Tuesday 10 May 2022

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness

So, guys, we're at the first M.C.U movie of 2022, Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. Like I said in my most anticipated releases of this year, this was really high up for me. I was really excited for this because a movie like this, especially in the M.C.U, opened up the door to a lot of possibilities. The title was litterally called "Multiverse Of Madness", which means this coulda done a whole bunch of different things and the trailers were kinda showing that. However, before seeing the film, I was hearing early reviews which were saying this was a pretty messy film. Still a good one, but really messy. I, like I always do with anything M.C.U related, was still really excited and was still hoping for the best from this. And so, was it as good as I was hoping t would be? ... Eh, I wouldn't say that. I'm not gonna lie, I strongly agree with people who say this is a really messy film. To clear it up, I do think this is a good film, but, yeah, there are a lot of problems with this and I did just kinda think this was just another plain M.C.U film. I'm probably being kinda harsh when I say that, but, yeah, I didn't think this was anything spectacular and it had some things I honestly thought were kinda poorly handled, not to mention some of those things did just kinda annoy me with how poorly they were done. But, with that out of the way, I do still this is a good movie and there are some things here that are really amazing, some of which actually blew my mind. So, yeah, I guess this is kinda divisive and I wouldn't put this anywhere near the top of the M.C.U. But, with all that said, let's just get into the plot first. And, like I always say, this will have no spoilers for the first part and then I'll do a spoiler section after a warning. So, what's the story? Stephen, after the events of No Way Home, meets a girl named America Chaves, played by Xochitl Gomez, who's being pursued by different creatures from the multiverse, and after another attack, Stephen and her both travel through the many universes while still being pursued and trying to stay alive and Stephen has even asked Wanda to help after the events of WandaVision. I think a good enough vague synopsis without giving anything away, but there's still a whole lot more to the film than that. So, I guess the number 1 best thing about this film is the directing and performances. This was directed by Sam Raimi, the same guy who made the original Spider-Man movies and is very well known for making horror movies, and there's tons of elements of those here. This is definitely the closest the M.C.U has gotten to a horror movie and that's exactly what it was being advertised as for the longest time. And, not only that, but this also the closest we've ever gotten to an R-rating with these movies because there's some incredibly brutal and gory things here. I would imagine some people will be horrified by some of the things that happen here. And, the acting, like the majority of the M.C.U  movies, is really good. Benedict Cumberbatch and Benedict Wong are of course fantastic, but I think my favourite was probably Elizabeth Olsen. This is definitely the most different version of Wanda we've ever seen, yes, even moreso than WandaVision I feel, and Olsen did a fantastic job. I also enjoyed the various different directing skills here because there's some very creative things they do here with the camera work and things like that that made this film feel incredibly unique for an M.C.U movie. That also led to some really cool action scenes and I thought the way that was done made the actual visuals and such all the more impressive. The ending as well was also really interesting and it paved the way for some really interesting stuff for the future. I was also really, really, really happy with the various cameos in this. Like I said, a film like this opened the opportunity to a lot of amazing moments, and it honestly did. There were some things here that really did blow my mind. However, that does also kinda lead into my negatives and the first one I have is that the cameos, while amazing, are pretty small. I'm obviously not gonna spoil what happens, but, I was disappointed that not only were there not many cameos as I was expecting, but the ones who do show up don't really do much. They kinda just show up and then disappear without really doing anything. That was really annoying. Also, just in terms of problems with the story, the pacing is also not great here, especially in the beginning. It kinda just opens immediately into action and, while I don't have a problem with that necessarily, the editing made it particularly weird. There's also a really weird thing in this movie regarding one character and how Strange interacts with him is incredibly weird. Again, I won't spoil anything, but, we never see how these characters got to this point that Stephen talks about and I found it so weird and distracting. And there's another element about that that makes it even weirder. Similar to that, there's something that happens in the beginning where a character decides to do something and it feels like they just did it to get the plot going and nothing else because that immediatly causes something else to happen and it feels like it goes by really quickly. And, on the editing as well, the fact that this movie is 2 hours and 6 minutes long makes the editing really noticeable because you can totally tell that things have been cut out. Whether or not that was the original intention, I doubt it was, but the film can feel really choppy a lot of the time just because of that. And, like I was saying, the whole cutting the film down the way it does also makes the pacing issues I had all the more prevalent. So, overall, I'm fairly mixed on this. I know I probably sounded more negative than positive here, but I just feel like there were a lot of problems that were really noticeable and were pretty hard to overlook. But, like I said, I am more positive than negative with this and I am really happy I was able to see the scenes I was really happy with. And so, like I always do, I would definitely recommend seeing this for all the great moments and, again, the ending does make me curious to know what they're gonna do next. I probably wasn't all that descriptive with this one, but I feel like this is another one of those movies that better discussed about in the spoiler section. And so, guys, that was my review of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think. Okay, now we're gonna go into the spoilers. If you don't want the film spoiled, go see the film and then come back and read the rest of this.


