Sunday 25 July 2021

Loki: Season 1

All right, everyone, we're here at the latest of the Disney+ Marvel shows, Loki. Another Marvel show I was excited for, especially since this is something people have kinda wanted for a while. A solo adventure with Loki and we finally got it. And from the trailers, it looked like this was gonna be a crazy and fun and weird adventure so that just made it even better. And, in the end, the first season wasn't perfect at all, but I still had a great time with it. I would say that I probably enjoyed this around the same level as The Falcon And The Winter Soldier and a bit more than WandaVision. Also, as each episode came out, it was fun to theorize what exactly what gonna happen in the next episode, especially when I was talking to a friend of mine about it. Also, this'll have all the spoilers, so keep that in mind. Anyway, the show follows Loki from Avengers: Endgame from the first Avengers movie who escaped with the Tesseract in that film and he's then immediately taken by a group called the TVA who say they manage everything in time and try to keep all the timelines in check. At first Loki sees all of this as crazy and insane, but after he meets a guy there named Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, he agrees to help them catch a variant, which is like a person from a timeline. But there's a lot more to it than that like the variant revealed to be a female Loki named Sylvie, played by Sophia Di Martino, and there's a huge mystery being built up that someone is behind a huge conspiracy and now the rest of the show is everyone trying to find out who it is. So what I really liked the most about this show was the insane, crazy, space adventure aspect to it. There's a lot of absolutely bonkers things that happen throughout the show and I loved it. I also loved all the performances. Tom Hiddleston in particular is once again fantastic as Loki and he's really fun to watch again. And the rest of the cast are also incredible, especially Owen Wilson and Sophia Di Martino. Owen Wilson makes this kinda character who you would think would be kinda annoying and generic and makes Mobius super likeable and funny as well. And Sophia Di Martino does a great job as Sylvie with being this character who's been on the run from the TVA who want to capture her even though she never did anything at all and they just want to capture her. And the first episode in particular did a really good job with setting a lot of this up. I like the crazy setting of the TVA itself with being this big futuristic looking place but it also has an normal looking office which makes it both cool and funny. And the first episode also did a good job with the Loki and Mobius relationship where we see them both being annoyed with each other and they both try to outsmart each other in a way but then at the end, they both kinda open up to each other a bit more. The first episode also made Loki himself more interesting because we get to see him see how his life would have continued. Since this Loki is from the first avengers film, Mobius shows him what he would have done with the rest of his life from the rest of the M.C.U movies after the first Avengers. So we get to see this Loki see himself get killed in Infinity War and it just made him a whole lot more interesting from that point. The first episode was also really funny, especially when Loki's talking to that Casey guy about fish. That's easily one of the funniest scenes in the whole show.

And then the end of the episode when Mobius tells Loki about the other Loki and then it's revealed to be Sylvie in the next episode, that was pretty cool. And, speaking of the next episode, that was pretty cool too with Loki joining the TVA to find the other Loki and it's pretty cool when Loki thinks of the idea to go to different apocalypses throughout time because he figures since the other Loki can't do anything with that timeline considering they're already doomed to be destroyed through the apocalypses, then they can't be caught doing anything. I thought that was pretty clever. And then the end of the episode, the whole buildup to Sylvie being revealed is pretty cool with controlling people and then revealing herself to Loki is cool and kinda creepy way to do that kinda reveal. But Loki goes with her when she disappears. And this leads to a pretty cool third episode when both of them appear on some planet in some random timeline that's about to be destroyed by a moon crashing into it. And we get some interesting moments here with them talking and it helps flesh both characters out. We even learn more about the TVA, about how the people working there are people the TVA just took and erased their memories and had them work there forever. And the ending to the episode is surprising as well when we see Loki and Sylvie trying to get off the planet on a ship but then it destroyed and that's it. It leaves ya wondering what's gonna happen next. And, on the whole Loki and Sylvie relationship, it was obvious they were setting up a romance for the two of them, but, I personally didn't like it. I know the kinda weirdness of them being the same person might have been intentional, but I still personally didn't like it. But then, in the next episode, the TVA shows up and gets them out with Mobius annoyed that he ran off but Loki tries to tell him the TVA is a lie. And it's cool when we see Sif again. I didn't expect her to show up again, but it was cool when she did. And then we see Mobius thinking about when Loki told him the truth about the TVA and learning more about what he was talking about and even learns that one of the officers was someone with their memories erased and even that officer begins to question things too when Sylvie showed her her memories of her previous life. And this is all building to something. And I like how you can tell Ravonna is behind something. Ravonna being the one in charge of the TVA behind the Time Keepers, assumedly. And this fourth episode did have a lot of other cool and sad moments like when it looks like Mobius gets killed or pruned in this case. And there's a cool scene where it looks like Loki and Sylvie are taken to the Time Keepers but then B-15, the officer that Sylvie showed her past memories to, helps them and it's revealed that the Time Keepers are just robots and then Ravonna prunes Loki. All this was just making me more and more curious to know what was really going on because we were just getting one question after another with this episode. But then the end credit scene of this episode has Loki waking up somewhere with some variants of himself like a kid, an alligator, an old man and some Viking looking guy. And then episode 5 was probably my favourite episode. It was just absolute insanity and I loved it. Loki is talking to the other Loki variants while on the run from some cloud monster called Alioth and then they hide out somewhere while Sylvie prunes herself to get to where they are because her and Ravonna find out that getting pruned just teleports you somewhere at the end of time. And it made for a lot of cool Easter Eggs. But my favourite part of the episode is when that President Loki arrives with some army of other Loki's and they all betray each other as like a comedic depiction of how Loki is just always betraying poeple. Bt the funniest part is when alligator Loki eats his hand.

