Continuing my Kingdom Hearts entries, here I'm doing my top 5 boss fights against the Organisation XIII members a lot of these can be really great and fun and others can be real pains. Some of them are good, some are bad, but for now, I'm doing this. My favourite Organisation boss fights. Also these fights won't also mean who my favourite Organisation member is, just by the fights. And so, let's begin.
5. Saïx:
Starting us off is the Organisation member you fight twice in different times. The first is in Kingdom Hearts 2 at the World that Never Was and he's the last boss before Xemnas. There he's fairly difficult and you're able to use his own claymore against him. The second time is in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days when Roxas is trying to escape the castle but Saïx is at the entrance to stop him and I like this fight more. And I especially like how you can use Limit Break and attack him hard and fast.
4. Axel:

One of the more fun Organisation members, Axel is not only one of my favourite Organisation fights, but also one of my favourite members period and maybe one of my favourite characters in the whole series. And his fights are great. You have to fight him twice in Chain of Memories and three times again in Kingdom Hearts 2. Each one was incredibly fun and entertaining and it kinda showed his character a one-liner and cleaver humour guy. And it was especially fun in Kingdom Hearts 2 as Roxas with the Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades.
3. Roxas:

I actually don't hear people talk about this a lot but I really like the fights with Roxas. Especially in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 in Sora's heart and then the Data Roxas. And the other time you fight him is in Re:Coded when you have to fight the other Data Roxas in Castle Oblivion to get the card he has and that was great too. And I especially like how in the fight against him in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and you had to do this thing where Sora and Roxas charged at each other and you had to press the right button at the right time and if you got it right, you got to use the power of the Oblivion and Oathkeeper and they were next to you and they were powerful against him. That was awesome.
2. Xaldin:

Probably the hardest Organisation member to beat, Xaldin carries not one, not two, but six lances. And if that wasn't insane enough for ya, he's incredible strong, the moves he does are all really fast so you have to be careful and, oh, my god, I cannot talk enough about the Data version. Oh, man, what a brute. This was one of hardest bosses EVER. He had a lot more strength and you die over and over and over and over and over. And it was so satisfying when I finally beat him.
And my number 1 favourite Organization XIII fight in Kingdom Hearts is... Xemnas:
This is the Organisation member you fight the most times and maybe the boss in the whole series you fight the most. You have to fight this guy seven times. The first is in Kingdom Hearts 1 and he's an optional boss in Hollow Bastian. The next six are in Kingdom Hearts 2. The first is when you're fighting him alone as Sora head on. The next one is when you fight him in the amour when he's sitting down. The next is the same thing when he's in the armour and sitting down using all the Organisation's weapons. The next is when you're in a white limbo like thing as people like to say and you're fighting him in a white coat. The next is the Data version which is optional where you have to fight him twice and he's incredibly hard to beat the second time. And the last time you have to fight him is in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance as Sora. He's his last boss fight. All of them are really fun and really difficult. And when you were able to go freely and just keep him a bunch of times, I think that's when it was at it's best. And those are my top 5 Organisation XIII fights in Kingdom Hearts. Thank you all for reading and please comment to tell me what your favourite is.
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