Wednesday 22 January 2020

New Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind news

So, with Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind coming tomorrow, I thought I'd run through all the news about it that's been coming out, especially recently. And, on the note of Kingdom Hearts, I'm hoping to start my Let's Plays of different games soon and I'll be uploading them as fast as I can, especially now that I've gotten a new computer that's running much faster than my laptop. Anyway, let's get into it. So, Re:Mind will be dropping in just a few hours, though, from where I am, I won't be playing it until tomorrow, so expect my review to be up then. But, for now, I thought I'd talk about the news that's been coming out lately and the new updates that started today. So, first off, we got the cover art for Re:Mind which is actually the one that we got for Kingdom Hearts 3 normally with Sora barefoot in the water holding a Paopu Fruit in his hand with a bit of it bitten off. And it's the same, but, this time, Kairi is with him.

So, that alone is amazing. I love how it looks like the two of them will be with each other soon. I know that's obvious, but it's still so awesome to think about it. And. we actually get the Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades early. I already have the Oathkeeper thanks to the new updates that were just out today and they included the Oblivion and some people are telling me that apparently you can get it by finishing the game on Critical mode. I can't wait to get it and you technically already do if you have the Oathkeeper and use the special ability from it. It lets you use the Oathkeeper and Oblivion at the same time with strong attacks and it's amazing.

Seeing Sora, in a white suit tearing apart enemies has been so much fun so far and I can't wait to see what it's like when Re:Mind drops. I'm gonna get right to playing it as soon as I get home from work, so I'm so excited to see everything it can offer. And I've been talking to so many people on Twitter and Facebook and we're all so excited for it. So, yeah, this news is so exciting and I can't wait to get started on Re: Mind tomorrow. And so, everyone, those are my thoughts on the news and new updates for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Re:Mind. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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