Wednesday 29 January 2020

Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

And, so, everyone, I finally managed to get to the end of the DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3, Re:Mind. This, just like Kingdom Hearts 3 last year, was my most anticipated release for this year, and the fact that it was being released so early in the year made it even more exciting. And I was fortunate that my brother actually preordered it for me as my Christmas present. And, so, what were my thoughts on the eventual outcome? It made it even better. I loved it so much. There are so many incredible things in this and some really challenging things. There's definitely things in that I didn't entirely get, but what I did and from how much this satisfied me, I don't know how to express this all fully and properly. But, I'll try. Also, I'm doing a full spoiler part here. I'm gonna go through the whole story and give my thoughts as I go. And so, let's get started and I hope you all like this. So, it actually opens with how Olympus ended. With Xigbar watching Pete and Maleficent and then he's confronted by Luxord and they have a chat and discuss about the relevance of the box that the Organization was looking for in the original take of Kingdom Hearts 3. And it was cool to get that whole conversation considering we only saw a tiny bit of it in the trailer and it did get me thinking of those two characters more and make me wonder about Luxord now. We then see Xehanort at the Keyblade Graveyard remember how he met the Master Of Masters there and discussed about why he thinks he should take over all the worlds. He sorta believed that the people of the World were living too lively and felt like their freedom would spawn more darkness and they'd eventually destroy themselves with it. We even see the Master telling Xehanort who he is but we never hear it. So it made me more and more curious to know who exactly he is. And then when we cut to present time with Xehanort, Xigbar and Isa, we see them discussing about their plans for who the 13 Darknesses were gonna be for the war. We also hear another new voice for Xehanort himself. The original voice for Xehanort was Leonard Nimoy, but then he passed away in 2015 so they had to replace him so they Rutger Hauer to do him in the original version of Kingdom Hearts 3, but then he passed away last year and then they got Christopher Lloyd to do him here. I really like Lloyd as ab actor, and he does a good job, but he sounds absolutely nothing like Leonard Nimoy did. Nimoy is my favourite version of Xehanort and I thought Rutger Hauer wasn't as good despite being really good in the role. But at least he actually sounded like Nimoy. Lloyd's voice makes Xehanort's sound really high and older sounding. And, even though he does a really good job, he doesn't sound at all like the other two. That might sound like a negative, but it's not. It's just something I wanted to point out. Anway, we then see the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3 with Sora leaving the Keyblade Graveyard to find Kairi and they make the graphics in that scene so much better. They looked good in the original, but there was something off about the way it looked in the original, especially on Sora's face a little bit. Here, they looked perfect. We then see Sora in the Final World talking to Chirithy explaining about what he wants to do and Chirithy explains about how what he wants to do will have a risk but Sora decides to do it anyway. And so then we see him doing it. He gets sent back to in time to the point where all of them were arriving at the Keyblade Graveyard and he's told that in order to bring Kairi back, he has to go inside the other character's hearts and trace the connection to all of them and get to Kairi before she was struck down by Xehanort. So he begins to do that we have to fight a whole bunch of different things in the character's hearts and Sora sorta begins to see why they're feeling and what they were feeling at the point where he's appearing in them. Like, you get to fight a different looking version of the Dark Inferno and you have to fight Dark Aqua again. Sora also sees NaminĂ© in when he's in his own heart and it's revealed that apparently she's the one who brought Terra's Lingering Will to the fight the first time. And then that Sora follows them and you have to fight Terra-Xehanort there when Terra brought it away. But after you beat it, the Heartless that he has with him, who's also Terra, takes Sora and surrounds him in Darkness. We then play as past Sora for a few minutes and you play through the Keyblade War again but, this time, you get to choose what character you want to be in this fights and that was amazing. I chose the different character every time and we even get to see more scenes. Like we see that when Sora and Riku beat Replica Riku and Xigbar, we see a scene with Riku talking to Demyx and he's the one who took the replica that was meant for NaminĂ©. They even have it where he shows Riku a Gummiphone that Ienzo gave him as proof that he was on their side. That was funny. And after that, we do the Sora and King Mickey fight again and that's the same. You don't have the choice for character there. You have to play as Sora and that part is exactly the same. However the next part is when you're automatically playing as Aqua when she and