Thursday 10 December 2020

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

So, this might be a random review to do all of a sudden, but I decided I really wanted to do it. It's already been two years since this came out and I was able to see it when it came out but I didn't make a review of it. So, to make up for that and since it's been two years since it was released, I decided I was finally gonna make my own review of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. This was being praised by everyone when it came out and it's not hard to see why. This is one of the best comic book movies I have ever seen. It's absolutely amazing and fantastic by every means of the word. If you've heard anything about this movie from anyone, I'm sure you've heard them talking constantly about how amazing it is and they're right. Out of all the things Sony have done with Spider-Man themselves, this is definitely the best. And the fact that this is an animated movie makes it even better. I know I'm probably going overboard with the praise for the film right at the beginning, but, I can't help it. Nonstop praise is what this film deserves. Okay, before I go into any further detail, let's go over the story. What's the story? This is set in the Ultimate universe where Miles Morales is and he's now going this new school that he doesn't really want to be in but his dad does want him to. But Miles prefers to spend time with his uncle, Aaron, but, while with him one night, a radioactive spider bites him and he begins to get the powers of a spider. After his powers begin to appear, he comes across this universe's Spider-Man who's trying to stop Kingpin from activating a machine called a collider. Now Miles has to stop Kingpin from using this collider while also running into other versions of Spider-Man who now all have to team up. That might sound like a typical comic book movie story, but, what elevates this movie so much is that the writing for the story and the characters is so amazing and heartfelt that it feels so original. The movie itself is one of the funniest comic book movies I've ever seen, definitely one of the funniest movies of 2018. There's so many amazing jokes in this and I don't think there was a single dud. One of the best jokes is the running joke about all the different Spider-Men's backstories. Out of all of them that were from a different universe, Gwen Stacy or the other Peter Parker were probably my favourite, but they're all great. Same goes for the cast as well, everyone does a phenomenal job. Personally, my favourite was Shameik Moore as Miles himself. He's just absolutely fantastic as Miles and he did an incredible job, but everyone all around does a great job. The movie's also gorgeous looking. This is one of the most unique looking animated movies I've ever seen. It's kinda like a comic book brought into a C.G.I world while still retaining that comic book look and style to everything. It's kinda hard to explain but it's something I'm honestly kinda blown away by and I loved every second of it. But even beyond the C.G.I itself, the look of everything like the background and all the text writing that appears like in a comic is great to see and is just a fantastic idea. But, in my opinion, what this film does best is heartfelt moments I mentioned. Despite this being a really funny comedy, this is one of the more emotional comic book movies I've ever seen. As well as one of the most heart-warming. The biggest example of this is with Miles and his dad who's a policeman and Miles doesn't really get along with him all that well because he feels like his dad trying to force his life into a direction he doesn't want to go in. And, they kinda butt heads with what his dad wants him to do with his life like going to this new school. And there's a lot of moments between them that really tug at the heartstrings. Especially one scene where they're on opposite sides of a door. In my opinion, that's one of the most heart wrenching moments I've ever seen in a comic book movie. But it's made even more heart-warming with another scene towards the end when they're talking to each other on the phone. And, really, all the things that Miles goes through in this helped make him more and more likeable and gives him a really amazing character arc. The same goes for the other dimension Peter Parker, who's referred to as Peter B. Parker. Sure, he's really funny in this, but I liked him more when we see his interactions with Miles and we see a sorta student mentor like dynamic with the two of them and I loved it. Again, yes, it does have its funny moments, but I liked it the most when it was taken seriously. And it just makes all the characters more likeable and more entertaining. I also loved the dynamic all the different version of Spider-Man had. There's Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham and Peni Parker. As a giant Spider-Man fan, this was a lot of fun to watch and I loved seeing all these different versions and they were all fun to watch. And whether the scene they're in is supposed to be funny or serious, it's always fun to watch them all. The film also help make Miles's arc more powerful because we see his uncle Aaron is a villain called the Prowler. I already knew that before watching this, but seeing it revealed was pretty cool and he was pretty intense as a villain. Especially the scene where he's chasing Miles. And where it gets emotional with him is when Aaron is killed by Kingpin and Miles watches as he dies. It's a really powerful moment and it was a big shock when I first saw it. Speaking of Kingpin himself now actually, he's definitely a villain who's kinda weird for me. This is the one aspect of the movie that isn't as good as the rest of it. This version of his was kinda off and on for me because he does show signs of being sympathetic with his backstory with having lost his family and is now trying to find different versions of them by using the collider. On the other hand through, he occasionally felt a bit generic with being some evil guy sometimes. He wasn't bad, it's just sometimes, he kinda lost a tiny bit of my interest because his scenes made me want to go back to Miles and the others. But, still, he was a cool enough villain and it made for an amazing final fight. The final battle with him and Miles is amazing. I loved everything about this with the different Spider-Men going back to their universes and Kingpin trying to stop Miles from turning the collider off, which starts a fight between the two of them that's kinda insane with them fighting while a whole bunch of craziness is going on around them. Usually, this would be kinda weird and ugly looking as well as insanity done wrong, but this film's climax just does it so well that it's so cool to watch. I've rewatched the fight between Miles and Kingpin so many times already because it's just so cool. Plus, I feel like I need to discuss a super important aspect to the film and that's Stan Lee's cameo. They were able to do a cameo with Stan in this and this was released one month after he passed away two years ago. So, when you watch this and hear his lines like "I'm going to miss him" or "We were friends," it's super tragic and even more touching given the fact that this is all convenient like everyone's already said. It was just really nice to see him in this. The film's end credit scene is also absolutely amazing. Apparently there's a meme going around of the 70's Spider-Man animated show of Spider-Man pointing at himself and so Sony decided to make their own jab at this by having Miguel O'Hara, A.K.A, Spider-Man 2099, talk to that version and have them both pointing at each other and arguing. It's one of the funniest end credit scenes I've ever seen. And, really, this film really is just a perfect masterpiece. I don't think there's a single thing wrong with it and it's amazing by every means of the word. Whether or not this is my favourite Spider-Man movie is kinda hard to say because I think this is tied with Homecoming as far as my favourite Spider-Man movie ever. But that goes to show how amazing both of these are. I just love everything about this movie and I can't wait to see if they do a sequel to this. They probably will and I can't wait to see it. Definitely go see this movie if you haven't already. It's totally worth it. And so, yeah, everyone, that's my review of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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