10. Meg:

Starting us off at number 10 is the abused and awkward Griffin child and Peter and Lois' firstborn, Meg. In the first season, she was just kind of annoying and self-centred and whiny, but I feel she got a bit better over time. Now, while, she does have her selfish moments, she still has more good moments, especially given how she's one of the only smart people with her knowing what's right and wrong, again, most of the time.
9. Peter:

The main character of the whole show is at number 9. Peter Lownbrau Griffin Sr. This 43 year old, fat, stupid man is the father to Meg, Chris and Stewie and husband to Lois. He only likes KISS, TV, beer and especially the song Surfin' Bird. This guy's stupidity has a lot of great moments along with a lot of really great and quotable lines. While, he may have a lot of negative things about him that people would most likely hate him for, he does have some aspects to him that make him a bit likeable and he does have his moments to shine every once in a while with him doing the right thing on a few occasions.
8. Cleveland:

Cleveland Brown is a character that's so popular he got his own spin-off show, the Cleveland Show. And, while that show may have had a lot of haters, I personally enjoyed it, especially since I started watching it when I was about 10. And Cleveland was a big part of that with his funny personality, interactions and relations. He may have had a bit of a rough life, but now, he's back on Spooner Street with the Griffins, which I liked and he's super enjoyable.
7. Lois:

Next up is Peter's wife and one of the only few reasonable people in the show, Lois. This character is one of the few characters who acts as a sense of reason in the middle of all the madness in the show. Whenever something weird happens or stupid, she usually has to be the one to stop it and help Peter and even get him out of situations. While many are still wondering why she stays with him considering how much trouble he puts her through, there's no denying she's kind of in the right place. And, remember, I said "kind of."
6. Joe:

At number 6 is the wheelchair using policemen from Spooner Street, Joe Swanson. While on a case when he was younger, a criminal shot him in both legs paralysing him. Now a regular policemen trying to do his job and tried to catch the criminal who did this to him, Joe has managed to do a lot despite being in a wheelchair. Even with that, he has one the funniest scenes I seen in the show ever.

Chris is Peter and Lois' fat and idiot son. While far from being smart, Chris is still enjoyable, for the most part and his reactions to a lot of situations are really hilarious. While he may also have selfish moments here and there too, he's still got some moments to shine and he's even been able to help think some situations out.
4. Brian:

Next up is the Griffin's alcoholic, talking dog, Brian. Again, while he may have some selfish moments and despicable moments where you can call him a bad character, like Lois, he's one of the few reasonable characters and he has some great lines and moments. Also, the earlier episodes with him had him at his best. And, by that, I mean he was the nicest there and he can still do it from time to time. And he even has some great interactions with the other characters, especially Stewie.
3. Dr. Hartman:

Not a hugely spoken character, but I feel Dr. Hartman is one of the most enjoyable characters in the whole show. He does seem like he wants to help a lot of the time and he does do his job right, again, kind of. There are moments where he's just weird and can say some strange things, but he still serves his purpose and he has a lot of great moments and lines. Especially whenever Griffins are going to see him. Especially with this one scene that might be one of my favourites in the show. Watch.

Coming in close to number 1 is the genius baby mastermind, Stewie. This small, evil-like baby has so many things in mind, as acting like an adult, but still being the baby he is. While he may turn good and bad at times, there's not denying the fact that he only has one goal in mind, to kill his mother Lois. But, he's also really funny and has some of the show's best lines ever. He's also just really enjoyable and funny and fun to watch with the writing for him being really great.
And my number 1 favourite Family Guy character is... Quagmire:

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