This is yet another Daniel Danger story. The thought for this one actually literally just popped into my head a few days ago and I thought it was a really good. And, no. This won't have any langue in it but there will be some things in it that might be more targeted for 12 year olds again. Or at least I think anyway. And after this, I might take a break from these Daniel Danger stories for a small while. Maybe. I might write more if I get ideas but for now I think that that's it for a while for the stories. And please comment when you're done. Anyway, let's begin.
A couple of days later after the whole Alien attack in Youghal, every Danger was still exhausted after the long fight. Daniel as well was the most tired because not only did he have to use the Dark Danger power, which always wears him down, but he also had to rest up from the first fight on Driforia and Youghal and he was beyond tired from both of those fights. He's mostly just been resting in his house ever since then. The others were mostly trying to recover on Driforia as well. They were also mostly lying around too while also doing the best they could to train in what little ways they could. Dr. Buckley was also trying to relax too while also trying to work on the computer on the ship. He was mostly checking space to see if any more aliens or anything like that are coming. There wasn't so far. He left the ship and began to join the others. Ever since that ginormous attack on Driforia with every Danger against Chernagan and his men and the death of everyone's families, every Danger on Driforia have been living in one big building with their own rooms and a huge kitchen for them all and the basement was actually a prison for criminals they've caught. Every Danger on Driforia were not actually related. They were all just friends and Dr. Buckley has been their friend for years as well as to their parents. All their buildings were destroyed except for the big one that they're all in now. As Dr. Buckley went into the building, something appeared on the small screen on the ship. Something in space was coming towards the planet. It was coming in really fast. Daniel was at his house about to take a small walk to Green Park to try and relax against a tree or something like that with the sun out and get a small bit of time alone. When he got there, he sat down leaning against a tree with his legs crossed and hands behind his head again. He was wearing sunglasses and gave a small smile to himself from the relaxation. He closed his eyes. A few minutes later, he looked at his phone and saw it was almost 1:00PM. He got up and began to walk home. Along the way he checked inside his bag to see if Dr. Buckley had tried to contact him on his communicator on his glove. There was nothing. When he got back, he went to his room and sat on his windowsill for a few minutes while also listening to some Disney songs and music on his phone. Just then he got an idea. He told his mam that he was going out again and when he left he went to a small forest that was next to the Tesco in Youghal. When he went there, he got into his Danger suit and teleported to Driforia. When he got there he went to see the others. He went into a big room where they always go to hang out. Dr. Buckley saw him.
Dr. Buckley: "Daniel? It's good to see you again. What are you doing here?"
Daniel: "I was getting board at home so I decided to come here for a while."
Dr. Buckley: "Alright. You all can talk here because I just remembered to do some last minute check-up on the ship."
He left and Daniel joined the others to talk to them. When Dr. Buckley got there, he looked on the computer to an opened a panel to check on some wiring there. He then went to the hanger to finish rebuilding the Danger's battleships. As he was in the hanger, the thing appeared on the screen again and there was a sort of beeping noise. He finished all the battleships with Jason's being the last one. He was about to leave the ship again but then he heard something. He went to the bridge. He went to his seat which was at the top of the bridge and sat at the computer and looked at it. He saw the flashing dot and noise on the screen. He pushed a button to make it appear on the huge screen which was actually the window to look out which was also a screen to see what was on Dr. Buckley's computer. He looked at it. He saw the light was headed towards the planet. He looked at it curiously. He enlarged the picture and saw that the thing was coming in a fireball surrounding it because it was going so incredibly fast. Dr. Buckley began to look worried. He raised his communicator to call the other Dangers.
Dr. Buckley: "Everyone? Can you all come the ship please. I think we might have a problem."
Every Danger came to the ship. He showed them all the screen on the window.
Dr. Buckley: "I can't exactly tell what it is but it is something that's alive. I also can't get any read on it to see where it came from. It must be because it's moving so fast."
Luke: "I sure hope it's not something we have to fight because all still tired from that whole fight at Youghal with those aliens."
Owen: "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
The beeping and the flashing got a bit bigger and louder as it got closer and closer. They went out of the ship and looked at the sky. It was almost there. It then crashed nearby. Every Danger flew to where it landed and then they ran to the spot and looked down at the small crater it made. Dr. Buckley, Jason, Zane and Troy went down to it. When the dust cleared, they could see what it was. It looked like some kind of creature that almost looked like a human but it's skin was a sort grey colour and it had claws on it's fingers. It also had a sword on it's back. It began to move. Dr. Buckley went to it and began to help it get up slightly.
Dr. Buckley: "Are you O.K? Who are you? What's your name."
???: "..."
Jason: "Can you talk?"
???: "... Yes."
Zane: "Then what's your name?"
???: "I am... Black Sound."
Troy: "What? Well, what are you doing here?"
