Wednesday 6 May 2020

My top 5 anime idiots

Probably one of the most clichés in anime is the dumb protagonist. It's something that's become really common for a long time now and some are definitely stupider than others. And so, I'm gonna use this post to talk about those. Given how I did one for cartoon characters, I decided to do one for anime, and, more specifically, anime protagonists. A lot of these characters can be some of the most enjoyable characters in their series or in anime history with how well-written they are and so on and so, their stupidity adds to the charm and makes them even more fun. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Saitama (One-Punch Man):
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Starting us off at number 5 is the strongest hero in the One-Punch Man world, the caped baldy, Saitama. Practically the strongest character in this series is also pretty dumb in terms of general intelligence and knowing what's going on around him. Whether it's barely passing the hero exam or thinking that supermarket deals are more important than giant monsters attacking, he's probably the most oblivious anime protagonist you'll see.
4. Asta (Black Clover):
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Okay, so, this is an anime I only just got into recently, and, quick thoughts on Black Clover, it's very standard Shonen with being very formulaic and very generic with how similar to other anime it is. It's pacing is kinda sloppy and a lot of the relationships and things like that are kinda outta nowhere and a lot of the characters aren't very memorable. It's fine the way it is and I'm hoping to get more episodes done eventually because I'm only 40 episodes in. And as for Asta himself, he's kind of a combination of Naruto, Boruto, Luffy, Natsu and a little of Deku all rolled into one. And his stupidity is a lot like a lot of theirs. Whether it's acting like a dope around people or making a fool of himself. And he can't even tell the obviousness of when someone clearly is crushing on him.
3. Natsu (Fairy Tail):
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At number 3 is Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu. While he may be able to do well in fights a lot of the time, his real decisions in real world situations are usually ones that leave him or any of his friends in trouble. And even a good amount of people around him know that and try to make sure he doesn't do something dumb.
2. Goku (Dragon Ball):
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Coming in close to number 1 is the anime character to start the line of dumb anime protagonists, Goku. Easily the most iconic anime protagonist of all time, this lovable nimrod has some strange examples of what his intelligence is. Because, in terms of martial arts and discipline, he's incredibly smart, but in terms of everything else, there's almost no one stupider. A lot of this could be because of hitting his head when he was a baby and not having anyone to teach him anything after his grandpa died. This is further exemplified in Dragon Ball: Super when he really only just cared about fighting and not much else. But he also doesn't know how babies are made, he sends his own son to fight Cell before giving Cell a Senzu Bean and giving Frieza time to power up even while Namek was exploding all around him.
And the number 1 anime idiot is... Luffy (One Piece):
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And finally at number 1 is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy. Say what you will about his nonstop ambition and loyalty and genius in terms of fighting and inventing new ways to use his Devil Fruit, his knowledge about the rest of the world is not as well thought out. With barely understanding anything about how the world really works, as well as his constant dumb decisions in dire situations, his way of life is always as simple as it can be. He even makes it a point to just punch his way out of every situation. Even most people he meets and his crew knows he's a twit, but are still drawn to him due to his charisma. Whether he's being duped by his opponents, thinking of whatever plan to get somewhere, accidentally hurting his friends, blowing off a whole bunch of money or anything like that, you can bet Luffy will think, or not think, of whatever dumb thing imaginable. And, yeah, I may love Luffy, but his stupidity is one of his best aspects and one of the things that makes him so likeable. And all that is why Luffy is my pick for the number 1 anime idiot. And so, everyone, those are my picks for my top 5 anime idiots. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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