Wednesday 19 November 2014

The Emperor's new Groove

Before I began doing these reviews I had never watched the Emperor's new Groove before. I mean I had heard of it but I never watched it, and when I saw it I have to say it was pretty good. Before I've seen the spin-off TV show of it called "the Emperor's new School." What's the story. It's about an emperor named "Kuzco" who's an emperor who's completely selfish and a jerk. His adviser named "Yzma" wants to kill him so she can take over as the new Emperor. So her and her henchman named "Kronk" try to kill him by giving him a potion but they accidentally give him a potion that turns him into a lama instead of killing him. But they try to kill him anyway. Kronk messes up and Kuzco gets away. Along the way he meets a peasant named "Pacha" and now the two of them have to journey back to the kingdom and reclaim his position. What's good about this movie? Well for one thing it's really funny and the characters are pretty good. Kuzco is just your basic jerk who'll become a nice guy in the end but he does have some good lines. Pacha is played by John Goodman who also played Sulley from Monsters Inc. and he not that different from that role. But I have to say the true highlight of the movie is Yzma and Kronk as the villains. They are hilarious. They make this movie. Every scene with them makes me laugh incredibly hard especially one specific scene at the beginning as they're entering their lab. Watch this.
 I found this is the Disney movie that had the most breaking the 4th wall jokes in it. Another thing I should talk about is the animation. I think the animation on the characters, especially Yzma and Kronk is really, really good. I especially like he fast paced action at the end when they're all trying to defeat Yzma. I definitely say this movie is worth being watched a few times.

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