Monday 14 December 2015

My top 5 Sonic X episodes

As I've said before, I love a lot of animes and Sonic X is my favourite and out of every anime I've watched, Sonic X is my favourite and it's the one I've watched the most and watched the longest ever since the first few episodes aired on Jetix. Even though there are other animes I do really like to watch like Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairytail, I still prefer this one a little more. I find this show to be very underrated, in fact probably the most underrated show I've ever seen and I wish more people could watch this and like it. And as I've also said before I'm going to tell you my 5 favourite episodes from it.
5. Cruise Blues: This is actually one of the funniest episodes in the show. Even the people who don't like this show even admit that this episode's pretty funny. It revolves around Sonic, the gang and Chris going on a trip on Chris' dad's cruise but Sonic hates it seeing how he hates water. And from here we get countless funny scene of him trying everything he can to get them to turn the ship around and get off. Again what I really like is that it's very funny, has a good twist ending, great lines, nice looking animation and some of the most bizarre things you'll ever see Sonic do. One of the most bizarre is a scene where he's alone with Amy and they're just talking. Again I won't spoil it but it's worth seeing. And it has a nice ending that leaves everyone happy. So that's why Cruise Blues is my number 5 choice.
4. The Cosmo Conspiracy: This is where I think the show had it's biggest twist. It opens with Shadow trying to attack Cosmo, a Plant girl who came to the group in help to stop the Metarex since the start of the 3rd season started. The episode is mostly watching Tails and Cosmo trying to get away from Shadow in the Blue Typhoon, the name of the huge spaceship they're all in. While it may not like much, what makes this episode great in my opinion is the mystery about why is Shadow after Cosmo and the big twist at the end that I'm sure nobody was expecting. It shows that Cosmo is secretly a Metarex spy but she didn't know that and that's why Shadow was after her. Only him and Rouge found out recently and none of the others knew either. And that's The Cosmo Conspiracy at the number 4 spot.
3. Eye Spy: This episode was right after The Cosmo Conspiracy episode. And it's kind of sad to watch because Tails is upset to find out that what Shadow and Rouge said was true ad there's some kind of signal in Cosmo's brain that's allowing the Metarex to hear and see everything she's seeing and hearing. Chris also manages to find out the Metarex's plan which is to wipe out every living things in the galaxy and populate it only by trees and plant life. It also reveals the Metarex's backstory with how they were originally the same creatures as Cosmo and her family but during a war the leader named Lucas tried to use the planet egg, the source of all planets, to give them more power. Cosmo's mother tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen and so her mother and her friends tried to destroy them all as they were leaving to find a new planet but it didn't work and they became the Metarex and Lucas became the leader named Dark Oak and they became corrupted with the idea to conquer the galaxy. And that's a great story in my opinion. The scene where we find out the backstory is my favourite part and the ending is pretty cool with Eggman contacting the team and telling them more details about the Metarex's plan and they all fly off to have their last fight with the Metarex. It also has a suspenseful feel to it with not knowing what's going to happen and what does happen is one of the best things in the show.
2. A fearless friend: The 2nd last episode where we continue the final fight from the last 2 episodes that weren't on this list. We see how the 7 Chaos Emeralds have been repowered because of the planet egg that Dark Oak and the other 2 Metarex are using and Sonic and Shadow have become Super and they manage to stop Dark Oak's plan but then he begins to squeeze the planet egg to cause a huge explosion too destroy the galaxy. Sonic and Shadow tried to punch through but they were caught in a gravity field. With time running out, Cosmo gets a message from her mother saying she was the only hope to save the galaxy. She transforms to look like her mother and she flies to the gravity field and breaks through it to defy Dark Oak. But her plan had a price, Tails had to fire the Sonic Power Canon at the field and Cosmo. A canon that launches Sonic at fast speed to destroy enemies. Tails refused so Cosmo explained the blast would help the seeds of her clan spread across space. With one move Tails fired. Where to begin? I think I can start by saying this has the most suspense in the whole show. The ending isn't really a happy ending because we don't know what happened to Cosmo until the next episode. It's also sad when Tails remembers all the things everyone has done with Cosmo and when he has to fire the canon and he's sad, you understand completely. So, yes this episode is good but there's still one episode I prefer better.
And my number 1 favourite Sonic X episode is... So Long Sonic: The last episode in the show. Yes. It's shows Cosmo giving her thank-you everyone speech. Shadow sacrificing himself, the amazing ending, the great music and animation and the all around satisfactory ending. I don't know where to begin. The ending is relaxing when we see that all these characters are finally getting a break from fighting the Metarex. It's also nice to see that even though we'll never see Cosmo again, at least she's not dead and she's happy where she is with her family. I also like when she's talking to Sonic at the end and it sad to see her go. But also, I like to relax and listen to that too because I love the way it's done. It's also sad to see Chris go in the end too. the fact that we've known him ever since the show started is kinda bitter sweet. You also feel sorry for Tails for what he's going through because he eventually began to have a crush on Cosmo and now she's gone. But at least he knows at the end that she's alright, so that's good to see. And that's my top 5 favourite Sonic X episodes. I hope you like this list and it'd be nice to check the show and I hope you like watching it.

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