Saturday 28 March 2015

Batman Returns

After the big hit with the first Batman film Warner Brothers decided to bring everyone back to do another one. What's the story? Apparently under the streets of  Gotham city in the sewer lives the "Penguin" played by "Danny DeVito." He's been down there all his life for 33 years, and one night near Christmas a power plant owner named "Max Shreck" played by "Christopher Walken." Penguin kidnaps him and threatens that if he doesn't help him get to the surface he'll kill him. And one night he does and finds out that hi real name is "Oswald Cobblepot." Max also pushes one of his employees named "Selena Kyle" played by "Michelle Pfeiffer" out a window almost killing her but instead it drive her insane and she then becomes "Catwoman." Now it's up to Batman to save her and stop the evil Penguin. What I like about this movie, once again, is the cast. Danny DeVito especially was perfect as the Penguin. He's so horrifying and so disgusting that it's actually really effective. Keaton, once again, does a good job as Batman and the action actually has improved even if it's still not all that great but it's getting there. This is by far one of the darkest movies I've ever seen. It definitely does have a lot of scary moments. I'm not entirely sure whether I'd say this is better than the first Batman movie but I still do like it even though it made a lot of people feeling kind of empty when they first saw it. But it's good. Not entirely great but still all the same. I'd say check it out but mind the scary scenes.

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