Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Lego Movie

This one is going to be like the DreamWorks and C.G.I Disney/Pixar reviews I did. The Lego movie when came out was a big hit. Children and even teenagers loved it. It was especially a big hit at the box office. So why was this a big it!? Well because it's funny, fast-paced, the characters are pretty good and the animation is really impressive. So what's the story. Apparently there's this Lego universe where Lego people live. It ruled by a man named "Lord Business." One day he stole a weapon called the Kragle that can be used to freeze everything. A few years after that a construction worker named "Emmet" stumbles across something called the "Piece of Resistance" that can be used to defuse the Kragle. A woman named "Wyldstyle" finds him and helps him escape from some of Lord Business's men. They find a old man named "Vitruvius" who explain that there's a prophecy saying that whoever finds the Piece of Resistance will be "the most talented, important and interesting person whoever lived." And from a bunch of things happen. So yeah as you can tell the story seems pretty generic and it all sounds like it was written in like a few hours since it sounds like a kid wrote it with the Prophecy and it saying that there will be a Special to stop the evil Lord Business all the random special appearances like Batman, Superman and so on. However with the conception that this is a Lego Movie it really made it work since... well anyone would of done that when they were playing with Legos as kids. One of the key elements of this film is that it's very fast-paced from beginning to end and that's one of the things that makes this movie so funny. And by the way, because this is a Lego movie everything on the scene is Lego. Sure it's C.G.I Lego but the C.G.I on the Lego is really convincing. My favourite character is Emmet. By the way there's this really catchy song they made called "Everything is Awesome" for this movie, and boy is it really catchy. Watch this and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Just about every single joke in this movie works. It just has you laughing on the ground. So I'd say that you should look at this movie. It's a real great one.

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