10. Suicide Squad: Don't get me wrong, I know this movie has a lot of issues and I've talked about it a lot, especially when I did my review, but I was still entertained watching this. And this is the only DC movie on here. For Batman V Superman, I enjoyed it more than most people, but I still thought it was a jumbled mess with some really illogical moments and choices. But for Suicide Squad, I think the same, but I think this one is just more entertaining. Especially during the climax with Enchantress and Incubus. A lot of the actors were really engaging like the squad themselves and Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg and Viola Davis as Amada Waller. It was also cool to see the appearances from Ben Affleck as Batman. Again, it does have a lot of problems, but it's still a movie I enjoyed.
9. Kung Fu Panda 3: This is a movie I feel has really disappeared. I don't hear people talk about much. I just sorta feel like it's just vanished. But I still like it. It isn't as good as the second movie, but there's still a lot of good stuff here. The action is awesome, the comedy is still good and the characters are still likeable.. It's just such a really good way to end the Kung Fu Panda trilogy.
8. X-Men: Apocalypse: And now we've come to a really controversial movie. I know this movie isn't perfect and I've talked about them in my review of this movie but I still personally loved it. I just had such an undeniable fantastic time with this. The characters and performances are great. Especially James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender again. The rest of the cast is also really good like Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult. And me and a few other people seem to be the only people on the planet who thought Oscar Isaac played a pretty cool villain in Apocalypse. Although, I will say that on my rewatch with the second viewing some of the not so good acting has stood out to me a little like some lines that Sophie Turner says. She does do a good performance as Jean but some of her acting isn't that great. But the acting from everyone is still really good and I still had an absolute blast watching this. (Also, it was awesome to see Wolverine again and to see in Berserker Rage form and to see Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine again.)
7. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Continuing the list is the ninth instalment in the Harry Potter series. Fantastic Beasts brought back the amazing writing from J.K Rowling and the fantastic directing from David Yates, who, again, perfectly understands this world of wizardry. It has an excellent cast, especially with Eddie Redmayne as Newt and it was also cool to see those small connections to Harry Potter and I can't wait for more in the future.
6. Doctor Strange: The most recent M.C.U movie is at number 6. The cast and crew were really spot on here. Especially Benedict Cumberbatch, who absolutely nailed the character of Steven Strange. The effects were also incredible. I'd say this is probably the most C.G.I effects heavy M.C.U movie. It's not over stuffed C.G.I but it's the perfect amount. And it had a pretty sad ending when we saw Mordo go evil, even though we knew it had to happen. He'll most likely be the villain in the sequel if there's a phase 4. It'll also be cool when we see Doctor Strange interact with the Avengers. Especially seeing what he'll do in Infinity War.
5. Finding Dory: It's back. Pixar. Back on a list I make that's a sequel to one of my favourite animated movies of all time. It's also continuing the adventures of one of, if not, the best Pixar side character of all time. And not only did it portray Dory very well, but also the other returning characters and even the new characters they introduced here are also very good like Hank, Destiny and Bailey are very entertaining and likeable too. And Pixar still knows how to do really funny stuff. And even their animation is still beautiful. It always is and always will. I overall can't stop being happy knowing that Pixar has done it with another amazing movie and this one was the sequel to the first movie I saw in cinemas and it's great they treated it this well.
4. Deadpool: The Merc with a Mouth's first full length film is at number 5.
???: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here?"
What the? Who said that?
???: "Who's movie are you writing about right now?"
Oh no. Don't tell me.
???: "Yep."
What are you doing?
Deadpool: "Wondering why you're putting my absolutely perfect movie at number 4 on this list."
I'm just telling what I thought of the movies this year.
Deadpool: "Are you kidding me?"
Well if you don't like it, why don't you write this?
Deadpool: "No, I'm too busy trying to find Francis and getting ready for red man tonight to deal with you."
Then go away.
Deadpool: "Fine, but don't make this mistake when Deadpool 2 comes out."
Deadpool: "Goodbye."
Wow, that was weird. But anyway this movie was definetly fantastic. The crew and especially the cast were phenomenal in this. It showed FOX at their best when they actually listen to the people and don't try to ruin a popular character like Deadpool. It also showed Ryan Reynolds doing his best performance in his entire life. And the fact that it was rated R is even better. I know from just watching the adds and everything before this and getting super excited. The same can be said for everyone who saw this. And all that is why Deadpool is at number 4.
Deadpool: "Shame on you."
3. Moana: While I absolutely love Pixar and I love Finding Dory, I can't deny the fact that in terms of animation this year, Disney was practically the master. That may sound weird but that's the way I'm going to put it. Moana not only had a fantastic and enjoyable story, but also amazing songs, beautiful animation, extremely likeable characters and amazing directing by John Musker and Ron Clements. I was very happy to see this when I did and it was a lot of fun to follow and watch these really amazing characters and I was super entertained the whole way through. And, and this is going to be kinda hard to explain, but there's just this feeling I got while watching it that really made me appreciate it and really love it, especially just watching everything play out and watching these characters move through it. And, like I said in the review, the songs may be some of the best in a while. And, like the other recent Disney Classics, I can't wait for it to come to DVD and add it to the other Disney Classics I have.
2. Zootropolis: As a lot of people will agree, Zootropolis, also known as Zootopia, is one of the best animated movies in the past decade. The story in this is easily one of the best that Disney's ever written. From the first scene to the last scene I was absolutely transfixed onto the screen and like some of the others I said, I was never bored and I was entertain the whole way through with not one bland thing in it. And, like what's been brought up before, I think this is a kinda adult movie with there being themes like prejudice and other stuff like that. This is just a really amazing and awesome movie. Even sorta layered. And the story it has to tell seems a lot more detailed than you might think from a few things like this. And the two main characters, Judy Hopps and Nick Wild were great and it was so much fun watching them and getting to know them. Same with the other characters like Clawhauser and Bogo. It's overall, a perfect animated movie and another amazing Disney Classic.
And my number 1 favourite movie of 2016 is... Captain America: Civil War: Was there any doubt? I've already talked about this a million times already. I don't entirely like being clichéd and predictable, but what can I say? Civil War is just utterly fantastic. At this point, there's not any else to say that I haven't said already said before. Fantastic performances, action, camerawork, story, introduction for new characters and amazing way to sorta split the Avengers up but we all know what's going to happen. Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. are of course still fantastic. Chadwick Boseman and Tom Holland were perfect and absolutely excellent as Black Panther and Spider-Man. And as far as the rest of the cast, they do amazing too. Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackey, Don Cheadle, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, they all do a great job. Especially Jeremy Renner and Paul Rudd. Hawkeye's beginning to be really becoming an awesome, funny and really likeable character and Paul Rudd had probably the best comedy in the whole movie, even if those two characters aren't in the movie that long. And I still think Zemo is a pretty good villain and one of the best M.C.U villains. And the directing by the Russos is absolutely fantastic and I can't wait to see how they direct Infinity War. And I don't think any ending in a movie this year was as powerful emotionally then the ending of this movie. And everyone, those are my top 10 favourite movies of 2016. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what yours are. And also, merry Christmas.
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