Monday 3 August 2015


You've all read my Despicable Me reviews and now the minions have gotten their own spinoff movie. And you also know the Minions were my favourite characters. What's the story? Apparently Minions have been around for centuries trying to find a master to serve and now they live in the Arctic trying to find a new master after killing every single master they thought they found which is probably one of the funniest scenes in the movie. But now after being there for years without anything going on one Minion named Kevin decides to go out and find a new master to lead them. Along with him two more go too named Stuart and Bob. They head off to search but find one but they only really find one when they meet a super villain named Scarlett Overkill. She hires the 3 of them to work for her and steal the Queen of London's crown which leads to a hilarious chase scene. Somehow Stuart becomes king and Scarlet is furious that they now have all the glory and not her. And the rest I won't ruin, let's just say it just a great ending. So what's good about this film? Well the scenes that are funny are really funny. The Minions themselves are great and hilarious, I mean they crack me up every single time they're on screen. There's also a great climax at the end. I won't ruin it but if you haven't seen it yet, let's just say it's a "big" climax. And at the end we see the younger Gru and the Minions following him now as their new super villain leader. So there's not much that I can say, I mean if I do it could ruin the movie for the people who haven't seen it yet. All I can say is that it's a great spinoff and one you should definitely check out.

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