Sunday 31 May 2020

My Hero Academia (Anime Review)

So, going back to my anime series review, we have a fairly recent one that started four years ago, a super popular one, My Hero Academia. The manga just started back in 2014 by Kohei Horikoshi, who, recently, has become one of my favourite manga artists. Not only can he create a great story with great characters, but he can also produce incredible artwork and really quickly as well. Like, he was able to get six volumes out last year, so that's really impressive. And I don't think I need to tell you all just how popular it is. I've never seen any manga series have so many people getting new volumes this quickly. Last year, in London, there were new volumes coming out and people were just lining up to get them. I myself didn't get into the series until August of last year because a friend of mine was a massive fan of it and I was really curious to see it because it looked really cool. And, as soon as I started, I couldn't stop. The series just had something to it that just got me hooked on it immediately. And the anime is also something that people greatly look forward to a lot with each new season. It's currently on Season 4, and it's just been getting awesome really quickly. Seriously, it only has 23 volumes out currently and it already has some amazing moments, some of the best in recent anime. Technically more if you count the ones that haven't been translated yet. So, yeah, let's get into the story itself first. In a world where there's people with superpowers, or quirks as they're called here, we basically have a society where they're heroes and villains, which they even refer to. Most people are born with quirks and some aren't, like the main character of the series, Izuku Midoriya. That is until he comes across his favourite hero, All Might. All Might is seen as the number 1 hero in the world but is losing his power greatly due to an injury and is looking to pass on his power to someone else, and, after witnessing Midoriya trying to save Katsuki Bakugo, or Kacchan, he decides to pass it on to him. And Midoriya had already been wanting to be a hero himself even though he knew not having a quirk would make that impossible before this. And so, along with a ton of his new friends, he's training to be a hero at U.A High. So, what I think is really great about the series is how kinda self-aware it is while still knowing exactly how to tell its story. 'Cause a lot of the time, there are some pretty cheesy moments in this and feels like it's knows that, but that doesn't get in the way of the story. It even seems to do well with making everything it does really exciting. It's like I said before, every time something new about this series comes out, it always makes people excited to see more, whether it's more manga volumes or new seasons for the anime. And the way the story moves along and shows the characters doing something new and presenting them with new situations, the way Horikoshi writes the series in that way helps make the story so interesting and so enduring. As well as almost impossible to put down once you start reading or watching it. The characters are also so well written and so memorable that you can't help but like almost all of them. Some aren't as memorable as others, but they're all so unique in a way that you can't not be impressed. It's hard to say who's my favourite character, though it is probably Midoriya, A.K.A, Deku. But the rest are great too, All Might, Kacchan, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima. All of them are great and greatly developed in their own way. I will say, while the first few episodes are really good and help get the series get started, but it really gets going once the Sports Festival begins. From that point onward the series keeps on a huge high note. I also liked the relationships that form in this. The friendship that Deku has with the other classmates, his rivalry with Kacchan and his student teacher relationship with All Might. All the relationships that form not only feel real, but they're also satisfying to watch and are just fun as well. Plus, not only are the heroes fun to watch, the villains are too. I will say, sometimes watching the League Of Villains can be a little boring, but the majority of their scenes are a lot of fun to watch and there's a lot of great moments with them. And some are pretty interesting. Some can go a bit over the top, but it's all in spirit of how the story is written, so it fits with it. The action scenes are also amazing. Whether it's due to amazing choreography, amazing animation or amazing speed, the action scenes always deliver. There's a lot of great and creative and memorable ones too like the Deku vs. Todoroki fight, which I spoke about recently in my top 5 tournaments in anime list, the All Might vs. All For One, Deku vs. Kacchan. They're all really well planned out and executed. And there's even more in regards to the manga. It's really the only manga series I always immediately read from start to finish really quickly whenever I get a new volume or whenever a new volume comes out. It also does what I love about a lot of manga series and that's having interest in the world of the series. A lot of manga and anime have worlds that make it really interesting and that's part of the charm that a lot of them. And this series has that, whether we're talking about the present day considering it feels like modern day with the technology they use, or we're being told about the past because a lot of these characters have some pretty fascinating backstories. And, I'm not sure who else would say this, but the fact that it's a story centred around superheroes makes it that much cooler. It's also clever how Horikoshi designs the manga covers because, like I just said, it's a manga centred around superheroes, so he decided to make each cover look like a real comic book cover, so that's really cool to see. The series is also really funny, mainly to do with every character's different personalities working off each other and seeing them being themselves is just a lot of fun and there's a lot of funny moments that come with them. It's also great how this series does actually feel fresh as a Shonen series. And not just a Shonen series, but also an action Shonen series. And it feels really fresh given the fact that there's a lot of new action Shonens out there and some have been average at best in the past few years, but this one feels like it's own thing. Even in parts of the story that can feel like other Shonen manga, it still does it in a great way that I don't mind one little bit and it makes it feel original and great to watch. Again, just watching the series unfold and seeing how the story is being told and wondering where it's going is exactly what makes the series so enjoyable and I can't wait for more. Like I said, Horikoshi gets these volumes out quick and the next one will be released later on in June and volume 25 will be out in October. And I'm curious to know how it's gonna end as well considering I have no idea how it'll end. They haven't given any hints about the ending either. The only thing we do know is that Deku does become the world's greatest hero from him narrating it in the first episode, but there's no way of know how that happened and so I'm interested in knowing. They could have him fight All For One and kill him or maybe something or someone else like Shigaraki. So, overall, this is a really great series. The fact that a lot of people, including myself, are always so excited for more from this series and are always happy about binging it should give everyone an idea of how amazing the series is. It's like what I said about Yu Yu Hakusho, it's a series that's great to binge watch at the moment and I'm really excited to see so much more in regards to the manga and anime. Definitely get into the series if you're able to, it's totally worth it. And so, yeah, that probably wasn't the best review you'd see of the series, but those are all the thoughts I could think of and I hope you all liked it. And so, yeah, those are my thoughts on My Hero Academia. And so, everyone, thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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