Monday 10 August 2015

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

This is actually my favourite out of all the Hobbit movies. Probably because next to the Battle of the Five Armies, this is probably the most suspenseful out of all of them. What's the story? It starts where the last one finished. Bilbo, Gandalf and the 13 Dwarves are still on their way to find the Lonely Mountain but eventually the Dwarves get captured by Elves but Bilbo comes and helps them escape they then make their way to Lake Town and have a man help them. The next morning they realise they have until that night to find the door to the entrance. They eventually do and get in. And the rest I won't ruin if you haven't see this yet. So what's good about this film? Well my favourite part of the movie is the ending when Bilbo, Thorin, Balin and the other Dwarves are fighting against Smaug in the mountain. But also the other scenes are pretty entertaining too. The characters are still likable. And this is the first movie where we see Thorin go crazy. I'll explain why in the next movie review. And the action is actually well done. The fight between the Elves and the Orcs while the Dwarves and Bilbo are escaping. There's not much I can really say about this except it's probably my favourite out of all the Hobbit movie and it's worth taking a watch.

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