Friday 9 November 2018

My top 5 anime I want to see get rebooted

There's a lot of really awesome anime series out there and, personally, while a lot are great, sometimes they have a fair amount of problems in them that can cause some distractions in a way. And so, with that, I want to see some of them getting a reboot to fix those problems. Plus, some of them could even improve on the original by doing things like better animation, fight scenes and all that. Which is not to say that original didn't I'm just saying they could do them better. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Fullmetal Alchemist:
I know this might be kinda weird considering how much I'm always praising Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and, yeah, I highly doubt anything can ever beat that, but I think seeing one last definitive version would be interesting to see. Mainly because another version could adapt the entire manga. Brotherhood, while it definetly did an amazing job adapting the manga really well, it didn't adapt everything in the manga, and even people didn't really like the first episode of Brotherhood, nor did they really thing watching the first few episodes of Brotherhood was really necessary considering the first Fullmetal Alchemist series did that already. They even had to cut the some of manga parts too at the start with the whole Yusewell part. But, personally, seeing the entire manga done into anime form 100% would be great to see. I don't know how it would stack up against Brotherhood, but still.
4. Hunter X Hunter:
I honestly haven't watched Hunter X Hunter yet, but I really want to, and I really want to see a rebooted version of it. Apparently the manga is always on hesitates, which is kinda disappointing, but a lot of people say that that's because the artist himself has a lot of priorities in his life, so, maybe taking a while the manga to keep going, they could make a rebooted version and maybe have it be released in DVD form. There's a lot of anime that I want to watch that haven't been released on DVD where I live and people think it's to do with licencing or something like that. So that's one of the ones I want to see get made into DVDs. And for the anime itself, having another series of this would be great, especially given how it apparently has one of the greatest anime arcs of all time with the Chimera Ant Arc.
3. Bleach:
Now that the Bleach manga has been finished recently, I think seeing another adaptation of Tite Kubo's story would be amazing. The first series had to be cut short because the series was dropping in ratings and that's mainly to do with a lot of the pacing issues it had. Not just the anime, but the manga did too. So, having a new series of it would give the opportunity to have no long filler arcs, which is something the original show had, and also have the story be completed in anime form.
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!:
Coming in close to number 1 is a really interesting one in my opinion. This one is a lot like Fullmetal Alchemist in a way. As in, they may have already made an anime version of this already, but when this was being made for Americans, they actually didn't adapt the first 7 volumes of the manga because they were too dark considering Yu-Gi-Oh was purchased by 4Kids. I do really like that they didn't considering it helped make characters like Atem more likeable considering he was much more brutal then, but, while I'm not saying it would necessarily be better, but it would be kinda interesting. I know they already adapted those first few volumes in a Japanese only season with Season 0, but I think that's really dated. I actually do think some of the filler does work in the original series like the Waking The Dragon arc, but then there are others that are annoying like the Rebecca arc.
And the number 1 anime I want to see get rebooted is... Naruto/Naruto Shippuden:

And finally at number 1 is, maybe, my favourite anime/manga ever, Naruto. This should really go as a no-brainer for some people, but, really, in case you don't get it, I really, really want to see this series get rebooted to fix the problem of the constant, annoying filler. That's the one aspect of this series that really drags down the experience and enjoyment for me. Like everyone else, I always think that the filler in Naruto is beyond annoying and it causes the series as a whole to be really hard to get through. The whole plot really does suffer because of that and it can be extremely hard to get through because of that. Really, I honestly think that if they didn't plaque the shows with so much filler in both, they'd be 100% more enjoyable. And, really, the manga is well over by now, so they don't have to worry about running out of manga material. They can do what Dragon Ball Z Kai did with making a reboot for a popular series and take all the filler out so people can enjoy it more. It worked for Dragon Ball Z Kai a lot, so I don't see why they can't do the same here. And they can even do the real proper manga ending. And so everyone, those are my picks for the top 5 anime I want to see get rebooted. Thank you all for reading, please comment down below to tell me what you think, please share this post, and, if you like anime, please comment down below to tell me what anime you want to see get rebooted is.

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