Wednesday 9 December 2015

6 Star Wars movies ranked

Like my Harry Potter list, this will be counting the Star Wars movies so far and with The Force Awakens coming out in just 2 weeks, it's time to rank the best and worst Star Wars movie. And if you've seen my reviews of the movies, you might know how this is going to go.
6. Episode II Attack of the Clones: With the same problems I have when I did my review of it and it still gets this place as the lowest of all the Star Wars movies with lots of boring scenes, not enough action, bad and bland performances and things that happen that don't make a whole lot of sense. It had some O.K action and a cool villain with Count Dooku. But aside from that, there's not much to offer.
5. Episode I The Phantom Menace: Yeah, I'm not as angry at this movie as everyone else is, but to be fair I do understand why people don't like this film. What I like is the story, the different worlds, the nice looking C.G.I images and some of the performances and some characters. And the fight with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul. But there are bad things like some stiff acting, killing Darth Maul too early and having the story be all over the place at times. But I still like it.
4. Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Not that I can say that this is a good movie, not that much. It is better than the other 2 prequel movies, but that's not saying much, considering none of the prequels are really good. It has the best action and the best effects but we also have to watch Hayden Christianson be so boring, we wish Anakin put the Darth Vader suit sooner. Sure, it's not the worst but not even close to the best.
3. Episode IV A New Hope: This film was the Star Wars movie that started everything about this franchise. It made words like "Jedi, the Force, Lightsaber, Sith and Clone Troopers" something all geeks say at Comic-Cons. It had some of greatest effect of all time and at the time I'm sure they were the greatest effects to ever exist. And some of the most memorable characters of all time like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, C3PO, R2-D2 and of course one of the coolest villains ever, Darth Vader. He is awesome with the also awesome voice of James Earl Jones.
2. Episode V The Empire Strikes Back: Yeah, say what you want but I'm sorry. I just like Return of the Jedi more. But that aside, The Empire Strikes Back is truly a landmark. Not only does it have the greatest twist in cinematic history but we mostly watch as the bad guy truly do win and the heroes are defeated throughout the whole movie and way better action that makes us want to see the heroes win even though they never do win until the end, kind of when they escape. R.I.P Irvin Kersinor. He did such a perfect job with directing this movie.
1. Episode VI Return of the Jedi: I can't help it. I just adore this movie just like how I adore the last 2 but this one I love more. And again, what I like is what they do when they get to these planets like Endor or Dagobah and the dialogs are really good like when Luke and Vader are talk on Endor or their last talk in the Death Star when Anakin is dying. The effects are also great look (except a few shots.) It's also cool to see Ian McKellen as the Emperor. The way he looks is so disgusting and the way he moved his hands and spoke made him an amazing villain. It as also great to see Vader get his redemption and turn good again after all he'd done. And the way it's done is also greatly executed. And the fights are the best in the original trilogy. Especially the space fight with the thousands of ships. And  that's all why Return of the Jedi is my favourite Star Wars movie.

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