Monday 31 December 2018

My top 5 movies of 2018

So, like I do at the end of every year, here I'll be counting down my favourite movies of 2018. Although, this year's gonna be different because, as a lot of you might know, this was probably one of the most disappointing years for film in general because there were a lot that were either bad or underwhelming like Venom, The Predator, the Crimes Of Grindlewald, Solo: A Star Wars Story and so on. But there were also a fair amount of movies that were able to escape that become really great movies and really special in some cases. Some even monumental. Also, I haven't seen all the great movies people have been talking about like Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Creed 2 or any of those ones. And so, let's get into this and I hope you all like this.
5. Deadpool 2:

Starting us off at number 5 is the hilarious sequel for everyone's favourite Merc With A Mouth. While this movie is far from perfect and I do believe that it has a fair amount of flaws, this movie is just too fun for me to say that it's bad. As well as the fact that it has so many great things in it like a great cast, special effects and hardcore action. It was also great to see so many things getting poked at and Deadpool making so many references to things.
4. Black Panther:

Continuing the list with another comic book movie is the first M.C.U movie on here with Black Panther. I've personally seen this movie as one of the more interesting movies in the M.C.U and one of the most entertaining. It was great to see Black Panther come to life in this movie that was loaded with a great cast and a fun pace. While it does also have its own fair share of problems, I don't notice them that much because I'm too interested and too entertained. It also has my favourite M.C.U villain ever with Killmonger. He's super interesting and you completely understand him no matter what he's doing. He's just that good. But the whole movie is still incredible even with that fact.
3. Mission: Impossible - Fallout:

At number 3 is the sixth instalment to this long running franchise. I was so pleased with everything in this movie. It was so fun and I had a blast watching it. The action was amazing and I loved every single one of them. Especially the bathroom fight. And the fact that this was all practical made it even more cool, even if some of these did hurt the actors in real life. It does also has some problems, some that were even a little bit frustrating, but everything else is a huge step up in terms of action movies. It's just an awesome ride.
2. Avengers: Infinity War:
Coming in close to number 1 is the monumental crossover of all time, Avengers: Infinity War. After 10 years of build-up, all the hype had finally led up to this. We saw that the Russo brothers were perfectly capable of handling. It may have been pretty dark, but there was still so many scenes of so many hilarious lines and it was amazing to see so many of these incredible heroes we've been following for so long interacting. It also had an amazing villain with Thanos who was even better than we thought he was gonna be. Plus, the action was awesome like always and it had an incredibly heart-breaking ending. So much so that I'm so curious to know how they're gonna reverse it in Avengers: Endgame.
Honourable mentions:
Ant-Man And The Wasp,
Mary Poppins Returns,
Ralph Breaks The Internet
And my number 1 favourite movie of 2018 is... Incredibles 2:
And finally at number 1 is the latest Pixar movie after Coco, Incredibles 2. I know this might seem strange to some people, but, I can't help it, this might be the most fun I've had at the cinema all year. The fact that Pixar finally released a sequel to one of their greatest movies ever after fourteen years is great and I loved how serious this film was. It was pretty dark in places for a kids movie but it also had a lot of moments that were hilarious. In my opinion, this is the funniest Pixar movie. Like every other movie this year, this movie isn't perfect. It definetly has some problems and it's not as good as the first Incredibles movie, but I still loved everything else in the movie like the characters, story, visuals and action. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 5 movies of 2018. Thank you all so much for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think or tell me your favourite movies of 2018.

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