It's so insane and bonkers that I just couldn't stop laughing afterwards. But then Sylvie arrives and meets up with Mobius and the whole team up thing with them trying to take on this Alioth thing is cool and I liked the pat at the end with Loki saying goodbye to Mobius as he's going back to the TVA. That was a sweet moment. But then the end of the episode shows Loki and Sylvie going through a portal showing some huge temple thing. And all of this was making me insanely excited for the ending because the whole show was building up that someone was behind everything and this was showing that the last episode was gonna reveal it. It was also cool that Ravonna didn't know what was going on. And so you can very easily assume how excited I was for the ending of the show. And, yeah, I couldn't contain my excitement for it. And so, did the ending deliver? Mostly, yeah, it did. I did have problems, but especially with what happens at the very end, it made me super, super, super excited for the future of the M.C.U. And the opening was cool with it reveal that the place they were at was at the end of time. Also, for the last episode, a friend of mine and I assumed that maybe it was gonna reveal that the final villain was maybe gonna be Kang. And, we were right. It's revealed that the ultimate antagonist is Kang The Conqueror. I went nuts when I saw that because I remember hearing they had cast someone for the role of Kang for Ant-Man: Quantumania and as soon as I saw him, I remembered it was him. And, yeah, it was Jonathan Majors as Kang in this episode and I was so excited. However, I'm not gonna lie, I personally didn't like this depiction of Kang. I do think Jonathan Major did a good job with what he was told to do, but I personally didn't like how crazy they made his character. They made him out as an insane cool guy who acts over the top for whatever reason. I guess I do kinda get it, but I personally didn't like how they made him like this. I will say though, the things he was saying was interesting with him being one of many Kangs and he's protecting the timeline from the other variants of himself from starting another war and it made it interesting when all of that was happening. It's more just kinda the way they had him act that I didn't like. But then we have a moment where Loki and Sylvie fight because Sylvie wants revenge for all the suffering she's been through by killing Kang and Loki feels like killing would do something to the timeline. This part was a little weird to me. Not the character stuff, more just the fighting and editing. It felt a little off to me just the way it was shot. But then it ends with Sylvie kissing Loki then sending him back to the TVA. Still not a fan of their romance so that felt kinda weird too. but, either way, she kills Kang which causes the timeline to go chaotic. Not only that, but at the TVA, Mobius and B-15 don't remember Loki and he sees some statue of Kang. So, that just left me completely baffled. I couldn't believe all of that because it was just insane and there was so many things and possibilities happening that I could barely contain everything that was happening. But this just made me think of a whole bunch of things because now this means a whole bunch of Kang's will probably be appearing in the future of the M.C.U. Not only that but it also made me think that this make sense for other M.C.U movies, mainly Doctor Strange: Into The Multiverse Of Madness and Spider-Man: No Way Home. Now it makes sense why it's called Into The Multiverse Of Madness and why some people are theorising of the other Spider-Men from the other movies crossing over in that movie. And it just made me think of how the other Kang variants could be popping up in other movies. We already know he's gonna be in Quantumania and he could be in a lot of these other movies too. And I hope they make him the way he should be like in the comics and not the way he was in this last episode. The ending also gave me hope for the Fantastic Four and the X-Men. Overall, this show's ending just left me thinking for a long time and now I'm super, super hyped for the future M.C.U projects. And, yeah, overall, this show was really great. I didn't necessarily like everything in it with the ending being slightly disappointing, but what this opened up for the future of the series made me so incredibly hyped. And everything behind the scenes was great. All the acting was fantastic. I loved the Loki/Mobius dynamic. It was super fun and made me really glad whenever they were in a scene together. It also did great with character arcs. Like having the Loki we know and giving him the same arc as the one from Ragnarok, but in a more interesting way I found. I also loved the mystery aspect to it. It didn't exactly deliver perfect, but I was still glad it was Kang at the end and all the buildup to it was really exciting. I also loved a lot of the cinematography and effects. They looked cool and creative. And, again, I was super excited by the end when we see what the ending did for the future of the M.C.U and I can't wait for whatever comes out next. Overall, I really, really liked this show and you should definitely check it out. And so, everyone, that's my review for Loki: Season 1. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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