5. Vanitas's Lingering Spirit:
Staring us off is Vantitas's Lingering Spirit. In my opinion, one of the hardest boss ever. He can just hit you once and you'd be dead. And he's also really fast and really hard to hit him and avoid him. However, my brother and I actually found an easy way to beat him. As Ven the best then to do is use tornado on him a few times and that's what will finish him. So yeah, it is really hard the many times you fight him, but if you do that, then you will most likely win.
4. Julius:
I had never actually heard of this Disney character before this but now I do. This is in Dream Drop Distance when you go to Traverse Town after the second time you go there and you go to the fountain plaza, he just comes from the sewer grate. And even after you beat him, you can keep going to the grate and fight him over and over. Even though you don't get anything afterwards. The first time you beat him, you get the Ultima Weapon.
3. Ice Titan:
Probably my favourite optional Disney boss is the Ice Titan from the Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts 1. This is a boss where it may take a while to beat. And I don't mean that in the sense that it's hard, I mean it just takes a tiny bit of time. When fighting it, you have to wait until it fires it ice bullets and you have to block them and they'll hit it back and when you hit it enough, it'll fall down for a second and you can hit it's head. And the more you go through it, the more stronger and angrier it gets and the more things it can do.
2. Kurt Zisa:
Out of every optional Heartless battle, this is my favourite. It's a really easy and fun fight. Especially given how you can juts keep hitting him and even if you die while fighting it, you can do it again like always and it's a lot of fun to keep pushing the button to make him hit it and it's a lot of fun.
And my number 1 favourite optional bosses in Kingdom Hearts is... Sephiroth:
Possibly one of the hardest bosses I've ever fought, this guy is absolutely fantastic. I've already talked about Sephiroth before like when I did my Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children review and how he's incredibly awesome and he is no push around in the fight against him with Sora. Swift attacks, long range and you die so many times. I only managed to beat him when 1.5 and 2.5 came out and I've been beating him a lot ever since then. Especially in 1.5 when you can fight him over and over and over in the coliseum. He's just an absolutely fantastic boss fight. And my favourite version is in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 when you're able to use Limit Form against him. It was so much fun. And who knows, maybe in Kingdom Hearts 3, we'll be able to fight him again and finish him off once and for all and maybe Cloud can be a partner and their home can be a world for the game. And everyone, those are my top 5 optional bosses in Kingdom Hearts. Thank you all for reading and please comment to tell me your favourite if you like Kingdom Hearts too.
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