Tuesday 2 July 2019

Toy Story 4

And so, everyone, we've finally arrived at the latest in the Toy Story films and one of my most anticipated movies of this year, but also a movie I was concerned about like every other person out there. We all thought this movie was just gonna be another cash grab and damaging the legacy of the Toy Story movies considering the past three Toy Story movies have all been a perfect trilogy of movies and it had a perfect ending with that goodbye Andy scene at the end of the third one. But I was still holding out hope that this would be good considering it is another Toy Story movie and there's already been an amazing portrayal of Toy Story already this year with Kingdom Hearts 3. So I was really hoping this would be another perfect Toy Story movie like the others. And, was it? Yeah, I'm so incredibly happy to say that Toy Story 4 really did an amazing job concluding these movies, and yes, I'm sure this is really the last Toy Story. And what I really loved is that I think this totally concluded a certain character's arc perfectly and as the movie kept progressing, it was incredibly satisfying and, I'm not gonna lie, this movie made me cry. Like, really hard. At the time we reached a scene towards the end, I was balling my eyes out. This, along with Endgame, have been the two movies this year that have made me do that. And I'm obviously gonna go no spoilers to start off with and then get into all the spoilers with a big warning afterwards. So, what's the story? It opens up with the toys still with Bonnie and she's getting ready for kindergarten but she's really nervous because it's her first day. But, when there, she makes a toy out of a spork that she names Forky but then he comes to life and now Woody feels like he needs to protect him because Forky feels like he's just trash and is constantly trying to throw himself into a bin, but Woody knows that Forky means a lot to Bonnie so he tries to keep him safe, and, on a road trip that they all take with Bonnie, Forky gets lost and Woody goes to get him. But, while gone, Woody and Forky end up in an antique shop where Woody thinks Bo Peep is and goes to see. They go in find a doll named Gabby Gabby and then Bo then saves him from and then the two of them start talking all the while, the other toys are wondering about what to do with trying to get Woody and Forky back. And I'm gonna stop there. So, like I said, me and a lot of people were really worried about the possibility of this movie destroying the reputation of Toy Story, especially after how well made Toy Story 3 was and how perfectly it was told, but Josh Cooley was able to prove everyone wrong and was able to do an incredible job directing this movie. Do I even need to talk about how phenomenal the animation is? We all know that Pixar can do anything with animation these days and make it as perfect as real life and it's no different here. Just the details to everything and how realistic it looked made my jaw drop a few times. I know I've been saying a lot of animated movies lately have looked amazing, but I can't help it. A lot of animated movies, especially Disney and Pixar always know what they're doing when it comes to animation and this movie in particular makes these characters look the best they've ever been. There is one thing that I'm curious about and it's not really a spoiler because we all saw it in the trailer, but I found it a little odd that they made young Andy look a little different. We see in a flashback that he's playing with the toys but he looked different, so that was odd, but it's not a problem or anything. Speaking of the characters, let's move onto them because I've always talked about they were always the best part of these movies and they still are. As I said at the start, I feel like this gave the perfect conclusion to one character and it totally does. I'll get into this in the spoilers, but the ending for that story really got to me. But, not only that, but even the character's personalities are perfectly shown again and they once again deliver amazing examples of why we love these characters so much. But even the new characters are just as awesome. The main new character is Forky and I was worried this character would get annoying in this, but thankfully, he never was. He was sweet and had a lot of great moments and lines. And I feel this movie delivers the most different villain we've ever seen in the Toy Story movies. But all the other new side characters are great too like Bunny and Ducky, the Combat Carl figures and, yeah, that new Duke Caboom character was hilarious and awesome. But even the old characters returning are great to see back too. And I'm obviously talking about Bo who's easily at her best here. Not only is she completely different from how she originally was, in a good way, but her and Woody have a lot of really nice moments together and I really liked how what they were saying was making Woody think about some things in life. I don't think that's really a spoiler because we saw things like that in the trailers. And what they touch on here really does make sense for what the characters are going through. And I gotta say, this movie is probably the most interestingly directed. Like I said, this was directed by Josh Cooley. Not John Lasseter and not Lee Unkrich, and Josh was one of the writers of Inside Out, so he definitely understands how to make a touching story with themes that make sense for the characters given what they've gone through in these movies. And even besides the story, the way he has characters do things here and what they show it merely by camera movements alone. And even through there's a lot of really funny moments, the movie still has that signature heart to it that Pixar almost always has in its movies. Not just with the ending, but even throughout other parts of the movie, they always know how to make the emotion hit hard. And, really, this movie pretty much gave me exactly what I could have looked for as a final conclusion to these movies. I really do hope they stop with this one. And I'm really surprised to say that considering me and a lot of people were concerned about what this movie could have done to this whole series of movies. But it turned out to be just as perfect as the other Toy Story movies too. It's pretty much what anyone would ask for as a real conclusion to the Toy Story movies and, yes, I am sure of that this time. Not only was it great to see these characters one last time, but it closed their story in the best way possible and I can't wait to see it multiple more times, so I think it goes without saying that everyone should absolutely go see this. And so, everyone, that's my review of Toy Story 4. Thank you all for reading, I hope you all liked this, please comment to tell me what you think and please share this if you can. Okay, now we're gonna get into the spoilers.
So, first off, the one thing I found odd about the movie, that's not a negative or anything but something I found odd was when Buzz pressed the button on his chest as a way of feeling like a conscience when Bonnie was asleep. Given how they were especially in a caravan, I especially found it a little odd. Another thing that's not a negative but something wanted to mention was that I didn't get was that the other toys aren't in the movie that much. But I undertand if it means furthering the story they're telling. Now, as far as the villain story that I found different from the other Toy Story movies, that's the fact that Gaby is actually the villain, but she actually doesn't really get what she wants as when she gets Woody's voice box, the girl she wanted to be with doesn't take her. She kinda tosses her aside. I found myself really sympathising with her, but it made her story all the more satisfying when she gets another owner who she helps. And what I meant by different is the fact that this is the first Toy Story villain who actually gets a happy ending. I also liked the aspects of Woody acting like a guide or a father figure to Forky and I liked what they did with Forky as well. I'm really glad they didn't have Forky want to be put in the trash for the whole movie. It was really the first part and I like that that didn't play throughout the whole movie, and it was around that time he got more likeable. Speaking of Woody, before we get to the ending, something else I liked was how this is the first movie where he's not a favourite toy. Throughout the movie, he's always not being chosen by Bonnie and he was having to cope with that a little bit and learning to accept that and knowing that Bonnie was liking other toys, in particular Forky, more. And, yeah, let's talk about that ending. This is the part of the movie that really made me lose it in terms of emotion. The last five or so minutes had my eyes watering hard. I'm talking about how Woody decides not to be an owned toy anymore and decides to stay with Bo and be a free toy to do whatever he wants. He then says goodbye to all his friends and they leave with Bonnie knowing that they'll probably never see him again. Having following and knowing these characters for a long time and seeing this happen just had me cry several times. Even after the movie was done. And I could not have picked a better way to close this character's arc. Ever since we first saw him, he's always wanted to be with Andy and at the beginning of this, he really wanted to be Bonnie, so seeing him depart from that life was crushing to me, and obviously in a good way. And this is one of the reasons why I think they should stop these movies here. I've always loved these Toy Story movies and knowing it ended like this just makes me so happy for it. And so, everyone, that's review of Toy Story 4. Thank you all for reading and please
comment down below to tell me what you think.

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