Monday 4 July 2022

My Kagome Higurashi collectible (Review)

So, the other day, I was able to get another cllectible from the Inuyasha franchise, and this time, it was Kagome. I've been wanting to get this one for a while because I am trying to get both Inuyasha and Kagome together, even though it would be cool if there were ones for Miroku, Sango and Shippo too, but, at the moment, in terms of the main group of the original series, there's just Inuyasha and Kagome made ones, and so, I thoguht it'd be cool to try to get both of them since I already have the ones of Towa, Setsuna and Moroha, especially Moroha, so it'll be cool to have her, Kagome and Inuyasha together. I actually found a cheap collectible of Inuyasha and ordered it, so I'm excited for when that one arrives since that means I'll also have another anime protagonist added too. Anyway, at the moment, this Kagome one is my new one and I'm always happy to be getting more of these. And so, here it is and I hope you all like it.

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