Monday 23 August 2021

Eternals Final Trailer

So, the other day, we got the final trailer for the Eternals movie from Marvel. I remember thinking the first trailer was pretty cool and had some interesting moments, here though, while there are some of that too, personally, this one didn't impress me that much. It does still have some great things in it like the C.G.I and they actually do explain why these guys didn't help in other fights in history so, that was nice to see. But, some of the humour didn't work for me and some of this doesn't seem that interesting to me. Still though, it's a new M.C.U movie and it's cool that we've gotten four things from Marvel this year and we're in the middle of getting more with the What If series and then there's also the new movies and other shows still to come. And this has me really excited but there is a bit of caution in there. Still though, here it is and I hope you all like it.

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