of people really didn't like Jiren and thought he was kinda boring, but, like I said, I really liked him. I think he has a pretty tragic backstory and is overall a super awesome character. Not only was he undoubtedly the strongest contestant in the Tournament Of Power, but he clearly lived up to that by eliminating other competitors with no effort whatsoever. Even when Goku had mastered Ultra Instinct, he was still having a hard time with him. He was also barely able to be eliminated by both Goku and Frieza when they teamed up at the very end to take him down. But, even regardless of how powerful he is, I still just liked him as a character too. And, given what happened at the very end where he declared he and Goku would meet again, I'm hoping we'll see him and Goku become friends and team up against someone soon. That would be awesome.
2. Zeno:
Coming in close to number 1 is the omni king himself, Zeno. Being by far the most powerful and revered character in the whole franchise, and probably in all of anime, Zeno is the one and only being, kind of, who rules over everything that exists. With the power to eliminate entire universes whenever he wants, it's no wonder he's feared by every single god of destruction. Even almighty characters like Beerus and Champa shake with fear and tremble just by seeing him. But what I love so much about him is his childish and innocent attitude towards everything. While he clearly understands what he's doing, he does it with such a childish personality that it makes it impossible not to love him. And it's made even better when Goku befriends him and even brings him another Zeno from another timeline. And, again, despite being a character who literally wipes out life without feeling anything, he does it in a way so that he's never unlikeable and always remains a likeable characters regardless.
And my number 1 favourite new character in Dragon Ball Super is... Broly:
And finally at number 1 is the rebooted version of the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly. While it's kinda cheating to put him on this list considering he appeared in the movie and not the series, the movie was still titled Dragon Ball Super: Broly, so it technically does still count. Plus, people have said similar things before, so I'm doing the same. Unlike the original version of Broly, who was essentially just a screaming, rage filled tank of a monster, this version is a fully fleshed out character with a sympathetic backstory, well shown depiction of his power and a likeable character overall. And, you do feel sorry for him the whole time you see him with him being trained his whole life to be a weapon by his father and never knowing anything besides fighting. Plus, it's just awesome to have a good version of this characters who's canon and may show up again some time in the future. Given the ending of the movie, he may join Goku and the other Z-Fighters at some point. He and Goku also agree to help train to become stronger which means we'll be seeing more of the two of them together. And all that is why Broly is my favourite new character in Dragon Ball Super. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 5 new characters in Dragon Ball Super. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
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