Thursday 6 November 2014

My top 10 favourite movies

I know I already said what my favourite movie is in my top 3 film that didn't get a sequel but I think I might of gone a bit overboard with that one because even though you will see that movie on this list again it's not number 1. Let's begin.
10. The original Star Wars trilogy: Now when I say the "original" series I mean the first 3, "A NEW HOPE, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK AND THE RETURN OF THE JEDI." Out of all the characters "Luke Skywalker" is my favourite character. And out of all the movies The Return of the Jedi is my favourite and I love all the films. To me, the prequels will never beat the original.
9. The Spongebob Squarepants movie: Having there be a movie version of my favourite T-V show of all time has to be on this list. Not only are the characters  their usual lovable selves but the atmosphere they give to this movie is just huge and magnificent. Also the voice actors who play the characters in the show also do the same roles in this movie too as well as there being a ton of celebrity cameos who play even more great characters and not to mention the great adventure the writers give the characters is just spectacular. And there's actually another Spongebob movie coming out next year and I'm really excited about seeing it.
8. The Simpsons movie: Now I know it's weird putting this movie over the Spongebob movie considering the fact that I prefer Spongebob to Simpsons and they are both two of my favourite shows ever. But I think what works a bit better for this movie is the fact that this movie feels more like a movie. When I say that I mean this movie takes every advantage it can and doesn't waste a single bit of time it has. Also I think the story for this one is a bit more creative than the Spongebob movie seeing how we go to different locations and while they do that in the Spongebob movie too but I don't know this one just handle it a bit more cleverly and more creatively.
7. Aliens in the Attic: This is the movie I was talking about a minute ago. While I've said before that this my favourite film ever, it isn't. However it is still at least one f my favourite films ever. Not only is it funny but the action is superb and the cast is just right. Also this movie has aliens in it, thus the name "Aliens" in the Attic, they're so awesomely designed and their plan is so ingeniously thought out and so diabolical and the way they talk to the people is so cool to listen to. It's just a great and cool movie.
6. The Lord of the Rings movie series: I'm sure you've heard everyone saying the Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most legendary trilogies of all time and I only began watching this trilogy this year and I loved the first one the second it began. The reason I began watching this trilogy is a long story but I'm still going to tell you. I might of already told you about my friends named the "Mitchells" and we've been friends all my life. The mother "Donna" is a nurse and the two of us have been friends for life. One of her son's name is "Sam" and like I just said he and I have also been great friends for life. He's loved Lord of the Rings ever since it came out. One night when I was sleeping over at their house he and one of his friends were watching one of the Lord of the rings movies I kept peaking my head through the window to see them and at one point he saw me and asked if I wanted to come watch it with them but I said no thanks and then he asked if when I was older if I'd watch it. I said yes and now sometime this summer when I was watching something related to Lord of the Rings I remembered that night and I decided to begin watching them. And I absolutely love the movies. They have great characters and a great story, as well as some of the best action ever. Out of all the characters I would say "Frodo" is my favourite character.
5. The Harry Potter movie series: As I've already said in my last entry I explained about how I began to like this series. And it's still one of most favourite movie series of all time. The casting, the characters, the effects and the shots are by far the best things in the whole series. This summer my family and I went to London o go to the making of it. When I say that I mean where the films were made and it was just a gigantic experience. My favourite character is "Harry" himself.
4. Avengers Assemble: The highest grossing comic book film of all time, the greatest comic book film of all time and the biggest combination of superheroes ever movie has earned the number slot on my list. Not only does this have some of the best action you'll ever see, but also it has great directing from Joss Whedon, amazing acting, fantastic visuals, the greatest M.C.U villain yet, Loki, great dialogue, a huge scope and the greatest superhero crossover ever next to the Justice League, and it will forever stand out as the greatest superhero film of all time... so far.
3. Kung-Fu Panda 2: As if I even need to go into much detail. I've talked about this movie 10000 times and I still love it. I don't really think there's much for me to say except I love it and it's still one of my favourite movies ever, as well as my favourite DreamWorks movie and their going to be making a 3rd one in either 2015 or 2016 and I wonder if it'll beat an absolute masterpiece like this.
2. The Princess and the Frog: I've said before how the Princess and the Frog is my favourite 2-D Disney film of all time and I'm putting it as one of my favourite films of all time. I've talked about how the characters are some of the best characters I've ever seen, the story is wildly creative and how great the animation looks. Also I think the villain, the Shadow-man is one of my favourite Disney villains ever. It's a shame I found this movie as late as I did because I defiantly would of put him on my top 5 best Disney villains as number 5. I don't think there's really anything else for me to say except I just think this is a spectacular movie and it's one of my favourite films ever.
And my number 1 favourite movie of all time is... The Toy Story movie series: Yeah, you knew this had to be somewhere on the list. I just really, really, really adore this movie series. It's actually one of the most legendary trilogies of all time next to Lord of the Rings, the original Star wars and Indiana Jones. This is the first "Animated" legendary trilogy and it's easy to see why. It has some of the characters in cinematic history and it has some great acting too. There's nothing more I can say except I love this trilogy and it's my all time favourite movies and movie of all time.

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