Black Sound: "For... blood."
He swung his arms around trying to hit them with his claws. The four of them jumped out of the crater and joined the others and looked down at him. He looked at them all.
Black Sound: "I've heard so much about all you Dangers on my planet, especially this "Daniel Danger," and so I wanted to see if you could beat me. The reason I'm called Black Sound is because I have the ability of hearing things incredibly well. Within an entire mile, I can hear anything I want. Even the tiniest whisper and breath. And I'm going to see if you can all actually defeat me with my loud hearing."
Black Sound got his sword and jumped up to them. He also held out his other hand to use his claws. The Dangers got their own swords and got ready for another fight even though they know they're not 100% ready for a fight again after the last one. Black Sound lunged forward and tried to attack them but they were still able to avoid him and fight him. They flew at him but he was also very agile and jumped out of the way of each of their moves. All of them were barely even touching him they were able to grab and hit him at times and they did hit hard. It wasn't however until he swung some energy at them with his sword and claws which knocked them all down. Not only could they not get up from the knock down, but they were also still exhausted from that fight and the previous one. Some of them tried to fly but were way too tired and beat up to barely move. Black Sound looked at them all. Behind him, Chloe was sneaking up on him. She was breathing as quietly as she could. At one point he heard her and turned around, hit her to the ground and held his sword at her. He stood on her stomach. The others were trying to run to her but they could barely get up. Daniel closed his eyes and tried to get angry to use the Dark Danger power but he was too distracted by being scared. Dr. Buckley managed to stand up. Black Sound made Chloe stand up and she was wobbling as she was standing. Black Sound threw his sword back to impale her. Dr. Buckley was running towards them.
Dr. Buckley: "CHLOE."
Chloe: "Doc. No wait."
Black Sound thrust his sword forward.
Luke: "NO CHLOE."
Other Dangers: "NO."
Then Dr. Buckley pushed Chloe out of the way and then Black Sound impaled him through the chest.
Everyone gasped and their mouths dropped wide. Black Sound was also surprised and then pulled his sword out of him and pulled off Dr. Buckley's left glove. Dr. Buckley had his hand over the spot where he was impaled. He dropped to the ground. Every Danger stood up despite the pain and ran over to him. Black Sound took a few steps back. They all bent down to him. He was taking so many deep breaths.
All Dangers: "NO. DOCTOR. NO."
Tears were going down some of their faces. Black Sound laughed a little and held up Dr. Buckley's glove and looked at it.
Black Sound: "This must be their teleporters. One of these Dangers is not from here. He's supposed to be from Earth. Let's see what it's like when I'm done with it."
Daniel glared at him. And his costume began to change again. He stood up and gave a mighty roar. He flew at super sonic speed towards him but before he could attack him, Black Sound teleported away. Daniel began to turn back to normal. He ran back over to the others with Dr. Buckley. They took him to the ship and put him on a bed to lie down.
Owen: "No. Doc. You can't die."
Dr. Buckley: "... You... can't worry... about me... right now... You have to... defeat Black Sound. You can't... let him... destroy the... Earth."
Every Danger looked at each other.
Bella: "I think some of us should go after him and the rest should stay here with Dr. Buckley."
Zane: "Good idea. Daniel, your one the ones who should go back to Earth."
Daniel: "Yeah. I was thinking the same thing."
Stephanie: "I'll go with you."
Owen: "Me too."
Troy: "Me as well."
Daniel: "Alright. Come on. We've gotta stop him. The rest of you, take care of him."
The rest nodded. The four of them teleported back to Youghal. When they arrived, Black Sound was at the car park behind the Red Store. They looked at him as they teleported on the footpath next to it. He looked at them. They all glared at him. They all yelled and charged at him. He waved his sword again to do the energy wave again but they dodged it. As Daniel was about to go into Dark Danger form again, the other Dangers separated. Daniel went to attack him and both of them were going fast with their attacks until Black Sound pushed him back and hit Daniel with the energy from the sword again and used an attack from his claws. Daniel continued to glare at him. Black Sound was about to attack him again but then he raised his head. He could hear something. Owen was sneaking up on him but then he did a swing backwards and kicked him in the face. Troy went to attack him from above but Black Sound could still hear him even while he was trying to be as quiet as possible. He grabbed Troy's arm and threw him on the ground. Stephanie tried to fly at him as fast as she could but he did a backflip and kicked her in the face and she was heading towards Daniel. Daniel grabbed her and put her down. He ran towards Black Sound trying everything he could to hit him but there was nothing. He punched Daniel back. The four Dangers got together. As Black Sound began to use his sword energy again, the Dangers hid behind a wall of a person's house across the street.
Owen: "We can't beat him. So long as he's got that hearing of his, he knows when we're going to attack."
Black Sound: "I can hear you and I'm coming for you."
Troy: "What are we gonna do?"
