Friday 5 February 2021

5 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood openings ranked

So, in my opinion, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has the best openings of any anime ever. I've listened to the openings of the series over a hundred times because they're so amazing. And I usually never try to listen to anime openings that much, but this is one of the few exceptions. All the openings in Brotherhood range from pretty good to absolutely amazing. And. really, this is not only an incredible anime, but it's also an incredible anime with fantastic openings and the best openings out of any anime I know. So, I decided to do a ranking of the five openings in the whole series. I'm doing this in particular because, like I said, I listen to them a lot, especially recently. And I really wanted to talk about all of these. And so, let's begin and I hope you all like this.
5. Golden Time Lover:
Starting us off at number 5 is actually the third opening for the series, Golden Time Lover. The reason this one is the lowest of them all is because, in my opinion, while it's good and I enjoy it for what it is, I mean these openings are always great to listen to, this one is just the least special in my opinion.  It's got some cool visuals and the song is nice to listen to, but in terms of both those aspects in this one, this is just my least favourite. I don't find the song as enjoyable as these others and there's not as much action in this one compared to the others. Still though, it's a really good opening regardless. I especially love the part where Ed just stands up and looks at the Homunculi. And, really, the opening is still good, it's just not as good as these others in my opinion.
4. Hologram:
Next up is the second opening, Hologram. This one's a little bit similar the last one in terms of what I said, but I like it a lot more because I think the song's much better and there's a lot of really great shots in this like towards the middle with Ed and Hohenheim in front of Trish's grave or Scar standing in the fire or Father holding a glass with what looks like a Philosopher's Stone. I also really like the part showing Ling and Lan Fan vs. Wrath and Ed vs. Scar. Plus, the song itself must be really liked by the crew itself considering they use this song again at the very end of the series during the end credits of the last episode with that montage showing those photos.
3. Again:
At number 3 is the first opening of the series, Again. Another opening title sequence that's really cool to watch, I love how this one starts off kinda slow and quiet at first and it kinda stays that way until about halfway through when it's just fast and loud with a lot of cool shots and sequences of the characters just doing different moves and fighting. And the whole thing is mostly just showing Ed and the other characters on his side fighting the Homunculi. And the final shot with Ed and Al in the distance and we see their shadows stretching is really cool too. Really, I just think this is a great opening to start off the series.
2. Rain:
Coming in close to number 1 is actually the last opening of the series and the one that I said was my favourite for the longest time until fairly recently. The reason this is at number 2 now and not number 1 like in my top 10 anime openings list is because, for one, I've actually been listening to a lot of the English versions of these songs and I think I might actually prefer that version over the Japanese, and, also, because I just like my number 1 pick a bit more. Still though, this opening and song is still incredible. The visuals perfectly capture the fact that this is really the final battle of the series and the rain around everyone helps show a bit of the desperation that's on display as well, especially the faces the characters make. And, I also love the part at the very beginning with Ed and Al looking at Central. I think that's just an awesome shot. And, like I don't think I necessarily like this opening as much as when I did my top 10 anime openings, it's still amazing and one of my favourites ever.
1. Period:
And finally at number 1 is the fourth opening of the series. Like I was saying with the last one, I've been listening to a lot of these openings recently and when listening to this one in particular a lot, I just decided I liked this one more, even though it was a little hard choosing which one I liked more. But, in the end, I chose Period. For one thing, like I was saying with the last one, I've been listening to the English versions of these songs on YouTube done by some random people, but, for this one, I prefer the original Japanese version. The main reason I love this is the same the last one. I just love how fast and awesome visuals of it is as well as just how incredible the music accompanies it. And the song itself is just awesome with it being so fast and it fits the scenery so well and it's all just so energetic and so great to listen to. And it's placed in perfect times like the part with Ed and Al vs. Pride or Greed against Wrath or Lan Fan and Fuu vs. Envy. I also love the shot of Ed and Al standing on a transmutation circle with their fists clenched like they're holding something. But there's other cool shots in the opening too like the part where May appears in front of Al and when Winry appears in front of Ed and then all their allies surround them. And just about everything to do with this opening is perfect and I can easily say that this is my all time favourite anime opening ever. I know that's changed since I did my top 10 anime openings a few years ago, but I'm saying this as of right now. And all that is why Period is my favourite Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood opening. And so everyone, that was my ranking of the five Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood openings. Thank you all for reading and please comment down below to tell me what you think.

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