When it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh!, I honestly think the whole series has some of the most underrated villains in all of anime. Some are really memorable with memorable designs, really great voice work and because of how unique they feel, it makes them stand out more in my opinion. And so, to comenorate that, I'm gonna count down my top 5 favourite villains in the franchise that I've seen. And, yeah, this won't just be counting the villains from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, but from the other series I've seen. I haven't see Zexel or Arc V yet, so I'm going with the ones from the original, GX and 5D's. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Goodwin (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's):

Starting us off at number 5 is the first main villain of 5D's, Goodwin. Goodwin is the head of public security in Neo Domino City, Goodwin puts on a friendly image to the public to cover up his own horrendous actions. Whether he's manipulating the people around him to gain more power or tricking and lying to them, he was doing all this with the hope of gaining the power of the Crimson Dragon. And, while no one really trusted him in the beginning, they at least went along with him since he was the only one with knowledge about the Crimson Dragon and the past and the Signers. He had even become a Dark Signer himself at the very end until Yusei, Jack and Crow took him down.
4. Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh!):

Next up is the very creator of Duel Monsters, Maximillian Pegasus. While he may have shifted sides later on in the series, Pegasus was a straight up villain the first time we ever see him. And, just like Yugi, he has a Millennium Item with his Millennium Eye, which he got in Egypt. Most of the time, he's shown as a cocky and over confident person who likes to manipulate people in the beginning. Though, mostly, he was originally planning to use the Millennium Items to resurrect his dead wife. But, after Yugi beat him in his own duelling tournament in Duelist Kingdom, he began to change his ways from a villain to a hero, especially when we see him in the later shows.
3. Zorc (Yu-Gi-Oh!):
At number 3 is the giant monster final villain at the end of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series, Zorc. Being the final villain of the whole series, Zorc was created from the evil inside of people and wasted no time showing just how powerful he was. With powers that can destroy some of the most powerful monsters ever like the Blue Eyes White Dragon, Exodia and even the God Cards, it was prctically a miracle that Yugi and the others were able to destroy him.
2. Yami Marik (Yu-Gi-Oh!):
Coming close to number 1 is the main villain of the Battle City arc, Marik, or Yami Marik technically. After the original Marik was put through tragedy in his past, his dark self, Yami Marik, awoke and decided to terrorise the world. Equipped with the Millennium Rod, he proceeded to kill Marik's parents and then later take part in the Battle City tournament to get the Egyptian God Cards. And he began to send tons of people to the Shadow Realm as a result as well. He also came close to getting them all when he fought against Yugi in the finals of the tournament until the real Marik broke through and managed to banish Yami Marik forever.
And my number 1 favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! villain is...Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX):
And finally at number 1 is the main villain from the Dimension World arc from GX, Yubel. Now, this might be a slightly weird one, but I love Yubel as a villain. She's super cool with an awesome design, great plot around her and I absolutely love Cassandra Lee Morris's voice performance as her. In season 3 of GX, she did so much and she established herself as a really awesome character. She teleported all of Duel Academy to another dimension, manipulated a teacher there to serve her, took control over some student's bodies, tricked Jaden into becoming the Supreme King and came super close to uniting all twelve dimensions. And I love the setup for the character as the story keeps going and going. It starts with her inside of tank or something as like a lump with her red eye showing, but she keeps evolving and I love how the story keeps it going with her. Plus, not only do I like her as a character and think she's really cool, but I also like her connection with Jaden. The fact that she's actually a monster card that has her own consciousness, but when she grew attached to him and became obsessed with being his only friend, she began hurting others who she felt would replace her as his friend and so Jaden sent her into space in a rocket to hopefully help her only for her to be consumed with an evil energy and she resented him for sending her away. So, afterwards, she tried to do everything she could to get back at him and keep him as her own friend. Trust me, it makes a lot more sense if you actually watch it. And, really, again, I just love Yubel as a really great character and think she's seriously underrated as an anime villain. And all that is why Yubel is my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! villain. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 5 Yu-Gi-Oh! villains. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.
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