Ven are fighting against Vanitas and Terra-Xehanort. We even have a scene of them talking for a bit before the fight and it turns out Vanitas might not be a part of Ven after all. Maybe he is, but that's what it sounded like to me when they were talking. Anyway, the fight with them is cool and you get that reaction command we saw in the trailer to make Ven ride on his Keyblade which Aqua guides with her own and that was cool. But then Sora arrives and you have the option to fight as either Sora or Aqua there. I went with Aqua there, although I do wish that Ven was an option too. Anyway, the rest of that is the same and then we cut to Kairi and Lea fighting off against Xemnas, Isa and Xion. And we get so many amazing parts here in particular. For one, we see Lea talking to Xemnas and Isa before it and we see Kairi saving Lea when Xion attacks him with Lea trying to remember who she is. But then the rest is mostly the same with Sora showing up you do the normal fight there until Isa powers up again and knocks Sora and Kairi back and that's all the same aside from Sora talking to Roxas in his heart and we see that that's how Roxas properly came back. And we see a new addition with present Sora being inside past Sora's heart and seeing all these events. And there's a new clip with Sora, Kairi, Lea, Roxas and Xion attacking Xemnas together and it was awesome to see that, especially Kairi vs. Xemnas. And then we play as Roxas alongside Lea and Xion against Xemnas and Isa together. All that was awesome and it was especially cool to finally see Roxas vs. Xemnas. But then we cut to original part where Xemnas takes Kairi away and we get to choose between Sora and Roxas to fight Isa again and I went with Roxas. Like I said, when it came to these fights with choosing the character, I always went with the other character. Anyway, we then go to the part where we're fighting against to Xemnas, Ansem and Young Xehanort and we don't get to choose at all there. I feel that's because King Mickey and Riku get taken away a few times during the fight. And then we see that Sora was too late to get to Kairi before she gets struck down. But then he gets an idea to go to Scala Ad Caelum and find Kairi there before the past version of himself shows up and he runs out of time and then we get to explore all of the area, which is gorgeous to explore. It all looks beautiful to explore and it's amazing. We even see more than what we saw originally. And the whole time you're exploring, you have to find pieces of Kairi's heart. The last piece there is found when you fight the Darkside again. But there are still more pieces left to find but Sora is then out of time to find them because his past self arrives with Donald and Goofy and he then retreats into his own heart and then gets the idea to find the rest of the pieces by tracing the connection of all the other's hearts. So we then go back to the Guardians Of Light who're trying to keep Kingdom Hearts closed. But then other versions of Xehanort in armour and they're all forced into Kingdom Hearts itself and they have to fight off all the Xehanorts. And this part here is by far one of the most, if not, the most incredible part in the DLC. You get to fight as Riku, Lea, Roxas, Ven and Terra and you have to defend with King Mickey, Aqua and Xion. And this part was absolutely amazing. Some of them team up like with Riku and Terra, Lea and Aqua and Xion, Ven and Roxas, and, we see them interact, especially Roxas and Ven. That made me freak out. It was just so magical to see that happen. Anyway. this helps Sora get the sixth piece that he needs, but then the Guardians all get separated from each other and only King Mickey is left to do something. So you get to play as him which is awesome. And we get to see Sora helping him as he's trying to get to one keyhole in particular and helps him seal it which causes the Xehanorts to disappear. Sora then goes into it and we get to use him to shoot into a whole bunch of different keyholes which saves the Guardians and gives him the last piece of Kairi's heart. He even does the same keyhole routine he did in Kingdom Hearts 2 to open it and he saves Kairi. And I loved that. I honestly thought they were gonna kiss there, but they don't. But, then you play as either Sora or Kairi to fight Xehanort again and this is the part that made me the most excited. I obviously chose Kairi and it was amazing to do that. A dream come true. I've been wanting to play as Kairi forever and I finally got it. I can't even begin to describe my excitement during this scene. And we get an awesome reaction command with Sora and Kairi summoning wings and attacking Xehanort and moments of the two of them together are on the feathers. I loved that detail there. And then after you beat him, Sora, Kairi and the other Guardians arrive at the Keyblade Graveyard and they use their Keyblades to blast that version of Xehanort away. Sora even says "My friends are my power" again. But then the two of them disappear and we see past Sora, Donald and Goofy defeating Xehanort with the other Guardians going off to join them like what we saw at then end of the game and Sora and Kairi leave and go to the Final World and Sora begins to feel the effects of what the price is for when he traveled back in time. He's beginning to fade away and they then take Chirithy back with them. They then