Thursday 29 May 2014

My top 5 Incredibles moments

5. Edna's moments: When Edna is on screen she just has everyone laughing at her because of her psychotic actions. When she's talking to Bob about his new costume she's funny because she keeps bringing up about how the capes of other hero's costumes have managed to kill them it's really funny and when she's talking to Helen about her and the kid's costumes she just loses her mind with fun.
4. The Incredibles and Frozone vs. the Omnidroid: This fight is really impressive. The choreography of the action scenes are rally impressive and incredible. Even the way they destroy it once and for all is awesome.
3. The first 15 or 20 minutes: When I say this I  mean before the heroes are all gone and we're basically watching Bob in his Mr Incredible days and it's really entertaining, fun, funny and very heart-warm at 1 or 2 scenes. The only reason I'm putting this here is because I think it's really entertaining.
2. Seeing Dash and Violet using their powers in the jungle: These scenes are awesome, fun, funny, nice, violent a bit and really suspenseful. There is just so much fun and suspense here. We've seen in a few scene that Dash and Violet do use their powers but here it better because it's longer, cooler looking and when we see the locations of where they are using them the places are really cool looking to look at. Whenever I see these scenes I'm really intrigued and excited about seeing it.
And my number 1 favourite Incredibles moment is... All the action and power scenes: Yeah I know I've kind of said this already with the other things but still I think the action in this movie is just unbelievable. Given the fact that C.G.I animation was kind of being a new thing back then it was really impressive to watch. I'd say my favourite action scene is the last one with the Incredibles and Frozone vs. the Omnidroid.

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