Black Sound: "There's nothing you can do."
Stephanie: "Any suggestions?"
Daniel: "Hmmm... "
Just then an ambulance began to drive by with it's siren on and when it did, Black Sound covered his ears and shook his head a little. Daniel saw it happen.
Daniel: "(Gasp.) I think I know what to do."
Black Sound: "I can still hear you and you'll never beat me."
Daniel: "Just keep him distracted until I get back."
They all nodded.
Black Sound: "You won't win."
All the Dangers stood up. They charged at him again. As Daniel got closer, he jumped over him and flew off.
Black Sound: "Get back here you coward."
Stephanie: "He's not the one you need to worry about right now."
They got closer to him. Daniel flew to his house. The car at the front was gone. That meant his mam must be away.
Daniel (In his head): "O.K. That's good. I hope this works."
He went inside and got a phone and some headphones. He put the headphones into the phone then put a song on the phone. He then put the volume of the phone on 90%. He then began to fly back to the others and the others were on the ground. Black Sound ran towards them. Just the he raised his head again. He turned around and saw Daniel coming towards him. Daniel managed to avoid every attack he threw at him then grabbed onto him.
Daniel: "So ya like to hear things do ya? Then listen to this."
He put the headphones into Black Sound's ears. Black Sound was struggling to get him off but Daniel was punching him hard. He then turned the phone on and turned on the song at a high volume. When he did, Black Sound screamed in pain because the sound was so incredibly loud and with his super hearing, it made it sound even louder. He was waving his arms to get Daniel off but then Daniel turned the volume up more to 100% maximum. Black Sound screamed louder. It got to a point where every sound was gone. Black Sound touched his ears. Then gave a small scream. He touched his ears again. It was almost like he couldn't hear anything anymore. He looked at Daniel.
Black Sound: "Why you."
Daniel punched him in the face then pulled out his headphones and put them and the phone into his pocket. Black Sound touched his ears again.
Daniel: "Yes. I knew that that would work."
The other three went to him.
Stephanie: "Daniel? What'd you do him?"
Daniel: "When that ambulance passed earlier, I noticed how it made him cover his ears a little because it was too loud for him because of his louder hearing. So I got the idea of making him hear something super loud so now he's deaf. He'll never be able to hear anything again."
Black Sound went to attack again but Daniel just kneed him in the stomach then punched him in the face. It knocked him out they brought him back to Driforia. After locking him up in the cell in the building and taking away him sword and claws, they all went to the ship where the others were still around Dr. Buckley. They walked over to him.
Dr. Buckley: "... You're all O.K. D-did you do it?"
Troy: "Yes Doc. Daniel managed to beat him. He's in the cell right now."
Dr. Buckley smiled.
Dr. Buckley: "That's good... to hear. I knew... you'd be able... to do it. Listen to me, all of you. I am proud of you all. I could not have asked for a better team. You have all proven yourselves as heroes and Daniel has proven to be a real ally in this fight. But I won't... stay alive... for much longer. So now because of that, you all need a new leader... Daniel... I want you to take over as the leader of the Dangers from now on."
Daniel: "WHAT?"
Everyone looked at him.
Daniel: "What're you talking about? Why me? Why not have Jason, Zane or Troy be the leader? They're the oldest."
Dr. Buckley: "Because... you're the only Ultra-Danger among you all and you seem to be the best fighter."
Daniel: "But Doc? I..."
Dr. Buckley: "Daniel, please? As my last request to you, I ask you to please take on as the leader of the Dangers. Lead them into the best of what you believe in. And you seem to truly believe that you're greatest strength is your friends. I admire that. Please?"
Daniel: "(Sigh)... Alright. I'll do it."
Dr. Buckley: "Thank you. And thank you to you all. I know you'll all do the right thing. I... believe... in... you.. all."
He smiled then he closed his eye and he took his last breath. He then died. Every Danger gasped and looked at his body. They all screamed in sadness and Stephanie and Bella grabbed his body and hugged it. Later all the Dangers were outside looking at the ground. They had buried him and Daniel used two sticks to make a small cross and stuck it into the ground where he was buried. Daniel got his phone from his pocket and saw that on Earth it was almost 8:00PM.
Daniel: "Everyone. I have to go. I'm sorry to leave but I do have to get home."
All Dangers: "Alright."
Daniel then touched the cross in the ground and looked at the ground.
Daniel: "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you Doc. But as the new leader of the Dangers, I promise you that I won't let you down. The universe needs the Dangers and we won't stop protecting it."
He stepped back and teleported away back to Youghal. The others also looked at the ground one more time then went back to the building. But, however, on the planet, the dark creature was watching once again.
???: "Yes. The Dangers have lost their wise leader. Now they'll be lost. Which will make it easier for me to exterminate them. That young Danger will never grow to become a real leader of the Dangers."