Saturday 27 July 2019

Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 announcements

So recently at Comic Con, there was surprisingly a lot revealed and the biggest of which was Phase 4 of the M.C.U. Not only were the new line of movies announced, but also the new crowd of TV shows and movies that haven't been given release dates, but are still confirmed. So, first I want to go over the movies that have been given release dates and then I'll move onto the Disney+ shows and then I'll talk about the rumoured movies. So, the first movie that was announced was the Black Widow movie release in May 2020. This is something that a lot of people have wanted for a long time and I'm one of them. I wasn't all that sure what they were gonna do with Black Widow if she ever got her own movie, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately and given how she died in Endgame, I'm willing to bet that it's a prequel that explains about the Red Room and about all the things she did that got her on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar in a bad way like what they were talking about in the first Avengers movie and then we see how Hawkeye and her meet and the final climax can be the whole Budapest thing they've spoken about. That could be cool and it's also been confirmed that Taskmaster is a villain in it. That's really awesome. I've always liked Taskmaster, though I always thought he was gonna be a Deadpool villain. But it's still cool that that's been revealed. So, yeah, I'm extremely excited for this. Next up is Eternals in November of 2020. This could be pretty interesting. I don't know a lot about the Eternals, but this sounds like it could be cool. I heard that Thanos is gonna be in this in a flashback, which could be cool. I don't know much about the other characters in this though but the cast does sound good and I want to see what these characters do for this universe. So, yeah, pretty excited and I'll probably be even more as the movie gets closer. Now moving onto 2021 is Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Then Rings. This is a lot like the Eternals where I don't know much about the character, but I'm still excited, especially since it's another M.C.U movie. The only thing I know about the Shang-Chi character is his role in the Shadowland story. This is also apparently supposed to be introducing the real Mandarin into the M.C.U after what Iron Man 3 did to him, which sounds awesome. So, I'm excited even if I'm not all that sure about the premise or character itself. Later in 2021, we have Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness. This is all sounding really interesting. Not only with the title that sounds really cool but also everything that I'm hearing about it. For one, I really liked the first Doctor Strange movie, so I'm interested in more, but I heard that Scarlett Witch is gonna be in this too and this is apparently gonna bring a lot to the future of the M.C.U, so that already sounds cool. I'm just hoping it brings what I want to see and we'll talk about that in a few minutes. As for what it is, this could be a really important movie for the M.C.U and I want to see what it can bring to the table. And finally, in terms of the confirmed movies, we're getting the fourth Thor movie in November 2021, Thor: Love And Thunder, which is gonna have Jane Foster return and become Lady Thor. That already sounds awesome. I may have found the first two Thor movies slightly boring, but, Ragnarok was great and Taika Waititi is returning to direct which is awesome. I'm pretty sure this will be the same as Ragnarok, which is already one reason why I'm excited for it. Apparently Enchantress might be the villain, who's actually the villain I expected would be the next Thor villain and I'm just really hoping Waititi can bring what he did with Ragnarok and apply it to this. All this sounds really cool and I'm definetly excited for it. Now we're moving onto the Disney+ shows. First off is the Falcon And The Winter Soldier show, which could be a lot of fun. I really loved Anthony Mackey and Sebastian Stan as Sam and Bucky and seeing them team up in a show sounds like a lot of fun. It's also been confirmed that Zemo is returning and we've already got a picture of him in his comic accurate mask, and I'm really looking forward to a lot more of these interactions between Sam and Bucky. Next is the Loki show later on in 2021. This will apparently follow Endgame Loki when he escaped with the Tesseract. This will also be bringing Jeff Goldblum back as the Grandmaster and this sounds really fun. I think Tom Hiddleston is amazing Loki and having a series based around him could be cool and interesting. Not really sure how many episodes are in these shows, but this could hold my interest for the whole runtime if they keep making it interesting and entertaining. The next show is the Wanda Vision show. This might be the thing that was announced at the con that I'm least excited about. I mean, I enjoy Wanda and Vision in the movies as characters, but them being together was one of the issues I had with Infinity War. I don't really care about their relationship so having a series centred on that could be kinda boring. But they could also add something to this to make it interesting and I do still like them as characters. So, yeah, I'm excited, but not that much. And finally, there was confirmation about a Hawkeye show. Now, even though it's called "Hawkeye", it's actually gonna be centred around Clint as Ronin. But that's still really cool. I really love Jeremy Renner as Clint and I've enjoyed him more and more ever since we first saw him. So, I'm interested in how they can tell a story with him as Ronin. And it could even be kinda brutal considering the first time we see him as Ronin in Endgame was pretty brutal when he was in Tokyo. So, yeah, in terms of the Disney+ shows, I'm really looking forward to them all. And finally, let's talk about the rumoured movies. Kevin Feige was talking about sequels like Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2 and Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3. And I'm clearly excited for all those. But the ones I'm most excited about are when he spoke about the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and Blade being in the M.C.U. I'm not kidding, as soon as I heard him say that, I lost my mind. I've been waiting forever to see these characters in the M.C.U and now that Feige has finally confirmed it, I could not be more excited. It's also confirmed that Mahershala Ali will be playing Blade in the Blade movie, which is already awesome. I really loved him as Cottonmouth in the Luke Cage show and this is already sounding awesome. And the only other movies that weren't talked about were an Avengers 5 and Spider-Man 3. There's most likely gonna be a Spider-Man 3, especially given what happened in Far From Home and Marvel has said they want to make 9 M.C.U Spider-Man movies, which is awesome, and I thought I heard somewhere that they were through making Avengers movies after Endgame, but, I heard recently that they're making more, especially a fifth one called "The New Avengers." So, yeah, now that I know that all these movies and shows have been confirmed and rumoured, I cant wait for all of them. And given how everything I mentioned isn't gonna be out past four or five years and is within the next three years makes me even more excited. And so, everyone, those are the announcements for Phase 4 of the M.C.U. I'm really excited for all these and I look forward to talking about all of them. And, so, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think or please tell me which of these you're most excited for.

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