Saturday 25 July 2015

My top 5 favouite Harry Potter characters

As you all know, I love Harry Potter and I even did reviews on all the movies and you all know who my favourite character is but now going to tell my other 4.
5. Ron Weasley: Being the best friend of Harry and one of the main characters Ron role is more than a comic relief but also the some guidance for Harry as we saw near the end of the Philosopher's Stone. And also being the one to destroy one of the 7 horcruxes in the Deathly Hallows part 1. And of course the choice of Rupert Grint playing as him was perfect.
4. Rubeus Hagrid: I actually put Hagrid on this list because of his kindness and how he's portrayed in the first two books and movies. And I guess it is pretty creative that he can use his magic being used with an umbrella.
3. Lord Voldemort: I actually think Voldemort is a really cool villain both by his design and his fighting scenes. I think his coolest scene would probably be when he returns in the Goblet of Fire or the final fight between him and Harry in the Deathly Hallows part 2. Watch this.
I just think he's an awesome villain.
2. Albus Dumbledore: I put Dumbledore on this for the same reason as Hagrid, because of his kindness but also because of his intelligence. I think the most I liked him was in either The Half Blood Prince or the Chamber of Secrets.
And my number 1 favourite Harry Potter character is... Harry Potter: Yeah, I've said it before and I'm saying it again. Harry is my favourite character in the entire series. It's actually kind of hard to explain why he just is. Maybe it's the fact that he's the main character and I always like main characters or maybe it's Daniel Radcliffe's performance, I don't know, I just like him. And so Harry is my favourite character in the whole movie series.

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