Okay, so, the first main thing I want to talk about is the first scene in this that I felt was pretty rushed in terms of pacing. I thought the whole scene with America and that other variant of Strange trying to escape that squid monster, while it did look really cool, was kinda weird with how it was edited it. Like, there was no lead into the fight with the editing, it was just immediately starting with that. Again, just how the thing was edited made it really odd. I did like the whole fight with it in New York when the regular Strange and Wong fought it and saved America. I also liked when they were talking to her and they made that Spider-Man reference. But then, again, a problem I had after that was when we see Stephen go to see Wanda and she's immediately shown as the villain. I don't mind so much that she becomes the villain. I like that turn and it is revealed she's gone crazy because of the Darkhold she got from Agatha at the end of WandaVision, but, just how that scene played out. It just felt like it came and went really quickly just to get to Wanda being the villain and, I don't have a problem with the idea, just how it was done. I did like the fight with Wanda attacking the sactum. It was brutal and pretty much showed early on how brutal the film was gonna be. But then we go to Stephen and America going through the Multiverses and, I thought the part where they go through the What If universe was really cool. But then, and this was probably my biggest problem with the film, we meet a Baron Mordo from another universe and Stephen starts talking about how the Mordo from his universe hates him and they've fought. I found that so incredibly weird because, not only have we never seen anything like that with the regular Mordo and Stephen, but we never see regular Mordo once throughout the whole movie. I know Mordo turned evil at the end of the last movie, but the fact that we never see any kinda confrontation before that was so weird and distracting. Anyway, after the scene in the other sanctum. we're then introduced to the Illuminati. I was really excited to see this part. Not only because I thought it would be cool to see the Illuminati in live action, but I was curious to know who we'd see. And this began my favourite part in the entire movie where we see the members which consist of Peggy as Captain Carter, Black Bolt, Maria Rambo as Captain Marvel and Reed Richards played by John Krasinski. I swear, as soon as that happened, I lost my mind. Yeah, it was cool to see Peggy, Maria and Black Bolt, but to finally, after so many years of waiting and waiting, to finally see on the big screen a real life Mr. Fantastic in the M.C.U just made me lose my mind. And the fact that John Krasinski is playing him, which is something people have been asking for for a long time, is actually playing him is incredible. That whole scene was amazing. Not to mention the fact that we actually get to see Patrick Stewart back as Charles Xavier. Again, this was just amazing to see in live action. But then we see Wanda fighting them and we get some more of that incredibly brutal action with Wanda just murdering each of them and it was so gory. Although, that did lead to that whole thing I mentioned with it feeling weird how all of them just appear only to get killed instantaneously. And it was creepy to follow Wanda as well with her wanting to see her kids from WandaVision and she thinks she can get the from the multiverse by gaining America's power for her own. And the whole thing with her and Wong travelling was creepy because I was really worried she was gonna kill him too. I was almost certain Wong was gonna die in this film. But the whole thing with Stephen and the other Christine going to another variant of Strange who's evil like in What If as well and it was cool and brutal how Stephen killed him too, which led to a cool climax where he takes control of the dead body of that Stephen from the beginning and uses it to fight Wanda. When we saw that in the trailers, I actually thought that was Nightmare from the comics, but, no, it's just Stephen using the decaying body of another Strange variant. And the whole fight with Stephen, Wong and America fighting Wanda led to a lot of cool moments and some really creative moves. And, it was pretty cool, creepy and sad when Wanda managed to see her kids from another universe but they're terrified of her because of all the things she's done which makes her think of her actions and she decides to destroy the Darkhold from every universe, which may have killed her. Like I'm sure everyone else is, I'm curious to know if Wanda really is dead, but, regardless of whether or not it did, it's still a pretty tragic way for her end in this movie alone. And, I'm curious to know what they would do with her in the future if she really is still alive. And, I thought the actual ending with that eye appearing in Stephen's forehead was cool and I wonder what that means for the future of the series. And, in terms of the mid-credit scene, I actually thought when I saw that Clea character, I felt like I shoulda known who she was, but apparently not, but it did look like they were going to where Dormammu was in the Dark Dimention, so I really wanna know what's gonna happen there. So, yeah, even though I had a lot of problems with this movie, I was still super satisfied with it and I can't wait to see how so many of these things effect the future of the series. And, so, yeah, guys, that's my review of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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