Tuesday 17 April 2018

My top 10 favourite video game characters

Video game characters have easily become some of the most popular characters ever. And with me talking about tons of video games before, I thought I'd talk about the many different characters and talk about my 10 favourites. And, this is gonna have a couple of rules so, let's go over them. This will only be video game original characters, so this won't have any characters from games that're based on a movie or a TV show. And I'm also only including a one character per franchise on here unless it's a villain because, well, let's face it, if I didn't, this list would just be full of Kingdom Hearts characters. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
10. Crash:

Starting us off at number 10 is the kinda crazy Bandicoot from the series named after him. After the evil scientist, Dr. Cortex created him to do his bidding, Crash went against him and Uka Uka and has stopped his plans along with Aku Aku. He's also doesn't really funny and has cool ability like combat skills and the ability to spin really fast and hijack mutants with Aku Aku.
9. Pit:
I actually haven't played all of the Kid Icarus games, I know there have only been three, but I've only actually played Uprising. And from that game alone, as well as playing Smash Bros. Pit himself is a super enjoyable character. He's kinda dumb in cases, but he's really funny and I really like the interactions between him and Palutena. He's also a really skilled fighter and he has a great arsenal of weapons.
8. Ratchet:

Number 8 is the last of his kind with the skills of a mechanic, Ratchet. Being the last Lombax alive, Ratchet spent his original days as a mechanic trying to make a spaceship to explore the universe. When he met Clank, they both stopped an evil villain named Drek from destroying their planet and killing a bunch of people. Ever since then, the two of them have been on countless adventures and have saved tons of planets. They both become really famous in their world. And Ratchet himself is a lot of fun, he's funny and knows when to take things more seriously when needed.
7. Sephiroth:

At number 7 is my favourite video game villain ever, Sephiroth. Originally a good guy, when he discovered that he was actually an experiment, went against everything he ever believed in and decided to turn the planet's energy and become a god-like being. And even now, he seems to just want to mess with Cloud and torture him. Also, small thing that I sorta think of with him, but I always feel that he's a super charismatic character, from the way he talks, to the way he acts, even by the way he fights.
6. Cloud:

Speaking of Cloud, here he is at number 6. This guy original wanted to make it to SOLDIER, but never did. With his friend Zack, he started saving tons of people and became a hero when he stopped Sephiroth. His weapon is a gigantic sword called the Buster Sword. While not exactly what you would call the most positive or happy-go-lucky guy ever, Cloud clearly does want to do what's right and does care about his friends.
5. Mario:

Easily the most popular character in video game history, Mario has become probably the most popular Japanese character of all time, I think anything. This Italian plumber is the main protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. When he first came out, people immediately loved him and he's easily one of the most popular characters of all time. He's also a lot of fun as a character and, while he may not have much in the way of a personality that much, he's still great. I mean, the Mario franchise is so full of memorable and likeable characters, but it's main hopping plumber might be my favourite.
4. Yoshi:

I know I said that I would include one character per franchise here, but Yoshi did technically have his own stand-alone video game series. And the character himself is very likeable, very entertaining and pretty adorable too. This small dinosaur has been around for ages and is still as big a character as ever today. He's been helping Mario throughout many adventures and even made it through a lot of his own like in Yoshi's Woolly World for example. And he's got some amount of abilities like gliding, speed and being able to eat other creatures and then turning them into eggs.
3. Kirby:

This pink, 8 inched little baby creature has been protecting his universe as a Star Warrior for a long time. Kirby may not look like much, but he's got a lot of strong abilities. For one, he's actually strong, fast, has an inhale ability, can fly anywhere on his Warp Star or just inflate himself to get places and has a copy ability with the inhale ability. He's so tough with his body that hardly anything can actually hurt him. And it's his fun babyish personality that I like about him the most, but he's also just a great character with a very simple design.
2. Sonic:

Coming in close to number 1 is the spiky, blue, fast hedgehog himself, Sonic the Hedgehog. When it comes to video game characters that I feel to be the most fun, Sonic MIGHT be my favourite. And, remember, that's a really big MIGHT. But he IS a super fun character and I love him. He's got a super fun, smart talking and cocky guy who the fastest video game character ever. With his speed, Sonic can get most anywhere at anytime. He's super funny but also super friendly and caring. And I love that aspect of him. And he's a character I've always liked and will always continue to love.
And my number 1 favourite video game character of all time is... Sora:

Come on, what can I say about Sora that I haven't said a trillion times before. Out of any character I've ever seen, not just video game, but characters in general, Sora is easily the best I've ever seen. Existing in a series where friends are incredibly important, Sora is the most friendly character you'll ever see. But it's not just that. He's got a super fun personality, he's funny in cases, he's an amazing fighter, he's incredibly positive and optimistic, he's got a lot of skills, he's easy to adapt to anything and will do whatever is required to help everyone. He's also the most inspirational character I've ever seen and he's changed me in a lot of ways. In some cases, he'll even try to help the villains sometimes by trying to make them good. A super fun character that anyone can like, I can't wait to see him fight and win against Pit in Death Battle in two weeks and I can't wait to see what they're going to do with him in Kingdom Hearts 3. And so, everyone, those are my top 10 favourite video game characters of all time, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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