show the entire ending of Kingdom Hearts 3 again but Sora and Kairi are in all the scenes. They're on the wall of Disney Castle watching the fireworks with Chirithy, they're the ones who brought Chirithy to the Land Of Departure and that's how he was reunited with Ven. We then see them at the top of the Clock Tower of Twilight Town above everyone there eating ice cream and they were at Radiant Garden with it revealing that Sora freed NaminĂ© from Kairi's heart. We then see the scene with everyone on Destiny Islands again and it looks absolutely beautiful and gorgeous. A whole lot better than it did originally. But then we see Sora and Kairi on the Paopu Tree but then it moves to Sora's face telling Kairi something and it's obvious that he was telling her about the price he had to pay for saving her because he then vanishes like in the original and that whole part made me cry again. Seeing that scene this time made me cry again like it did in the original. And this proves that Sora was really there. Me and a lot of people assumed he wasn't there at all originally. That maybe Kairi was just there by herself and she was just imagining him being there. But this proves that he was really there, but did actually vanish at that moment. And that did make me cry again. And that's that part done. But then we get another part where Riku is with Terra and they're talking and the Ven, Aqua and Terra go to the Realm Of Darkness because everyone is now looking for Sora. A year then goes by and we see Riku at Radiant Garden talking to Leon, Yuffie, Aerith and Cid. Apparently King Mickey, Donald and Goofy are looking in all the worlds Sora's been in, the Twilight gang are looking through Roxas and Xion's memories and Kairi has been asleep for a year believing her memories and heart to help them find him. But then we see Cid getting some data together and we then see another Data Sora like in Re:Coded and we have fight Data versions of the Organization members again. And a lot of these were really hard, especially Xion and Luxord. They were all hard but then when you finish beating them all. It's all kinda shown to be for nothing. But then the Fairy Godmother arrives and she says apparently Riku's dream might help them find Sora. And then that's the end of that part and we get one last where we have to get ready as Sora who's in a dark version of the Final World all by himself and he tries to see if anyone else is around and, somehow, Yazora is there. That guy from that game Rex was talking about in the Toy Box world. So, yeah, that's really weird and Sora says that some girl told him about him, which is curious. But then he begins to get some weapons out and Sora's transported to the top of a building somewhere that's most likely Shibuya. So, yeah, I didn't get that at all. But then you have to fight him and it is brutal. You actually have no choice but to die the first time which causes Sora to crystallise and then Yazora starts saying that he'll save him but then he wakes up in a car almost like it was a dream. So, that was weird, but then when you fight him again, you can win, but it is so hard. His attacks are so strong, he can move so fast, he can summon a giant sphere that places gigas all around you, he can take away pieces of your health, he can even take your items and use them himself. Even a Kupo coin so even if you beat him, he can still revive himself. And, especially, he can take your Keyblade and use it against you. I had to synthesize the Ultima Weapon in order to beat him. And, eventually, I did managed to beat him, but everything about him was so hard. But once you do beat him, he disappears and Sora reappears in the Final World with it being bright again. So that made me think that maybe that meant something. But then we see Yazora in the car again with a driver talking to him. Some people think the driver might have been Luxord, which is interesting when I think about it. And then we hear Sora and Yazora saying thing from the trailer again. Some people are saying that the bad ending is the real ending and some people are saying it's the good one. I'm willing to believe it's the good one that's real, But then we see that Yazora was actually voiced by Dylan Sprouse. And as a person who loved the Suite Life shows when I was a kid, that's really awesome. And it is really awesome to have him in Kingdom Hearts. And, that's it. After you beat him, it just says "An Oath To Return Kingdom Hearts". So that's curious. What's that mean and what's happening to Sora now? Did he make it back after that? Did he get to go back since he was in the bright Final World and does that mean he can go back? Is he still there and if so, what's gonna happen to him now? Just so many questions that I want answers to and I can't wait to see what the next installment for the series is. And, yeah, that's pretty much it. I loved Re:Mind and I loved what it did for Kingdom Hearts 3. Not everything I wanted was on here and I am confused about a few things, but for what they gave us, I loved every minute of it. And I can't wait to play it again. And, yeah, that's pretty much my review of Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind. Thank you all for reading,  I was so excited about this and I couldn't wait to get my thoughts out and I hope you all liked this.

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